Not how the story goes ☆ Starlight


Slave to self-righteousness
Nov 1, 2023
*+:。.。 Slowly...slowly...Asphodelpaw was easing back into being a proper Riverclanner.
Slowly, he'd begun to dream of that drowning rogue less, stopped seeing him in his reflection whenever he dared peek into the rushing water of his clan's namesake and stopped thinking about the muffled screams hidden behind a curtain of writhing bubbles. Slowly, he'd crept his trembling paws closer to the bank, dipped them cautiously into the water, and thought less and less of waterlogged paws lunging out of the depths to wrap around his throat and pull him under, deep into that haze of popping, choking foam.

Slowly, slowly, but never quite enough for substantial movement.

Today, Asphodelpaw stood on some stones that breached a shallower part of the river, closest to the bank. Here the water was barely ankle-high, even for a shorter apprentice, so if nothing else...if nothing else he'd be fine. Not that he wasn't already fine. Because there was nothing, and never could've been anything, to make him NOT fine! And yet his paws continued to shake despite how desperately he gripped the slippery stones. He missed the touch of water, the weightlessness of being submerged. He missed being able to leap in with all the other apprentices, to fish unencumbered, and prove his loyalty again and again as any Riverclanner should! He missed it. He needed it. So the first step was to catch one of the small minnows that swam in this part of the river - the shallower part.

Deep breath in. He spotted the flicker of movement. Deep breath out. He loosened his grip with one of his paws, raising it to his chest and preparing to strike. Deep breath out. He was doing good. Doing better. His heart began to speed up, the hope that this slow, slow pace would finally -

And all at once, his paw slipped.
It was fine, he was fine.
He hit the water with a splash.
It was fine, he was fine.
And in his shock, breathed in a mouthful of water.
It was fine, he - he was -

Calmly, stiffly, the apprentice jerks to his feet. With robotic steps, he exits the river's shallow waters and makes his way promptly to the grassy embankment. He doesn't stop walking until he's a good fox-length or so from the water, where the rush of bubbles and the taste of breathlessness can't reach him. Here, he collapses onto his tail, head hanging as he struggles to catch his breath. "What is wrong with me?" he hisses to himself, frustration and shame freezing him from the inside out as he claws furiously at the ground.


    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    8 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Apprentice

    Physically easy | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: None currently
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( )  "Yes, what is wrong with you?" comes the starchild's haughty, warbling tone, an echo more curious than malicious. He'd been watching the older apprentice; he does like to watch. It tells him much about his clanmates, what they like to do, how they hunt, who he should be affording more respect to. This showing was certainly nothing impressive. A slip and fall in only the shallows, with a far too overblown reaction for such a mistake. Starlightpaw strides forward purposefully after watching it all play out. Perhaps it is pity that draws the child's paws -- yet his eyes hold something more akin to true sympathy.

Still, her tongue is as clipped as ever. "Keep your claws sheathed, all you did was slip. Many greater warriors have done the same," A condescending sort of reassurance, but an attempt nonetheless. It's no use crying over something so small.

Something about this bothers her, though.

"You almost had the catch, but... Hm. " There's a distant look to Asphodelpaw's eyes, something methodically detached in the way he moved. It could just be an overachiever's tantrum, and yet. "Something tells me that's not what's troubling you." If he didn't know any better, he'd almost say that Asphodelpaw looked afraid, coming out of the water. Shell-shocked. And yet Starlightpaw had seen him swim just fine in the before-times, when the word rogue was reserved for scary kit-stories and scuffed up patrols. He doesn't dare to think that he might have something in common with the other apprentice.

  • //



*+:。.。 Aphodelpaw tried his best to not judge the CicadaSmoke children, but it was growing increasingly difficult. The silver lynx point had been taught since his ears popped upright for the first time that his leader was someone to respect and admire- a lesson he took to heart considering Cicadastar had been an admirable head of the clan, even to the very end. Not only did Beepaw, Cicadapaw, and Starlightpaw have a powerful reputation to uphold thanks Cicadastar's sacrifice, but also because they had not one, but both parents were made leader! Starlightpaw and her litter are essentially Riverclan's elite- the figureheads for the clan, the best examples of what being born and raised as patriotic cats of the best clan in all the forest ought to be!
It was difficult for him to see the leaders' children as equals. He expected more from them, and seeing the litter act like any other apprentices would felt off to the rule-abiding stickler. So it felt just that little bit more painful to be caught by Starlightpaw of all cats acting like the fool he was.

He very nearly leaps high enough to touch the moon when Starlightpaw echoes his question. Landing back down, he's a mess of flustered excuses, babbling - "That- I wasn't - You weren't - It's nothing - none of your concern!" sounding more like a pigeon squeaking helplessly beneath a hunter's claws than an actual warrior-in-training. His ears flatten at the feline's comments, but before indignation can set it, it's gone with the breeze leaving the silver lynx sighing. "I don't recall ever asking for your opinion," he says weakly, too busy shaking the dirt from his paws to properly bare his teeth or furrow his brow.

Starlightpaw was the last cat he wanted to know about Asphodelpaw's...problem. Surely the leader's kid wouldn't understand...or even worse- he'd go right to telling Smokestar all about it and he'd be demoted to a drypaw! If he didn't already suspect anything! Then Asp would be demoted, labeled a 'drypaw' and forced to sit and watch as his clanmate learned the art of the flowing waters without him, segregating him like the loser he was and never, ever thinking to rely on him for wisdom or assistance because who would you ask to have your back in a battle, a riverclanner or a sniveling, whimpering, cowardly mouse that couldn't get over a dip in the water -

Asphodelpaw hadn't realized his breathing had become strained, coming out in short gasps as his eyes locked on the rushing river he would never be allowed to enter ever again. His parents would come home to a dry-paw! They'd leave him again from the shame of it, surely!
"Please don't tell Smokestar" he finally choked out, lifting his paws to cover his eyes - it's bad enough Star is seeing him act like a blubbering kit, he doesn't need to see the older apprentice cry like one too, "I'll learn how to swim again, it's just going to take some...a little...just give me some time" pulling his paws away, he stares at them as they shake, the dirt still trapped between his claws looking an awful lot like the congealed blood that remained from the rogues floating body, "the's the damned rogues fault..." he whispers.

