not touching you! & Cloudberrypaw

Jan 5, 2023

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

The summer days' golden gale had faded into something more inky and deep with the descent of the sun. Stars started to peak out from the blue sky as it turned indigo and the moon creseted the horizon with its own warmth that was darker than the suns'. Little white paws moved across the ground towards the camp entrance and then looked back. Everyone had started to settle down for the night and the lingering tension of Blazestars' words still etched into her mind. Stay in pairs or stay in their twoleg den. How could they make such a decision? Their clan needed them! Bananapaw snorted through her nose a bit before shaking out her coat to dislodge her more negative thoughts.

"Cloudberry! C'mon! We're gonna be late for dinner- again," She called for the blue tabby cat with a lash of her tail back and forth. Bananapaw didn't want them to worry again about them disappearing into the forest every day. With the capturing cats, it was more so risky going back home but if they didn't they wouldn't be allowed back outside ever again. Their twolegs loved them to bits, and it was something Bananapaw didn't want to break just because.

The tawny and white cat sat down outside of the camp entrance with her tail thumping on the ground. So where was Quilsltrike then? If he was taken away in the cage and seemingly disappeared into the world of the city. She hoped he didn't end up at the Cutter- no cat deserved that. She was glad her owners hadn't wanted to do that yet to her or her brother. She shivered at the thought before moving onto looking around camp once more for blue fur.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
The idea of staying in his twolegs’ home until the threat of traps and disappearances have passed—he hates it. He’s a SkyClanner, and nobody is going to make him feel lesser just because he has twolegs that he cares about, and who care about him. Cloudberrypaw is glad, at least, that he has his sister to travel with to and from the pine forest.

He’s managed to lose track of time, deep in his latest argument with a tree over whether he’s gotten his claws dug too deeply into its bark. But hearing Bananapaw’s voice calling him to go home is enough to jolt him back into awareness. His tail lashes first with irritation at being interrupted, and then with glee because she’s calling him for dinner. He drops carefully down from the tree, hopping from branch to branch, until his paws hit the grass and he trots over to his white-patched sister.

"You’re the one who made us late last time, slug-brain," he calls back, a grin breaking across his pale muzzle. "Why’re you in such a rush to get home tonight, anyway? It’s just dinner, we have it every night." His words are said lightly, joking, but he’s also genuinely curious. Is she that worried about getting snatched away? Cloudberrypaw is too smart to let either of them get trapped in a box, anyway, he thinks.
[ just a side character ]

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

Those pointed ears of the young cats' flicked back slightly at her brothers' question, was she that so easy to read? Then again, her brother seemed to know her better than anyone else did. Bananapaw gave a small flick of her tail back and forth for a moment before shrugging in response, "I'd rather not get trapped in the house by our twolegs. Their trust is fragile," And she did fear getting stuck in a box and transported away from the clan. She didn't know where those missing had gone, but she knew she'd rather not be apart of it at all.

With Cloudberrypaw in tow, she spotted Pigeonsong across the camp and she perked up almost instanty and waved her tail goodbye to the tabby tomcat. Then trotted away rather happily into the tunnel with a little hum following suit. "You know they do talk about us when we're gone. They're always questioning where we go and stuff like that," She pointed out to her brother as they walked along the path towards home.

Twolegs where fickle beings. Always changing, always assuming the worse, and so forth. She could tell from how many times they said 'Banana' or 'Berry' that they were indeed talking about them in some regard. What it was entirely about she wasnt' 100% sure about it.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
Bananapaw shrugs, says she’d rather not get trapped in the house, and the blue smoke huffs in response. "Why do they care so much where we go?" He mutters, gaze falling to his paws. He likes their twolegs, loves that they take care of him and Bananapaw. He’s grateful for the warm, comfortable home that he can go home to, and the seemingly endless supply of food. But they can be overbearing, sometimes, and like his sister says, their trust is fragile.

Orange eyes flicker to his sister, and Cloudberrypaw sighs. It’s so… dumb, that they have to carefully balance the trust of the creatures who take care of them. "I wish we could talk to them. Then we could just explain where we go. Do you think they’d be mad about SkyClan?" He wonders if they would turn shiny metal cages upon he and Bananapaw, if they knew where the pair goes during the days. Would they send them both to the cutter? He’s heard horror stories about that place; he hopes that he never gets sent there.
[ just a side character ]

.°☀ I'll believe it all

There wasn't really any reason why they cared so much about their wereabouts. At least she coudn't think of any reason why they would be so concerned cause it wasn't like they left forever. It would be different if they had stayed in Skyclan longer than intended to during the day or permanently. The young cat looked to her blue-furred brother with a small tilt of her head for a second before shrugging her shoulders, "I've tried talking to them before. They don't seem to understand me and like to throw things at me if I talk too much," She responded with a flick of her tail.

Would they be upset about Skyclan though? She didn't see why they would be. Alice and Heavy Step would be more apt to being upset with them in Skyclan than anything else but they seemed relatively okay with the idea. Bananasplash wasn't sure about the whole thing either way, "I don't know honestly, maybe? I don't think they'd understand it. Twolegs don't have the same bond or thing like a clan gives us," She pointed out to Cloudberry with a small smile.

The tawny and white cat then moved to playfully bat at her brothers' shoulder with a soft paw, "They wouldn't know a squirrel from a vole if they where out here! They wouldn't understand how cool we are," She mused back to him with a giggle.


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png