not just another bloody mary — pebblepaw & sunpaw

Today, Foxtail wants his apprentices to focus their attention onto land prey. As great as it is that the river supplies them with an abundance of fish, the prey found on land can be just as important. It's not just a skill preserved for dry-paws; as some might say. StarClan forbid the river gets poisoned, or a careless twoleg overfishes— you cannot always rely on the river. Pebblepaw can use some more practice with hunting on land, and he can't help but feel curious where Sunpaw's progress is at. The fiery apprentice seems pretty confident around the water, but can the same be said while on land?

The three of them arrive at beech copse; the thicket of trees providing shade from the sunlight. It's the perfect area for them to hunt on land, it's even great for battle practice— wait, what's that in the corner of his eye? It's spherical.... round, and nearly as tall as him. It's is covered in black and white hexagon pattern, and Foxtail can't help but raise an eyebrow. "What is t-that thing...?" He mews, thoughts about hunting briefly leaving his mind. It sits on the grass; unmoving as the lead warrior cautiously approaches it... and with a tilted head, he prods at it. It rolls forward, and the lead warrior nearly leaps in alarm. Relax.... Look how slow it is, He tells himself, as he watches it lose it's momentum.

It doesn't seem to be dangerous, Foxtail thinks momentarily, and beckons with his head for them to head over. He knows they must be curious too, and Foxtail opens his maw. "You b-both can head over, it isn't d-dangerous..." He expects to find strange objects like this in, or around, the twoleg camp— not here! His gaze focuses onto Sunpaw as the two come forward, out of the three cats here, she is most likely to have an idea of what this.... is. "You lived with t-twolegs," He says with a flick of an ear, "do you k-know what this is?"

  • 82418929_FoLQDUUK9zQigyb.png

    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    lead warrior
    23 moons
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to trops for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)


Despite being a loner, a kittypet, Sunpaw had taken to swimming probably better than some - herself included - would have expected. It was easier to be in the water; she felt faster, more in control. On land it was a little harder, but she had a lot of natural agility - if she did say so herself - and decent speed to keep up. Where she tended to falter on land was her strength and her endurance; but set her out to run or maneuver and she could go for ages.

So her mood was actually pretty good today as they set out on patrol. She was getting... used to it. Foxtail, and Pebblepaw to an extent though she still wasn't quite over being the second apprentice. Or Foxtail's skiddish nature. So when something initially catches Foxtail's eye, her immediate reaction is to keep walking alongside him. She had sort of figured at this point that if something was actually dangerous, he'd be much louder about it. Or Pebblepaw and herself would pick it up too.

So she snorts a laugh pretty openly when Foxtail jumps. "Oh no, Foxtail, don't let it catch you," her voice drips with sarcasm, but she giggles it too. She's not serious, for once, and surprisingly finds herself not minding the wait until they're given actual permission to come closer, which she pads over without much fuss.

Her ears flick when she's put into focus - well, yeah, she had lived with the Twolegs for a time so most of these objects weren't that strange to her, and she extends a paw out to jab the object again. "They would play-fight with it a lot," she announces. "Their kits mostly. They'd use their back paws and just... hit it around? I guess. It looked like they were supposed to hit it a certain way. Or maybe keep the other twoleg from getting it. Kinda like mossball, maybe? That's what our kits play, right?" Not that she's ever played it herself - one among many things that separated her from being a full Clan cat.