pafp not like it once was | homesick


sometimes I lose my way
Sep 7, 2022
I won't apologize for being who I am
The cream colored scrap of fur lay stretched out across the expanse of skyclan's camp. His head rests upon large paws, mint eyes lazily trailing from warrior to apprentice and even a few kits that happily played together. For a moment he lifts his head as a few kittens his age travel in his general direction. Hopeful, Coyotekit stands to his paws wearing a small inviting smile, praying that the added charm would initiate play. Alas it was all in vain, as the kittens visibly shrank and shied away, quickening their pace as they eagerly moved past him. Irritation bubbled up beneath his pelt, cream ears burning with anger at yet another rejection. His emotions are simmering, threatening to boil over as his body quivers from neglect the of finding a proper outlet. What was wrong with him? What had he done to deserve such treatment, what sins had he committed? Fangs clench as the boy turns abruptly, swatting at a low hanging fern. Paws box at it until tender leaves are sent raining down before him, the caged emotions slowly diffusing.

A shaky breath in the form of a sigh falls from his lips, spotted sides heaving from the previous onslaught of slashes. He missed home. The rolling fields and open sky, the taste of a warm rabbit fresh from the tunnels. Whatever turmoil was happening there Coyotekit was sure it could not have been that bad to be moved here. To be openly rebuked by some and silently shunned by others. Windclan might have had its issues but at least it was home where he felt accepted. The tom kit hunkered to the ground, paws tucked far beneath to comfort himself. The foreign feeling of tears dared to spring forth from light colored eyes, yet he did all within his power to push the sensation away. "Don't let them see you cry..." He silently reminds himself. Blinking back the tears he feels himself falling into a moment of weakness once more as misty eyes stare at the ground. "I miss windclan..." Coyotekit croaks out, his voice just barely loud enough for Blazestar to hear as he wanders past.

@BLAZESTAR (Please wait for Blazestar to post first c: )
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you
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Admittedly, much of the SkyClan leader's time is spent in a haze of dreaminess. Love for his mate, devotion to his Clan, expectant triumph over the children Little Wolf will soon bring into the world -- but there's still that cold part of him that remembers Sootstar's welcome as SkyClan had gone into the moors. The way her lead warriors had taunted him, the way her deputy had watched him with a neutral mask as though he were just another rabbit.

Blazestar hears little Coyotekit as he passes by, but just barely. "I miss WindClan..." The Ragdoll freezes, all happy thoughts chased away by the dark stormcloud driven into his brain by three simple words. Words spoken by a child, a child who does not know why they've been forced to flee their home.

He swallows, turning his head slowly to look at the little cream-colored tomkit. "Are you okay?" He forces, but he can see the anger burning in the little cat's eyes. He hadn't seen what had happened to anger him, but Blazestar is frozen in his unease, paws practically frost-stuck to the earth, as he regards Coyotekit. "You're not... happy here?" Truthfully, he's not paid much attention to Leopardcloud and her kits. Has, in fact, done his best to avoid them.

They will bring them trouble, though he doesn't know what kind of trouble yet.

- ,,

"Hola, amigos!" Churros tone was cheery as always as she approaches the duo, overhearing the small conversation. She does her best to put on a happy face despite how bothered she was, eyes softening as they reach the almost weeping kit below. Coyotekit, she remembers him from the tree incident and her teaching him how to climb backwards- she blinks before she slides her eyes over to where Blazestar was standing there, dumbfounded, rooted to the ground. She grinds her teeth together, knowing just as well as he did of the Windclan patrol to the point of it being burned in to her memory. The hatred spewed from black lips, the glinting claws...

