nothin' incomin' but the reggae drummin' [flora]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022



To be honest, Quillstrike had been a little annoyed when Florabreeze had been the first -and only- cat to volunteer to come with him to check out the Thunderclan border (he still didn’t trust them after the hunting party). It was nothing against her specifically, but he vaguely knew of her closeness with Honeysplash and there was no shortage of animosity on her part. The last thing the chimera wanted was to finally be cleared for full duty only to have to deal with someone bitching at him the entire time he finally had a proper taste of freedom. Especially when the tomcat had no earthly idea what he’d done to deserve the hatred directed at him in the first place.

Honey had abandoned him, after all, and they both had moved on to other cats by now. What right did she have to be mad?

To his surprise and relief though, Flora hadn’t been the menacing presence he expected her to be. There were no withering glares, no thinly veiled threads, nothing at all to hint that this was anything other than a regular outing to the border between two clanmates.

Checking out the border went smoothly, with the two of them remarking the weaker spots and double checking to make sure there was no Thunderclan scent on their side, and by the time the pair were on their way back, Quill had let himself relax a bit. He hated drama, hated the noise. He always had, ever since he was a kit having to listen to his father scream at him and his mom. It’d been easier for him to just take off during the days to run the streets rather than sit at home in that rundown building just to watch his family fall apart- because of him.

Maybe in a way, that’s what he was doing now, too; avoiding camp and the shecat in it that so openly despised him.

skyclan - male - 29 months (Feb 17th) - mated to Twitchbolt - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


Florabreeze was aware of the tension between Honeysplash and Quillstrike, wherever that tension was mutual or one sided she was unsure of. All the Maine Coon was aware of was the fact that Honeysplash had sought her out after Quillstrike came into the nursery that one time. She didn’t press them for information, trusting that she would be told in time if this was something important for her to know. Yes she was curious but she lived by the mindset of only seeing the best in everyone, stars if she can stay civil with Chrysaliswing of all cats then this would be no big deal. That’s why she volunteers, to extend that metaphorical branch of trust, a showing of the fact that she held no hard feelings towards him. She treats it like any other patrol, taking time to examine the border, make idle conversation about the task at hand, trying to feel out how he was feeling.

It dawned on her as she brushed her cheek against a tree against their side of the border that she didn’t actually know much about the tom she was working alongside. She thought about it more as she checked a nearby shrub to ensure there was no thunderclanner scent on it, he was between being confined to the medicine den and ignoring everyone for as long as she had joined SkyClan’s ranks. To her, he was a mystery, and a mystery was exciting! The chocolate and white she-cat had resolved herself to fixing this and solving this mystery, by the time they’d reach camp he was either going to be a new and dear friend or he was going to be sick of her. Either result was fine with her, well she wouldn’t love it if he was sick of her but she could get it.

Walking alongside the chimera with a trot in her walk and her head held high she thought about what to ask first. None the wiser to his turmoil over avoiding camp. “So, Quillstrike! I realised that I don’t really know you at all and that doesn’t sit right with me!” She declared with a light trill, filling in the silence between them. “Let’s trade asking questions, yeah? Make the walk back to camp exciting” she decides to pause, letting him have an input before she steamrolls onwards anyways. Tail raised high in the air as she hummed to herself, considering what her first question should be.

“Well, we were just by the ThunderClan border. Sooo if you had to pick a fight with a cat from any clan and you would win, which clan would that cat belong to?” She didn’t care much for the politics of if he had an actual name belonging to said cat. It was rather the fact that she was curious about a clan as a whole rather than an individual. “I’d pick WindClan or ShadowClan since they’re so far away, it sounds exciting to have those kind of bragging rights if you ask me” she makes a non committal wave of a paw as she walks.


