pafp not two kids fighting at denny's - sparring

There was totally nothing wrong with this right? They were all apprentices and it's not like he was going to actually harm a Riverclan apprentice. Even though they belong to different clans was it so bad if he was interested in them and wanted to train with them? From what he's seen a lot of their mentors or older cats of Riverclan were hurt, this is not to say he's taking advantage of the fact. It's more so that he is justifying this as he's going to help Riverclan train their apprentices or one in particular by having a spar! Spars weren't uncommon and there were times where apprentices did so with their mentors, unless that was strange and he would need to question Silversmoke about his choices. The only thing that made it different was that Riverclan was here within their camp, which... Spars with cats in other clans?? He's sure that's unheard of, considering it's more typical for clans to fight each other to the death than for training. Nevertheless, he decided it would be in camp! To be on the safe side. The last thing he wanted was for Blazestar or his mentor or Riverclanners to think this was serious. Their clans may be friends, but he didn't want to push their luck. For that reason he decides to strut up to Otterpaw in the middle of camp.

"You!" He lifts his paw to point at Otterpaw, as if staring at the other tom with a beaming smile was not enough to indicate that he was being addressed. "I like you, let's spar!" Perhaps he is being a bit too forward, but Otterpaw has caught his interest. Feels like we can get along. Despite the fact that Otterpaw hasn't agreed he still readies himself into a battle stance. Of course, he honor and wouldn't just jump on the Riverclan apprentice. Don't want clans to fight if force him to spar with me. He hasn't know the Riverclan apprentice long (it's been at most a few days), but he can just feel it in his bones that they could become lifelong friends. Let's not even bring up the fact that eventually they would have to say their goodbyes, or that in the future they might find themselves on the battlefield fighting to the death.

/ please wait for @otterpaw !
This field trip was boring beyond belief and Otterpaw was beginning to stir with thoughts of mischief the longer he was kept from home. He didn't agree with their call to pull back, to retreat and turn tails like cowards. A sense of shame covered him like a cloak as they had come closer to the SkyClan border. Refugees he heard someone call them. He didn't know the meaning of the word, but it sounded bad. Like a swear. He wouldn't be a 'refugee', he was better than that, whatever it meant.

The apprentices here at least kept him entertained. Littlepaw was a little weird but Snappaw was nice. Edenpaw kept him entertained when Tawnystripe wasn't dragging them around throught he pines. Eggpaw talked more than he would like but it was better than listening to Petalnose's bickering with Plaguepaw. Embarrassing. Could any of their Lead Warriors act cool in front of the other Clans? They could all go back to being losers when they kicked out those rogues.

He blinked away from his scheming when Crowpaw shouted just a whiskers length from his face. His ear twitched in annoyance, hot temper readied on his tongue when the small tom offered something worthwhile. A spar? He likes me? Already Crowpaw is setting into a stance he knows all too well, and the smirk on his maw returned. He hadn't thrown down a good spar since he had come down with yellowcough. The fight against the rogues in camp had already shown Otterpaw he couldn't pace himself well in a fight before getting too tired, but that didn't matter now. He knew he would never have to fight for his life against this fuzzball.

"Alright, lets go!" He doesn't wait either, no form prepared and instead leapt right for Crowpaw, intent on rolling them both on the ground to throw Crowpaw off guard.
Should... they be doing that?

Technically they're just sparring, it could easily be said that they were training and using one another as proper practice since they aren't blinded by the loyalties of being clan-mates. Crowpaw could learn a lot from the fighting style of those that preferred swimming over walking... and maybe Otterpaw might find himself blown away by what surprises lurked behind the friendly faces of SkyClan!

The two are boys at heart if nothing else... evident in the way they throw themselves at each other with minimal decorum or strategy. It's still better than Edenpaw can do... Tawnystripe was a good teacher but they just struggled to really grasp any of these skills. Especially fighting... they'd really just rather not fight anyone at all if possible. Edenpaw would always be the pairs of legs running at the first sign of trouble... a cowardly black stripe pointing towards their intended escape route always...

"C-careful!" Their whining is uncharacteristic of their usual chipper demeanor- this is not like when the two warriors were sparring to teach the apprentices something. In several moons, what if this was real? What if Otterpaw became their enemy? The thought alone is daunting for them...

"Winning won't matter if you guys hurt each other."