But before her was a kit that didn't know any better. She could never hold hatred in her heart for a child, nonetheless little Coyotekit, the outcast of the clan. Shes grown fond of him, I mean, how couldn't she? He was harmless, he had a feisty temper but that was about it. She pads forwards to try to rasp her tongue over Coyote's head, plopping down right besides him. Her eyes are soft and paws shuffle to withdraw beneath her body. "Little conejito, Skyclan is just as good! You know why? Because you're here!" she attempts to cheer him up, but she remains by his side incase Blazestars talking didn't get anywhere with the kid.
I won't apologize for being who I am
Coyotekit's eyes had been focused upon the ground, brows taunt as honey shaded ears pinned back tightly against the crown of his head. He never would have noticed Blazestar's presence had he not spoke up. The young tom visibly jolts as if caught doing something he shouldn't have. And truth be told he felt as if he should not have been almost crying. He was tougher than this, or so he thought. "No..." He rasps, the sound of youthful adolescence cracking under emotional strain. How could he be happy in a place like this? Should he say anything more? Would Blazestar even care if he explained why? Another wave of emotion ripples through the boy, causing him to sniffle and wipe away the tears threatening to flow. As if he could get any smaller Coyote balls himself up tighter.

Then there is another voice that emerges, soft and motherly, he could recognize Churrodream's accent from a mile away. The tension within his stiff frame seems to melt a little at the feeling of her tongue across his head. Comfort. It was something he had been silently craving but was constantly deprived of. Finally he allows his gaze to leave the ground and flutter up to meet her own, she spoke so highly of him as she tried to restore his shattered confidence. There is a small shake of his head and he opens his mouth to speak but pauses. Churrodream had always been nice, she even saved him from a tree once. However, Coyote tossed a quick glance in Blazestar's direction. Skyclan's leader, he did not know him very well but at least the ragdoll had never been outright mean to him. Perhaps he could open up about his feeling, just this once. "It doesn't feel like it...some of the cats here don't like me." He mummers, voice tapering off at the end.
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you

So exhausted from her travels, and still finding it hard to adapt to SkyClan life, Leopardcloud finds herself resting atop a warmed stone in the ground, trying her best to soak in the last remaining warmth of daytime before the wind blew and she was cold again. She watches as her 'brother' tries to play with other kits, only to be dismissed with fearful ducks of heads and soft gossiping. She yearns for WindClan from time to time, as well- though the soft words of Churrodream and Blazestar in the distance makes her fur prick with anxiety. What were they saying to him? Were they being mean to him?

She's quick to stand up, smoothing her fur before she walks over, a soft chirrup of greeting announcing her arrival to the scene as she seats herself behind Coyotekit. She knows that look on his face, better than anyone.

"It's okay, I promise. They will change their minds about us soon." She attempts to soothe the kitten's worries, tongue rasping over his head as well to smoothe down the spiky neck fur that was beginning to slowly peek out over the rest of his fur. Very endearing, very charming her son was. Very much like his father, but also nothing like him. Better than him. He was respectful, did his best to do the right thing. She was proud of him.

"I'm sorry for whatever he said, Blazestar. We are still adjusting.." She meowed softly, a guilty look in grassy hues.
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Blazestar gazes at Churrodream before nodding. There's guilt in his eyes, palpable, tangible guilt glowing from cerulean depths. He knows he's contributed to Coyotekit feeling out of place in SkyClan. He'd announced to the forest itself that Sootstar and her warriors were fox-hearted murderers, and he continues to declare her the enemy of his Clan. He will not stop, either; even thinking of the tiny blue smoke is enough to cause him to clench his jaw.

But Leopardcloud came here seeking safety from that for herself and her siblings. Blazestar cannot fault them, and would not turn them away -- would he?

He hates that part of him still doesn't know.

Coyotekit cries, murmuring that he feels many cats in SkyClan don't like him. Blazestar's heart sinks. They're only kits, and they'll be growing up here, in SkyClan. They pose no danger to us, no danger to our Clan.


Leopardcloud comes to comfort her little brother, apologizes for what he said. Blazestar shakes his head. "He has a right to voice it. Coyotekit, what would make you feel at home here?" He smiles, and although it's tired, it shines. "What were some of the things you used to do back... back in WindClan?" He's almost afraid to hear the answer, but he remains steadfast.

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