Fireflypaw has always had somewhat of a soft heart. At least compared to himself— they are pliant in the paws of their clanmates, ears always pricked for any grumblings, no matter how trivial they may be. It is not that Dawnglare was sluggish, in his response to the needy. His apprentice was simply... eager. Perhaps overly so. But for the next little while, perhaps SkyClan would benefit from this trait of his.

Dawnglare has spent his time counting his stock. Were a plague of whitecough to uncharacteristically sweep through their camp in Newleaf, would he be ready? By now, he ought to know where in Twolegplace he could find the cure. Were a bloody battle to ensue in a few days time, would they have enough to treat infection? Or solely the wounds? By now, what all Beesong had taught him, had now been taught to his apprentice. There were a few odd things here and there... the uncommon ailment that neither of them have had to deal with extensively, but for the most part, by now...

SkyClan did not need him anymore.

Uneasiness curls in his gut as he watches the tom go about his duties. He smiles, despite his fathers death. His patients near - always smiled just the same, such is an occurrence Dawnglare was rarely privy to, save from the odd cut from his mate. He is not so delusional to not understand this. His presence begs no kindness, and simultaneously, he does not want SkyClan to expect such from him in return. ( A different question entirely is, does he like this? )

It isn't solveable, isn't fixable. No balm he applies seems to help as much as he'd like it to. Blazestar's ghost often wandered everywhere that it did not need to. No more glimpses of sun - touched fur in the corners of camp; an illuminating light, that reminder that left him uncaring of what was said, of what happened, so long as wounds were being healed. Now, he wandered by Twolegplace. Now, he toed ThunderClan's border, as he had done a long, long time ago.

ThunderClan needed him. He understood. Fireflypaw hardly did, anymore. His tail tucks close to himself. A disposition always velvet - swathed no longer exuded such uncaring and confidence. He is alone with his herbs. " Fireflypaw, " he summons, shoulders hunched. It would be worse, the longer he lingered— He could not find it in himself to dance around the topic. " I am going to ThunderClan. "

  • OOC: @Fireflypaw
  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 63 moons old as of 4.8.24. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest. Delusional and very much stuck in his ways. The death of his closest friend has helped him none, in this
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
Fireflypaw had found that through the moons, it had become easier to accept the death of his father. Bobbie had avenged his death, and Sootstar no longer ruled the forest to commit atrocities any longer. He would see his family again, one day- they would smile upon him and grace him with their starry presence. One day. Milky hues peer into the distance as he chats with a few clanmates outside of the medicine den, listening to the sound of telltale shuffling of herbs in the short distance away. Dawnglare must have something planned, or he must be organizing the herbs- a rare occurance, with how unorganized the stock pile usually is. He turns his attention back to his clanmates temporarily, before his ears perk up instinctively at the voice of the high priest calling for his acolyte.

Ever so eager to please, Fireflypaw excuses himself from his conversation and turns on his paws. He trudges into the back of the medicine den, the smell of hazel around him, mixing with the plenty of herbs. "What is it?" He asks softly, patiently lowering to his haunches in front of the high priest. It isn't much longer than that before Dawnglare voices his intentions, and Fireflypaw's eyebrows scrunch together in displeasure at the news. "But we need you here. Mallowlark needs you." He urges carefully, sure to not upset his mentor and get thrown out for speaking out against his mentor's decision. This was Dawnglare's decision, and ThunderClan needed the help. But losing another of his family, even temporarily.. He didn't like the idea.

"How long will you be gone?" He changes his path of questioning- eyes sharp with seriousness. If Dawnglare was leaving for now, he'd be left alone to deal with all of the clan's wellbeing. This was a huge responsibility to take upon his shoulders, but he knew he was ready. Confidence in himself, confidence in the teachings Dawnglare had delivered him in these many moons. It had started off slow, it required trust- but he was ready. He knew he was. "I.. Will miss you, Dawnglare." He admits openly, always been one to confirm his affections aloud. Especially for the high priest, whom had mentored and helped him grow over the moons. No longer was he the scared child who hid behind his clanmates, he would take this burden- no, duty with his head held high.

"..Can I come with you to the ThunderClan border, just to make sure you get there safely?" It's a hypothetical question, one he didn't expect to be agreed to. He knew there needed to be at least one medicine cat present in the camp, with SkyClan down one it would mean that he had to be extra vigilant. He didn't mind if he couldn't- it was moreso an excuse to spend more time with his mentor before he's gone.

Whatever was this acolyte without his high priest?​
  • Sad
Reactions: DAWNGLARE
It was... unassuming, unemotional. That was most of what Fireflypaw was these days, after all, and perhaps that's what made them more appealing than he himself. Was that not more infuriating in a way? he asks. Would you not rather be met with anger, than indifference? Despite his blood, Fireflypaw knew nothing of where his father came from. Perhaps there is a kinship Dawnglare could not hope to understand between the clanborn. Something else they shared besides their foolishness—

But — no. It isn't fair, it isn't fair, it isn't fair. Not when Fireflypaw knew so much. It wasn't fair to say or think or breathe at all. But we need you here. Dawnglare swallows lumps in his throat. Mallowlark needs you. How horrible, you are— that's what he was saying, indirectly. And Dawnglare nearly trips, stumbles, over that reality. His gaze is suddenly the floor's to hold. And he counts all the pieces of broken, dying herb. All the scuffs were kits have intruded and grooves where patients lay dying. He is without anything to say. What a pathetic, dried - up whelp that he was, slumped across his own den.

Perhaps Fireflypaw sensed it, because he moves on quickly, and Dawnglare's gaze flies to meet his ghostly - blues. Say more. Just this once, he would like him to say more. How much did SkyClan need him? How much did Fireflypaw need him. If only he had someone to jog that poor old memory of his...

But, ah, no. He doesn't find that answer. Or perhaps he already knew. His breath shudders. " For as long as he needs me. " It's too much, to look at him now. Why kill himself to meet gazes with someone that could not care for it? " I do not know how long Berryheart had with this one. "

He doesn't expect what his apprentice says next. It's something his father has told him. It's something his mate has told him. Perhaps with the new Star's rise, the number of those that understood would not only have to dwindle.

...No, it wasn't quite the same.

But in that not quite the same way, he can tell him, " I will miss you too. " He almost offers more. Nearly says, if you need me, you will know where to find me... but that likely would not be. " Of course you can, Fireflypaw. "