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    33 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}



There were many cats who made the mistake of assuming Quillstrike was an unfriendly cat. And to be fair, he could see why. He was naturally on the quiet side and wasn’t close to many outside of Twitchbolt and perhaps Thistleback. That, coupled with his haste to show his claws to outsiders and the fact that his very name was reflective of the fact that his fur was keen on spiking up in aggression, meant most didn’t take their chances with him. It was fine with Quill, really. His childhood had been chaotic enough and these days he preferred the calm- but it didn’t mean he disliked every single cat around him or that he wouldn’t enjoy a good bout of socializing now and then. He just had a low social battery for most cats.

So when Flora surprised him by asking him to essentially play a game with her on the way back to camp, he didn’t immediately shut her down. The rules were simple enough and didn’t require much effort, and he’d been afforded enough silence for him to give in and play along.

”If Windclan was still led by Sootstar I’d agree with you. Her cats were vicious.” he agreed, remembering the days well enough. ”Shadowclan cats are pretty strong, though. Same with Riverclanners, from all the swimming. Bragging rights over one of them might be cool.”

Now that he thought about it, the only clan he’d really tangled with with Windclan. Other than them, it was those damn rogues that were always causing trouble for the group.

”If Skyclan didn’t exist, and you didn’t have any of the political shit influencing you, where would you go and why?” he asked, before smirking softly and saying possibly the most controversial thing. ”I might have gone to Windclan, to be honest. I like to stargaze, and I bet the sky looks amazing from the moors.”

It would have been as simple as that for him. It was sheer chance that he hadn’t even heard of the other groups, only learning of skyclan because of it’s attachment to the kittypets of twolegplace and the rumors that began spreading about it. But if he’d known about a place where the sky was that close? Who knows. It’s not like he’d cared about the details back then or who he was running with- he’d just wanted to get away from home.

skyclan - male - 29 months (Feb 17th) - mated to Twitchbolt - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


Florabreeze had no reason to believe that Quillstrike would be anything other than at least cooperative, she had no real stance on him. Not paying too much attention to if he was rather bristly to attempts at conversation like this, she was kind of good at that. Looking away from the sharper edges of someone and instead trying to figure out a softer side to make conversation with. That had happened here, wherever she understood that or not but she would be happy to attribute it to dumb luck. “Hm I see. Do you think Sunstars cats aren’t then?” She grins as she asks this, bordering on the topic of gossiping about other clans and she was curious to see if Quillstrike would indulge her in that. ShadowClan and RiverClan, that seemed pretty reasonable, at least to her it was. ShadowClan was the sneaky one right? There was a pause “if you had to pick only one of them, which is more enticing for bragging rights?” There’s a mischievous glint, this was basically ranking the other clans right? She thought that was kind of funny, plus it was good insight since the tom seemed like had seen his fair share of fights.

She falters in speech when he takes the initiative to ask his own question. The daylight warrior wasn’t too sure why that was so surprising to her. Much less to be asked such an interesting question at that, she can’t help but chuckle as he talks about ‘political shit’ the irreverence to that was not something she really expected any clan cat to carry. “Hm, I like stargazing but I won’t take WindClan from you. That does sound nice though.” She wonders if she could corner a windclanner at whatever gathering she attends next to ask if they have nice skies. What clan would she join? “Okay so by political shit does this mean that any of them would be cool with me being a kittypet?” She figured a daylight warrior would not fly in any stretch of the imagination. So ex-kittypet it would have to be, no matter her dislike for the word.

“If so then I think I’d have gone to RiverClan, I don’t think I’d be able to swim well but the borders pretty” she laughs rather loudly “plus I rarely get fish back home so I get to eat fish there, right? What’s not to love?” There is a lot, probably. She didn’t really care for that though since this was just a hypothetical, SkyClan existed and she was more than thrilled to be here. “If you had to switch bodies with another cat who would you pick? You’d have their memories and life experience” she didn’t immediately know the answer to her own question really. Any clan cat would be interesting to her, to know what it was like here all the time when night fell, to be raised in the nursery and to spend their time in a cramped den. “I think I’d pick Slate, he seems like he’s lived a long life. I think it would be interesting to be so gruff and good at fighting like that. Plus maybe I’d learn about something funny.” she shrugs, there was multiple cats she’d like to be for a day so it was a blind choice.