    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    8 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Apprentice

    Physically easy | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: None currently
( )  Asphodelpaw crumbles at the sight of them. His voice spills out messily as though pulled by the sheer presence of the stars' chosen child, weak and desperate. An understandable reaction. She cocks her head curiously, watching him. Watches as his breathing grows ragged, his eyes glassy.

Looking at... She glances over. The river. Hm.

And then back to him and -- ah. The words tumble forth and Starlightpaw freezes, statuesque. He pulls the thoughts from her mind like fine thread, her own fears, her desperate pleading with herself rushing out from another cat's mouth. The kinds of things she'd never tell another soul, because that'd make it real. It shouldn't be real. She should be better. I'll learn how to swim again. It's wrong, some kind of twisted reflection.

His initial words catch up with them belatedly: beseeching them not to tell the leader. She had assumed correctly, but... The veiled threat of her words had been lost to Starlightpaw herself. Well, it's granted her certainty at least.

It is a long while before Starlightpaw passes judgement. "I won't tell Smokestar," is what comes, simple and to the point. His voice is toneless. It feels almost childish, promising not to tattle to her dad. He feels small again; his least favorite feeling. Starlightpaw is small, and young, and Asphodelpaw is hiding behind his paws and speaking the same words that claw at her brain and she does not know how to fix it. She wants to fix it. She had thought him above pleading, but she can't find it in her hollow chest to decry him for it.

Her words are true, of course. Starlightpaw is not a liar.

He swallows thickly, face impassive. "You will learn to swim again, so there is no reason to tell my papa. Right?" Their words come slowly, quietly, as though sharing a secret. He's not sure who he's trying to reassure. "The rogues were -- they -- hm." How to say this? "The battle was... difficult for all of us, it makes sense that you would need some, hm, that you would need a moment to recover. We all do."

He dances around it, speaks in vagueries, keeps his haughtiness close. Something in Starlightpaw feels cracked open, and she's afraid to touch it. Her eyes cast upon the ground. "It's not easy, swimming again. You're not the only one --" Her teeth clack together, disapproving of her own words. Weak. She backpedals quickly. "That is to say, ah, I'm... I'm sure there are others struggling, of course, after what we -- what we all saw." Her smile is flimsy, spun glass and spidersilk. It's not a lie, she's just taking herself out of the equation.

  • //



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"I won't tell Smokestar."

The mention of Smokestar coming from her lips makes Asphodelpaw flinch, up until he finally processes what she said. Blinking up and away from his paws, it takes him a moment to focus on the feline, looking as though he'd seen a ghost. When it finally dawns on him that no, he is not, in fact, actively pointing and laughing at Asp, suspicion nonetheless takes root and blooms. If this is some form of getting him to let his guard down, Asp won't fall for it. Starlightpaw didn't owe him anything, and if the roles were reversed -for the sake of Riverclan - Asphodelpaw would've snitched...So how can he expect anyone to act differently for him? But before he can open his mouth to say...he doesn't know what, maybe nothing at all - he finds his uncertainty quelled when he properly meets her gaze.

They're deep blue reflections of his own. A wounded mix of empathy- the same lingering hurt built by restless shame. She...Oh.
His sharply pointed ears fall flat against his head, his chest welling with an emotion he can't quite name but walk hand in hand with exhaustion. He feels as though he's tied together by nothing but horsetails and reeds and at any second, with one wrong pull, he'll unfurl and fall completely apart. Rubbing the moisture from his eyes, the older tom nods along as Starlightpaw speaks, something about being understood making him feel as though those reeds are pulled just that little bit tighter. Not in a bad way though.

Though he studies her, he refrains from pulling up memories of whether or not he's seen her swim before now. He feels it's disrespectful to do so. Or maybe he's scared to recall that she has and this whole idea of finding a kindred spirit is a lie. Either way, he mews, "um...thanks" He turns his attention back to the river, sparing Starlightpaw further scrutiny as he, too, wishes to disappear, "I will learn, I know I will," spoken with strength he doesn't possess, "I just...didn't expect it to take so long."
Thickly, he struggles to swallow the lump in his throat. The opportunity to talk about this ailment of his at last makes him want to both clam up and spill all his darkest secrets. Devastated, he says in a shaky whisper, "I miss it" Swimming. The water. The confidence that he could take on any foe and come out with only surface-level scars. The youthful idea that his future was bright and without conditions.

If what he suspects is true, he's shocked to imagine Starlightpaw, the son of two great Riverclan leaders, is also a dry-paw. What must that be like? To be the expected prodigy of Riverclan and yet not be able to swim in his namesake's landmark? It's hard enough for Asphodelpaw, but was the burden heavier on Starlightpaw? Did she ever get the chance to talk about it with anyone?

He chews on the inside of his cheek for a moment, debating how to ask in the roundabout way Starlightpaw seems to be preferring. Finally, he asks him - still without making proper eye contact, "Have...have you healed alright, yourself? After the rogue attack? After...everything?" After the rogues, after realizing you couldn't swim...hell, after what happened to Cicadastar...

    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    8 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Apprentice

    Physically easy | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: None currently