
seven weeks & three days
Jul 27, 2022

He finds himself at the edge of the river, frigid water rolling over his paws. He's been finding himself coming here more often despite the fear of rushing water; the water lately has been tamer, or... At least each time he has come here it has been. Buck had given him swimming lessons, in much calmer water and in a fleeting moment he wonders if the waters newfound association of her is what lightens the fear that would have sparked in to his chest otherwise. He clenches his teeth taught.

He feels pathetic. He's no help to the clan, he does not know how to weave with paws that fumble too close to one another, has not attempted to fish since Clearsight tried to teach him. A heavy sigh tumbles from his mouth as he raises his eyes from the water to the evening sun setting on the horizon, painting the sky like wildfire. His eyes soften as he turns his attention back, a sappy thought about Buck coming back. He's seen how comfortable the other cats seem in the water, how Willowroot and their siblings had spoken of being in this vast land of water and being fine with it. Perhaps its time for him to conquer his fear. Become a better man. Not mooch off the kindness of others.

He so desperately wants to be something great.

He makes his way further in to the water, careful paws feeling around for a sudden drop-off. When he finds it, he takes a deep breath and his heart picks up speed. Today would be the day....! He'd catch a fish, he'd be so good and maybe his mind would calm down with the hurtful things it spouts about himself. He stands there as Clearsights voice echoes in his head, asking for help won't make you any less a warrior-- if anything, you'll be a better one. He feels slightly more determined now as he lets himself drop off in to the water.

For a second he thinks hes drowning again and his paws almost refuse to work with him, but he overcomes it quickly by thinking once more of Clear's advice. Still, silent, invisible- I want to tread quietly. he nods at his own thoughts and his paws move, theres no heavy splashing as he treads deeper in to the river, forcing his breathing to be steady. Just like how he sees other cats swim, he replicates it with slight difficulty, though it only strains his mind rather than his technique.

Theres a shadow beneath the water. Face the sun. His eyes fleet up and he nods silently, taking a deep breath as he prepares to go under. He dips himself fully in. The pressure immediately hits him but hes desperate despite the fear filling in his chest, desperate to prove himself. Paws snag scales and he almost reels back, but he focuses on using his back paws to propel himself back up to the surface and for once he does it. The fish is thrashing as his head breaks surface tension, but pride fills his body like a fire, he just... Needs to get it to the shore. He's struggling to haul both him and the fish but he makes it, somehow.

Paws scratch against riverbed and he knows hes there, his fur is dripping and he knows hes beyond cold but the fire keeps him temporarily warm. Theres a fish at his paws now and hes beaming, bright and happy. Tears mist in his eyes, hes finally did it, his technique can use a lot of work, but by the Stars he finally did it. Finally the flood gates open and he begins to sob out of pure joy, pride in himself. "I- I finally did it!"
the river calls to her, as it so often does. a woman born of these rapids could simply never leave them, she cherishes it as if it were of her own blood. it comes as a great surprise when buckgait stumbles upon otterpop, a dear friend. saved from the wild pull of the waters, buck can still feel the tear in the log beneath her. the ache in her muscles as she had pulled him from his demise. now he is working with the river, learning and being rewarded.

she breaks away from @LIGHTNINGSTONE , excitement upon her features as she rushes to join her companion's side. "otter! good job!" it's breathless and excited, eyes roving from his catch to the tom himself. it feels strange being so excited for him, for doing something that would seem so simple and yet it came so naturally for her to be so joyful for him. something he's struggled with many moons? time is not a friend of her's, but still. "now we can fish together without you coming back empty-pawed." it's a light tease, and she bumps against his shoulder gently.

buck's weirdly excited about it all. maybe she's glad that otter will feel more like a river cat now.
As is his duty, he trails after the she-cat, curious eyes roving over the fish that Otterpop now has at his paws. At one point he would have been jealous of the feat, but now he only nods in approval. His skill in fishing was steadily improving with Buckgait's help, after all, so now he can just be happy for his clanmates when they get the hang of it, too. Besides, he's Buck's friend - he should be friendly. He doesn't readily admit it, but the irritating she-cat has become something of an ally to him, and so any friend of hers is someone he should probably get to know better.

However, the sobbing catches him off guard. Not quite knowing how to react to such a display, Lightningstone grimaces and backs away, deciding he doesn't really want to get involved in the emotions of someone he doesn't know all too well. He gives Buckgait a look that says I'll be over here and pads off, tail twitching.

Dual colored eyes glossed with the threat of tears- it’s a sight to behold. The purest display of emotion, bold as the yellows and gold of the sun- it’s honest and beautiful. Dogteeth is ribs to the ripples of the water when he sees Otterpop travel to the bank- wrestling himself a fish!

Lightningstone, visibly uncertain or deterred by the rawness of Otterpop’s excitement, Dogteeth sympathizes in the way the guarded grey feline deposits himself away from it. Buckgait cheerily boosts the air, rushing her friend and doing the otherwise gloomy world some justice with her congratulatory words. Like Lightningstone, Dogteeth is but a face and name around them- not of his own accord, but raising Peachkit had obscured him a bit from his fellow warriors.

Blonde underbelly flattened with the rush of water he waded through, he climbs the bank with a blossoming smile of the gentle nature he wore often and simply. " cheers hunnie! congratulations! " he chimes softly with a wave of his paw. His eyes climb over to the curled-ear warrior to offer him a warm smile in passing " hello-" he murmurs gently and respectfully.

" that’ll make someone fat and happy for sure! " he adds. " what technique did you use? " he offers in way of the fact.