pafp Not sorry for loving you ⚜ Flower picking


I'd let the world burn for you
Jan 17, 2024
*+:。.。 Empathy wasn't Duckshimmer's strongest suit. For as uncouth as anger and its egregious displays often were, it was an easier feeling to have than to let yourself sit in the mud of empathy. Cold and pervasive, but worse than anything it left you feeling helpless. For moons now she had watched her clan's healer struggle. Her mate, her kits, and sometimes even the cats around her that didn't quite look at her the same or know how to talk to her anymore...Duckshimmer is one of them. To be empathetic was to sit in that awful mud...the mud that Starlingheart must be drowning in. But starclan above did the woman have so much strength! Still pushing through, still smiling, still working hard to keep the clan happy and healthy. The least Duckshimmer can do is dirty her paws for the wonderful woman she owes so much to.

"... I thought immediately of you when I saw them, so I just had to bring you as quickly as possible to the patch before some marsh rabbit chewed it up" Duckshimmer sang, stepping delicately through the marsh as she led Starlingheart to the wonderous patch of poppies flourishing in New-leaf's blessed era. But of course, there were no poppies once they 'arrived'. Instead, they came upon a rare clump of differently colored wildflowers! If cats knew the habits of humans, they would've known that someone had thrown a packet of wildflower seeds in the trash, which ended up in the carrion place, which ended up in the beak of a raven, and then, well...invasive species were at least very pretty.

"Oh my, what have I done? No poppies in sight!" Duckshimmer would exclaim, pressing a paw against her cheek in a theatrical display of disappointment. "I take it none of this can be used for healing, correct? What a shame, what a shame..." Periwinkle eyes aglow with mischief, however, Duckshimmer would twine her tail with Starlingheart's and lightly drag her closer to the flowers, "but since have come all this way, why don't you rest your aching paws? And my sitting so close to these flowers, I can't help but notice how their contrast to your beautiful raven coat makes it positively shine! Don't mind me darling, you rest up and ill..." she lets herself trail off, by this time certain Starlingheart has caught on to Duckshimmer's ploy.

The healer, mother, friend, savior, woman needs a break. To pamper herself and feel like an individual again. Picking some flowers off their stems, she arranges them into Starlingheart's fur, humming as she grooms the lady as though they were childhood friends remembering their kittenhoods together. "My, my Starlingheart, you are so very beautiful" she purrs, adjusting a flower on the woman's ear.


    DFAB— She/Her — Bisexual
    30 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mother to Singepaw, Swallowpaw and Sneezepaw
    Shadowclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #ffa98f
    injuries: None currently
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It never fails to touvh her heart when the cats of ShadowClan think of her, when they see an herb out in the territory and they bring it to her for her stockpile. Sometimes, she does wish that they wouldn't, there are patches that she has been cultivating after all, places where she is careful not to overpick lest the herbs not come back when she needed them most, but still a thought is a thought and she does appreciate it nonetheless. She smiles at Duckshimmer in a way that conveys nothing but gratitude "I-I'm sorry to have to- to have to be the one to tell you this but sad-sadly poppies dont- they don't grow in ShadowClan" A sad fact of life, she would like it if they did but at least they had dandelion to dull the sting of wounds, they weren't left entirely without. "These are- they are pretty though" she amends, paw reaching out to touch a delicate petal of a white flower. It never fails to astound her, the beauty that can be found in the marshlands of her home. Many overlooked it but Starlingheart knows that if one only knew where to look, beauty can be found anywhere.

And then Duckshimmer does something that makes her start. A tail intertwines with her own and while Starlingheart does not back away she does tense. Physical contact outside of the touches she shares with her kin and Magpiepaw is not something she is used to anymore. It is unfamiliar, though not entirely unwelcome. She watches with a singular green eye as the warrior picks up a flower and tucks it behind her ear, calling her beautiful as she does. No one has said that about her in a very long time, especially not since.. well.. She looks away so that the chocolate pointed she-cat does not see the tears that threaten to take form. "That-that's very kind of you to-to uh to say Duckshimmer. Th-thank you." she says, her voice breaking a little more than usual.

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    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training
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Ink spill pelt prickles like quills as he leans around his mentor, a looming shadow, eyes narrowed skeptically and with some wariness at Duckshimmer's words and offered gift; his gaze pierces and he searches for any sign of mockery or cruelty to be had in the gesture. Maybe he was too over protective of Starlingheart, but everytime he sees her now scarred visage he remembers finding that obsidian form pressed into the snow and splashed red like a macabre gift left upon their border, it has not changed his opinion of her, but it has made him more quick to bare his teeth. His mentor WAS beautiful, scars told of a battle won and a strength only one blessed by the stars could hold, but he knows cats can be needlessly unkind. Thankfully for Duckshimmer, he does not get the sense she is anything but sincere and his black and white form soothes, fur flattening once more as he takes an awkward step and leans alongside Starlingheart to sit at her side rather than hover behind.
"The flowers are nice on you." He murmurs quietly, not wanting to overwhelm his mentor further. His gaze narrows as he focuses on Duckshimmer, patch pelted and lovely in a way he can acknowledge but Magpiepaw has never much thought of appearances past cats who were pleasing to the eye and cats that made one squint and tilt their head a little; it was purely aesthetically driven - she didn't suit ShadowClan's dingy furred felines of dark and muted colors. She actually reminded him a little of Halfshade in a way, too pristine, it was an eyesore. Her name was good at least, he would always acknowledged those chosen by the feather flock to carry their monikers. "WindClan has poppies. Their medicine cats now are...tolerable. If we need them."

  • OOC can go here.

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    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.
    —⊰⋅ Has mild cerebellar hypoplasia (Wobbly cat syndrome)

Who doesn't love flowers? They smelled amazing and looked beautiful on everyone, especially the smiles they brought to faces. The voices of the other ladies had caught the tabby's attention as she quickly bounded over and a bright wide grin takes over her face. "Let's do everyone's fur! Oh my god, Starling you look so pretty and they compliment your eyes so well and your coat!" It could be a like flower playdate, imagine that! An excited squeal came from the extroverted female as she gently removes the stems from the plants and she was ready to adorn Magpie's dark coat.

"O-Oh, I forgot! Can I please put flowers in your fur, Magpie? It's okay if you don't want too!" Maple would purr as her golden eyes shined in anticipation to weave flowers in the dark tom-cat's fur. Her coat was much like Duckshimmer's, she stood out like a sore thumb with her golden and cinnamon coat. Most who saw her would assume that she belonged in Windclan with her long legs and her coat. She closes her eyes for a moment and imagines the red hues of a poppy's petals complimenting someone's coat. A disheartened sigh leaves her lips before quickly cheering up, "Poppies would be soo cute... Oh well! The white flowers really compliment your dark coats!"
"speech", thoughts, attacking