Not His Day || Shadowdance Open


New member
Sep 24, 2023
Hunting was something that Shadowdance was generally really good at. Today, though, was not his day. He had missed his catch twice in a stupid, mousebrained way. The squirrels were too fast for him today. Shadowdance Was Decidedly Not a fan of that circumstance. He'd gone through enough with the cold of leafbare last. He'd gone through Enough as it were, and that was all that needed to be said about it. So what if Shadowdance was a bit conceited in the way of thinking that he deserved better? Perhaps he did. Perhaps he did indeed deserve better.... But who would challenge that? Shadowdance felt as if he weren't popular enough within the camp to have anybody challenge his belief system and win.

Making his way out towards the Sunningrocks, Shadowdance let out a small sound of dismay when he saw it was not unoccupied. He had wanted to be alone; figuring that it would be best to lay in the sun in an effort to remove the gloom of his mood. Shadowdance hesitated for a second if he would go further into the Sunningrocks at all, with this mood of his who knew what would conspire against him next? But ultimately decided to go forward.

"Hey." He greeted his Clanmate.

// open to anyone; Shadow is a newish warrior and this is his introduction post! Can't wait to write with you <3

She's thinking about Lightstrike again and is rather bothered by it. It had been several weeks now since the journey cats had left to seek out a cure in the mountains beyond their territories and though she missed her mother, she missed the presence of the two lead warriors who had gone and everyone else - it was his absence she was most aggravated by. Moonwhisper had trained alongside the cream tom for so long as apprentices that not having him around felt strange and oddly lonely. She was a solitary cat by nature herself, but it wasn't as though she was entirely opposed to company; in fact it was almost a relief when the silence of her thoughts and the warmth of the sun was joined by a tentative greeting of another approaching and the tortie point stretched her paws out before lifting her head to turn and regard the other with a cool and icy stare.
Normally she might be annoyed at the shattering of her solitude but the stars knew she ached for some kind of companionship right now in her idleness and for once she didn't dismiss the unwanted implication she needed anyone but herself.
"Shadowdance, hello.." Her tone is curt, clipped, but not entirely unkind though she always sounded bored at times she made an effort not to for now, "You look bothered, did you find a burr in your nest?"

Hi! Welcome to ThunderClan! <3 Nice to meet you and excited to write with you as well!
Shadowdance stretched in response to her question, shaking his head. "Hello Moonwhisper. No," he said. "I didn't find any burrs. But I suppose it's only a matter of time with the apprentices being so short-pawed." He meowed, lightly tapping his own paw against the ground in some sort of tuneless rhythm. Shadowdance wished he knew what to say aside from the brief complaints. He felt so awkward. He still hadn't quite, "found his own," within the Clan ---he was an outsider for all intents and purposes but he was trying, StarClan knew he was trying. At least.... he hoped that they would appreciate his efforts.

"I just came to sun myself for a while. The squirrels were being too playful today." he said, with a short - wry - laugh. "I wish I could do more for the Clan." he said after a pause, nearly too quiet for Moonwhisper to hear. If the she-cat were to strain, though, she might could hear him. But then --- who would go to such efforts for him?
Mousenose does not hear the whispered lament Shadowdance murmurs beneath his breath; she noisily stomps through the grass edging Sunningrocks, practically flinging herself onto an unoccupied boulder. It’s warm on her belly, but she’s not comforted. The messy-pelted tortoiseshell has a scowl on her face. “I’ve wasted all morning hunting with nothing to show for it,” she grumbles. “And then what’s worse is I find crowfood by the ShadowClan border! Just… messed up prey, left to spoil. Can a Clan get any worse than ShadowClan?

Her seething done, she turns almost sheepishly toward her Clanmates. “Sorry. No offense.” Her grin is cheeky. Had her fathers named her something to do with another Clan, like poor Shadowdance and Skypaw, she thinks she’d go mad. “I bet every time someone talks about ShadowClan, it gets confusing.” She stretches, lolling about on the smooth surface of the stone and pointedly shooting Moonwhisper a glare.

  • mousekit . mousepaw . mousenose
    — she/they, warrior of thunderclan
    — pansexual ; single
    — long-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai

sandthorn generally disliked hunting at sunningrocks, for more reason than one. yet, prey seemed to be thinning far too early. just enough to keep gnawing bellies at bay, and the first snow hadn't even touched the ground yet. it wasn't a good sign, but she had heard of patrols having luck near the riverclan border so she went.

it appeared to be a hotspot today, shadowdance, moonwhisper, and mousenose all partaking in an idle chatter. sandthorn joins them, ears twitching in greeting as she tried to catch up to their conversation. a rosy nose wrinkles at the sound of shadowclan's crowfood, gross. "feels like leaf-bare came early this year," she adds onto mousenose's complaints whilst trying to get comfortable on a warm surface.

certainly it had to be inconvenient to share a name with another clan, especially their marsh dwelling neighbors. "i know i'd get confused. maybe we should see if shadowclan has any interest in changing their name, certainly 'swampclan' or 'frogclan' are better fits." shadow sounded much too cool for cats who indulged in crowfood.
✦ 𖤓 ✦

  • Haha
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