private not so easy // icebreath

She's been avoidant of her first mentor, even with the twice over shift in territory. If instructed by Wolfsong, Cottonpaw's provided Icebreath with pain relief and redressing of her sprain. However beyond that, the two cats have been oceans apart. Cottonpaw blames the distance on herself, unwilling to confront that her boisterous and unyielding youth may have set them on wildly unintended paths. She has no idea on how Icebreath feels at all about her, and at best assumes that the tunneller prefers the silence and ignorance between them.

But today - it is a day of righting wrongs, in a minor sense at least. StarClan has damned them several times over and does not wish to speak with Cottonpaw, her father said she was cursed before he passed and her mother seems to be going mad with grief. Wolfsong, even in his kindness, is forced to distance from her due to his litter. This is all to say that Cottonpaw feels she has very little to lose in confronting her first mentor and apologizing for her behavior as a kitten. It feels crazy - acting with forethought and as if she's an adult of sorts, when still there are moments when she feels no different than a shut-eyed kitten.

"Icebreath?" she beckons the other's attention, standing near the edge of their encampment. Finding privacy whilst four Clans mill about a single tree is impossible, but Cottonpaw doesn't mind. "Do you have a moment?"