nothin special [open / horseplace patrol]


take out the gunman
Nov 19, 2022


Long periods of inactivity weren't something Ghost considered himself fond of. He was a disciplined cat, capable of remaining still for hours during stealth missions or recon missions, able to withstand pressure and endure the elements. He had been taught to do exactly as he was told, and he was good at it. But what he was good at and what he enjoyed were two different things entirely. Busy was how Ghost liked to be kept, and one could tell. His tall, broad-shouldered frame was carved with muscle from daily training and sparring, his body a canvas of scars painted by the claws and teeth of both cats and dogs alike. Anyone who looked his way could see his was not the image of a cat who spent their free time doing 'nothing'.

And so he'd quickly found that on slow days like this, a quick exchange of words with the clans Deputy, a bengal tomcat by the name of Duskfire, would often solve his problem. He was sure by now the other cat saw more of Ghost than he probably wanted to, but he always told Ghost to return if he needed something else to do, and so he did. Weather this was because there was actual work to be done or Dusk was simply humoring him it was hard to tell, but in Leafbare he preferred to think it was the former, and even if that turned out not to be the case, he was still glad to have something to do. The Coalition used to work them like the dogs they were made to chase from their borders, and even now that he was free of them he found that part of himself had been etched in stone, slow to erode in river of change he now found himself within.

"Duskfire wants a patrol sent out toward the farm in case any of the barn cats have gotten hungry enough to cross into the moors. Doubt they have, but anyone who wants to come, can." he called as he neared the camps exit, lingering by the tunnel for anyone who might want to tag along. "WE'll hunt on the way back if there's time."

@mothmeadow @Nutsprout OOC- this is also open to everyone, you don't have to wait for those tagged to post! This is just a chill patrol thread for everyone to get to know each other a little better :)

rogue - male - 25 months - single - a very tall, muscular tabby with dark gray fur and white markings. heavily scarred with dark amber eyes

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❖ Windclan had been a bit of an adjustment for one particular cat. It was hard to go from rigid hours of training and scheduled eatings to well none of that. Cats ate when hungry, there was no rigorous training from dawn until sunset. There was just more peace here and Nutsprout found it very hard to adjust. He couldn't help that he was awake as the crack of dawn just sitting in his nest wondering what he could do. Did he need training? Was there some way to hunt here? He'd never catched a rabbit before and didn't know anyone could out run those furry little things.

Though as he was about to stand up to try to get back to bed, after hours of sitting in his nest, he looked up at the sound of a voice- Ghoststrike. Almost like it was silently commanded, Nutsprout moved to get up and approach the dark grey tomcat with the white face, "Hunting are we? Count me in," He slurred his words a bit with his excitement. ​

This would be the first time that Nutsprout got to go out into Windclan territory and hunt something down. Most of his time was spent following around Ghost and bothering him to no end, but lovingly of course. Probably the only other cat besiddes Nineteen to know how it feels. To be away from such control and have a little bit of autonomy themselves.
Moth isn't quite used to not being busy, always burying herself in an apprentice that needed help with a certain thing or even hunting patrols, border patrols, whatever she could get her paws on. The scarred molly perks up at the call of a border patrol, well barn patrol, but it would give her a possible chance of flexing her claws at some barn cats if she caught them lacking (of course she always itched for a fight, but spars were just not cutting it anymore).

"Aye! Room for one more, boys?" she says it in a way that does not leave time to protest, a purr rumbling in her throat as she flicks her ears, prancing straight over with her tail swishing back and forth. "Hey, ya ever been there? Smells nasty, I tell ya." she leans to Nut, snickering as a smile grows on her face. These two were rogues that came from... fuck.... What was that guy called? Ginny? Gyro? Eh, whatever, they were rogues and she totally wanted to befriend them one way or another. Allies in this clan, ones that wouldn't stab your back, was a necessity. "We can always make time for hunting, how bout a competition after we're done?" hunting wasn't her strong suit, no, fighting was, but would it hurt to have a little fun in the snow?

crowpaw heard the call for a patrol and her ears pricked. usually, the only way she found herself attending one was if she pleaded to brookshade to let her go. but, that wasn't an issue anymore, was it? between mentors, she could use all the practice she got. if she showed how capable she was, it would be a crime to pair her with another dud of a mentor.

long legs carried her to where the two former rogues and mothmeadow had gathered, feathery tail waving behind her. "mind if i tag along?" came her question paired with an innocent grin. the last time she went on a border patrol, it did not end very kindly. however, her smile was a promise to herself to be peaceful this time around. besides, how many chances would the grieving girl get to go out of camp until she was reassigned?
[ 𓆩⟡𓆪 ]



So many changes. They left him tired, honestly, but he knew how to endure better than most, making his own solutions to his problems.

No scheduled training routine? He'd make his own.

Too much downtime? He'd find work to keep him busy.

As irritating as he found it to be, you could apparently take the cat from the coalition, but couldn't take the coalition from the cat. Oh well. It was probably for the best, anyways. Just because he hadn't been crazy about everything didn't mean the routine and discipline hadn't been welcomed or useful to him, things he would likely carry for life.

Unsurprisingly, Nut was the first to make their way over to join him.

The other tomcat had stuck around even after they'd cleared their name with Ghost, and despite living in a new clan with new ranks that technically marked them as equals, their dynamic hadn't really changed. Ghost went easier on them now that he knew they weren't an enemy, more likely to show patience or indulge in humor, but there was still a clear line of who the senior soldier was between them, and Ghost never let Nut forget it. Of course, that also meant that Ghost spent a lot of time looking out for the other tom, even if that partly consisted of him forcing the lilac bobtail into training sessions and random work around the terrritory.

"Liking your odds today, Nut?" he mused in response to the others enthusiasm, knowing they'd been wanting to catch one of the rabbits the moors were so famous for.

Mothmeadow and Crowpaw were next to arrive, and the tall tomcat nodded an affirmation at their individual requests to join with the patrol. The apprentice wasn't one he'd worked with before, but he'd seen Mothmeadow around once or twice before, and each time he was given the distinct feeling that if she ever managed to befriend Nut that the pair would make it a personal mission to never let him get any peace and quiet.

"A competition might be interestin'."he noted as he gestured for the trio to follow, heading for the exit- anyone else who wanted to join could catch up. "Winner gets to choose the losers punishment?"he suggested, glancing toward the trio with a raised brow.

rogue - male - 25 months - single - a very tall, muscular tabby with dark gray fur and white markings. heavily scarred with dark amber eyes


There was little faith in the deputy if he was sending the rogues alone to deal with handling intruders, at least Duskfire had not assigned the simpering weak-minded cats of the clan to deal with this, because they'd probably make friends with the barn cats or give them free food they couldn't spare.
The tabby had just returned from a hunt on his own, a sparrow dropped onto the pile before overhearing the discussion and he rolled his eyes at them pretending it was all some competition, a game to be played, when they could not risk being foolish and treating hunting as anything but a serious affair to keep their clan alive. He supposed the rogues didn't understand, they must believe the hills ladden with prey at all times, but they'd learn leaf-bare was no joke in the clans either.
He was only going because one of the apprentices who was not from the rogue group that had joined and was one of their own wanted to go. He'd be damned if he let one of the upcoming youths of WindClan tag along with these vagrants alone, he was still wary of the lot of them but if they were willing to put in the work then he might be inclined to change his mind.
Juniperfrost strolled forward, head up and gaze coolly moving over the cats present as he stopped to stand alongside Crowpaw.
"I will accompany you." It was not a question or request.