private Not the smartest thing I've done [Firepaw]

It was a bright, cold morning, with every surface seemingly alive with the characteristic sparkle of frost. Badgermoon's breath formed great plumes in front of him as he swiped the sleep from his yellow eyes, yawning hugely and stretching each limb in turn. When he felt sufficiently alert and limber, he spent a few minutes rasping snarls and flecks of dirt from his pelt and then, rolling his broad shoulders back, marched towards the heap of snoozing apprentices, seeking the distinctive dark striped coat of his apprentice. She had been assigned to him in the most recent meeting, and while this would be her second mentor, it was his first apprentice - and he intended to make a good impression. "Firepaw!" he mrowed in an enthusiastic tone, stirring several NPC apprentices, who grumbled and tried to burrow into one another and drown him out. "Up, up, up, time to get to work." he felt confident that he could handle the hot-tempered molly, though he did have a distinct feeling that it would not be as easy as he hoped it would be.

She dreams on running on sun stained fields long grass tickling against her fur as she chased her prey through green hills it's beautiful every bit the moorland she remembered running on when she first was apprenticed but the visage of it fades as noise from the waking world stirs her sending the sight into darkness as her eye blink wearily open. She groans stretching her paws, not yet clued in by the tom standing in front of her, how she longed to sleep in some days to feel the thrill of a successful hunt no matter how fake it was but she knows better then to spend her days curled up and ignoring her training and duties to the clan. There was enough apprentices who wasted their days lounging around. Her ears perk finally taking in the enthusiastic mraows of Badgermoon, how he can be that joyous this early was beyond her Starclan she doesn't know how he can keep that attitude a majority of the time it felt like. He was a fuzzbrained wierdo but a competent one she supposes, he'd earned his rank for a lot more then just being positive he had to earn it through his own prowess and loyalty and that did count for a lot. She may not quite know how to feel about him but she knew having the deputy as her mentor was a prestige, even if in reality it must've been a last resort for an apprentice who'd already gone through one mentor already who'd failed her. Yet, even with him as her mentor the reminder that Smokepaw was Sootstar's apprentice won't leave her mind, there was nothing she could do on that front to one up him. She blinks Badgermoon's way looking as miffed as she always does.

With a huff she gets to her paws shaking her pelt of the small layer of thin snow that'd fallen on her in the night. ❝You seem excited❞ more excited then she was that was for sure; it'd be their first true session she didn't know what to expect. Half assuming that he'd treat her like a overgrown kit and hold her back, she wouldn't know until she went with him. She'd pad over to him ❝So. What's the plan today? Battle trainin'?❞ she hopes anyway, it was her favorite type of training and the thing she had the most talent at. ​

His new apprentice did not seem as excited as he was for their day of training, but she did rise without complaint, disabusing herself of the dusting that had fallen overnight and joining him at the edge of the apprentice snooze heap. "I am excited. You're my first apprentice, after all." Badgermoon responded with a wave of his dark tail, gesturing towards the camp's exit. Presuming she would follow him, he strode ahead towards the rolling moor, trotting briskly over the snow. "So that's the place where I want to start, actually. You are my first apprentice but, obviously, I'm not your first mentor." he paused once they were a fair distance from the entrance of camp and turned to face her. "I know you're not stupid and you're not a kit fresh into apprenticeship; likewise, you should know that I want my first apprentice to become a warrior of merit for WindClan, someone Sootstar and I can be proud of."

The bicolor tom's eyes sought Firepaw's as he spoke, his expression unusually serious. "I think you have the potential to become a great warrior, Firepaw. Someone who will strike fear into our enemies and who our kits will aspire to be like one day. I don't think you need me to become that, but I think I could help, and I think we can learn from one another." he tilted his head, white-tipped ears lowering. "But I need you to be willing to learn and listen. I need you to understand that my expectations for you will be high, and that I expect you to be committed." he held out one speckled paw and gave a small grin. "I'm here and ready to go all in. Are you?"
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She’s suprised that much is evident in the way her ears perk; she would’ve expected differently yeah he was younger than some but he seemed experienced. Well maybe actually his tolerance and good will towards the apprentices was more founded out of innocence, that makes sense to her the more she thinks about it. Badgermoon surely wouldn’t be excited if he’d trained an apprentice before, he’d be treating the apprentices like the brats they were. She supposed he’s lucky she’s his first she’s far less annoying in her humble opinion! So he’d likely keep his jovial attitude and continue to be far too soft on the others, much to her chagrin. She was expecting him to be far to soft on her now, she looks at him skeptically as she rolls her shoulders in her sockets to relieve them of their stiffness. He begins to meow and she’d listen.

❝Hopin’ you can keep up, the other two didn’t❞ she says disdainfully, and despite her assumptions he does try to quell them try to tell her otherwise that she wouldn’t be babied. Actions speak louder than words, talk was cheap and all that she’d just need to see. ❝I’ll do anythin’ to make Sootstar proud and I will❞ she pauses before taking a chance and stating her dream completely ❝I’ll be the strongest warrior Windclan has ever seen, It’s a promise Badgermoon❞ she never lacked drive, no matter how many times she failed she would always pick herself up even if she tended to bitch and deny she failed in the first place. She’s glad he knows, her chest puffs despite herself at his praise though she’s unsure just how much of it he means. It’s something she always sought and it means more then if it’d come from her former mentors or just another warrior. It isn’t enough to make her head big (bigger than it already is) but it strokes her ego and tempers her blaze. She would still test him, just as she tested all her mentors before but she supposes she wouldn’t have to as much.

The way his eyes still linger on her makes her paws shift uncomfortably. She’s not used to such attention much less the words he speaks to accompany it. She doesn’t look away as he makes how their relationship will be like, she doesn’t hesitate for longer than a second and even then that's just to let his words sink in. ❝Yes I’m in and you won’t be let down❞ not like he’d be with any of the other Moorrunner apprentices!

His evaluation of the dark-furred she-cat was robust but short-lived; Badgermoon found himself deeply pleased with her reaction to his little speech and gave a low purr. "Excellent. Well, with that out of the way, I'd like to see what you're capable of." he had seen her fight before, of course, but never one-on-one, and never with the express purpose of assessing her battle readiness. He paused for a moment to allow these words to sink in, not wishing her to be startled or frightened by his next move - which was to dart forward with surprising speed for his big-bodied frame, hefting one sheathed paw up and attempting to bring it down on her head; firmly, but not at full strength. He wasn't trying to knock her out, of course, just determine her reaction to a few basic moves. What better way to start than perhaps the most classic attack of all? Deep in his chest he felt a hiccup of that hunger, its interest piqued by even the semblance of true violence, and he tried to push it off to the best of his ability. Not now. Firepaw was his apprentice, not an enemy, and certainly not someone whose blood he was inclined to taste.