  • Fun fact I did spin a wheel of the cats Flora liked and got Slate haha
  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}


”Hm, I see. Do you think Sunstars cats aren’t, then?”

”The potential’s there.” he replied with a frown, not fool enough to think it wasn’t. ”She trained multiple generations to be untrustworthy warmongers, and even the ones who claimed to be against it still played along to save their own skins. Just because they ran out her most loyal followers doesn’t mean they’ve forgotten what she taught them .” he reasoned, explanation grounded in logic as it often had a tendency to be.

But so far, Sunstar had been true to his word, and so Quill was willing to give his ‘fresh start’’ the benefit of the doubt. ”But the newest generation might not have that experience or training. They’ll just be small, skinny moor cats that are easy to take down. By the time they have their next leader, they won’t have that same bloodlust in them.”

And therefore wouldn’t be worth wasting his answer on.

”Riverclan.” he answered, confident. ”Thunderclans too much like us- it’d be like fighting a clanmate that couldn’t use the trees. And Shadowclans mean, but they’re always starving half the time because their food sucks. Riverclan cats are tough and usually pretty big. Fighting one near the water and winning would be be pretty sweet.”

Definitely more of an accomplishment than any of the others, in his opinion.

Of course, the fight for Quill would be particularly difficult and worth the praise, considering his aversion to water. Those who’d known him long enough to notice would be well familiar with it; the way he did his best to step around puddle, the foul mood he was in whenever he had dawn patrol and had to deal with the dew clinging to his lower body, the way he kept his distance from the rivers edge and only drank from it when the rest of the territory was bare of water anywhere else. It wasn’t a phobia so much as it was an anxiety rooted in fear, something more fitting for his mate than himself. But the feeling of his soaking fur, the smell of the rain-soaked ground- it left him wary and uncomfortable, all too aware of just how much terror something as simple as a shallow pool of water could cause a cat and wanting to avoid it at all cost.

”Mhmm.” came his hum of confirmation, because otherwise Florabreeze wouldn’t have had much of a choice, would she?

Riverclan wasn’t a bad choice, and he nodded in approval. Perhaps, if he’d not had his own aversion to water, he might have chosen it himself. That, or maybe Shadowclan- the cats there seemed kind of unfriendly, and he was willing to bet they would have left him the hell alone. Which, at the time, was something he’d cared about immensely.

”I’ve never had fish.” he noted, tone making it difficult to discern if that was a bad thing or a good thing.

The next question came, and this one did cause him to hesitate, mismatched eyes falling to land on the path ahead of them as he considered his options.

”Who do you think Twitchbolt would like best?” he asked, completely ignoring the point of her question as he glanced toward her. He didn’t really care much about life experiences. He’d had enough of them as a kid and all he really wanted out of life was to lead a quiet life away from other cats drama. Of course, he apparently had made an exceptions for that with Skyclan, thought it certainly found ways to grate on his nerves at time. But if he had to switch out his life for someone elses, it would certainly have to be someone his mate would be drawn to. He’d never given that much thought before, but perhaps someone more social - like Florbreeze- had. Surely his Twitch would like someone like him? Tall and strong, with dark tabby fur. Was that Twitchbolts type?

”Plus, maybe I’d learn something funny.”

”Blackmail material. Nice.” It was difficult to tell whether he was being sincere or not, but the barest hint of a smirk suggested he was amused either way. He could see the appeal. Even without the blackmail part, it would have been hilarious to see a cat as serious as Slate caught in a funny or embarrassing moment.

”If you had to be trapt overnight in your twolegs nest with a predator, which one would you choose?” he asked, starting to enjoy their little game a bit. It’d been a while since he’d spoken to anyone this much outside of Twitchbolt and Figfeather, and the fact that they were basically talking about nothing made it infinitely easier than if he had to worry about anything serious. ”You don’t have to fight it, just survive the night with it- so like, you can run or hide instead if you want.”

skyclan - male - 29 months (Feb 17th) - mated to Twitchbolt - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.