pafp NOT FAR ENOUGH // prompt, crash landing

// prompt: Stormywing is confident, self-assured, and optimistic, but how does she react when she fails in front of a clanmate she admires?
Please wait for @RACCOONSTRIPE
Set before @FALLOWPAW disappearance because I haven’t been able to write her reaction yet!

The hunting patrol has been dry thus far, without a single scrawny catch between the lot of them. So like always, Stormywing takes to the trees, hopeful that she’ll find a squirrel or pair of birds huddling for warmth. She maneuvers through the branches on practiced paws, feeling the familiar comfort that being in trees brings her. Maybe now she’ll be the hero of the patrol, bringing home the only catch of the entire group! She’d definitely be worthy of praise then, surely.

She’s up high when she notices the scrabbling of tiny claws against tree bark. Her ears angle sideways, golden eyes flicking downward. A young squirrel perches there, nibbling at old nuts and seemingly unaware of the warrior’s presence above it. She holds her breath as adrenaline begins to pump through her veins and she glances down to her patrol nearby. At the helm of it is a lead warrior, Raccoonstripe. The leader’s own son and a cat with plenty of influence. If she can pull off an exceptional stunt in front of him, it could be big for her. She could take the safer route, creep even closer to ensure her catch, but that would be a lot less impressive than what she’s about to do.

Stormywing launches herself downward, propelling off the branch with muscled hind legs and nose-dives towards the squirrel with forepaws outstretched in front of her. The cold wind whips at her eyes, causing them to water but she holds her position strong, claws unsheathing in preparation for her amazing kill. She’s almost there, and-!

She flies past the squirrel, the movement sending it scurrying and she instead plummets straight to the ground. She’s lucky she lands where she does - into a pile of dead, moldy leaves. It cushions her fall, but not enough to fully stop her. With a grunt, she continues rolling until she sprawls against a tree trunk. Dazed, the girl is a tangle of limbs and leaves and tail, the embarrassment not yet having washed over her for what just happened. When she blinks a few times, she can just make out the figure (or more like three wavering figures) of a broad-shouldered tabby standing before her.
The cold has begun to leech life from their forest, slowly but surely. His own jaws are empty of prey, his body sore from exertion on an empty belly. The tabby’s paws are numb from trudging through frost-laden foliage, and his brow is furrowed with frustration. No one has had much luck thus far. When Stormywing shoots up the nearest tree, Raccoonstripe keeps his SkyClan jibes to himself for one; after all, any method to bring prey back for the Clan is a welcome one in this weather. He listens to the branches rattle and tremble as the swift young tabby arces above them. He pauses to watch, his dark eyes rounding with momentary excitement as he catches sight of a russet blur bouncing in front of her flying paws.

He's prepared to congratulate her—until she misses her mark entirely, shooting into a pile of dead, bogged-down leaves and sending the squirrel flying away from them. Raccoonstripe’s tail droops initially at the loss of prey, hoping one of the quicker warriors on the patrol will scoot after it and salvage the catch. Instead, he approaches Stormywing, nose-over-tail and soaking wet, stray leaves clinging to her pelt from her fall. “That was certainly impressive,” he rumbles, a smile touching the corners of his mouth. “I guess even birds have to crash land sometimes.

, ”

The smash of a body to the ground was a concerning sound, from wherever one was standing- Berryheart had not been far when he heard the racket, the rustling of leaves, the skitter of a squirrel's claws. Brows furrowed at the noise, and he thought briefly of a favourite meal, forever lost... concern took over soon enough, however. He meandered toward the halted hunting patrol, head cocked at the display of Bolt splayed across the ground, Stripes looking to her with humour. As lax as his brother often was, if Bolt was truly hurt he didn't imagine Stripes would find anything funny about it... he had to gauge she was at least physically alright.

A fire-speckled shadow behind his brother, Berryheart drew up anyway. He lingered behind, eyes scrutinising and questioning- it was wordless inquiry as to whether she was alright, but from his flat expression likely appeared simply as if he was judging her.
His words enter ringing ears, the dizziness apparent in the slight bobbing of her head. She gives a swift shake of her skull, eyes blinking repeatedly until there is only one Raccoonstripe standing in front of her. Embarrassment immediately washes over her and she ducks her face towards the ground, ears growing hot. Way to go, nuts-for-brains! Quickly, she scrambles back upright into a sitting position and licks down her chest fur, trying to save face. "Heh, I guess the cold messes with my aim," She suggests, offering a too-big grin but humiliation is clearly written across her face.

As if the situation couldn't get any worse, the medicine cat arrives on the scene, his expression unreadable as ever. Oh, great! Brother of the lead warrior in front of her, son of the leader. Some impression she must have made today. She's eager to change the subject, so she perks her ears and trills, "So, Berryheart - need help finding any herbs while we're out here? Heh heh..." Her chuckle trails off as she flashes the tortoiseshell with another strangled grin.