nothing burns like the cold || iciclefang


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    ICICLEKIT; ICICLEPAW; ICICLEFANG ; is proud of the name given by her father and cicadastar
    Named for her sharp wit, tongue, and skill in battle, Iciclefang is blunt going on caustic and confident bleeding into conceited. A loyal and stalwart RiverClan warrior who puts more faith in ability and competence than she does anything else.
    icicle by mudpelt, after her mother ; fang by cicadastar for her sharp wit and battle skills
    — afab; she/her, feminine terms; monogamous lesbian
    — lead warrior of riverclan, loyal to riverclan; cautious but somewhat amicable toward other clans post-journey; no former allegiances
    — created 08.17.2022 at 0 moons, then aged up to 3 moons / ages in real time on the 17th
    — currently 28 moons
    — penned by Marquette; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST
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    Iciclefang's fur is short, but sleek and glossy from her steady diet of fish and her time spent in the river. Mottled tortoiseshell markings cover her from the tips of her ears to her tail in equal patches of fiery ginger and ebony. Interrupting this pattern is a distinct white blaze on her face, starting at the left half of her jaw and traveling into a sharp point between her eyes. Her paws are also bright white. Iciclepaw has powerful limbs from her time spent swimming and battle training. Iciclefang's eyes are narrow, set high on her cheekbones, and are an almost colorless ice blue.
    ⤷ a scar splits the fur at her left shoulder
    ⤷ gen 2 / sh tortoiseshell with low white / carrying dilute, chocolate
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    Iciclefang is a very capable RiverClanner, and it's clear she knows it. She does not brag about her successes to her Clanmates or otherwise, but the way she carries herself lets cats know she is well aware of her successes. Iciclefang is known for her barbed tongue and dry sense of humor; it sometimes lands badly with more sensitive cats. She is loyal to a fault to her Clan and casts a suspicious eye on outsiders. She has a poor opinion of the other Clans for various reasons, ranging from 'kittypet' to 'warmongering' to 'weak.' It is hard for outsiders who join RiverClan to earn Iciclefang's trust and favor. She is very supportive of the warrior code and of her leader; to her, following Cicadastar's rule is law, and even if she disagrees with him on a personal level she will act out his will. Iciclefang's respect is hard-earned, even from her superiors; she will not directly disobey orders most of the time from a leader, deputy, lead warrior, or mentor, but she might sass them or otherwise let them know she doesn't think much of their ideas. When she does come to trust in another cat's capabilities, her loyalty is unwavering. Iciclefang struggles sometimes to be soft, even with her kin or the cats she loves. She often finds herself wanting to be vulnerable and failing, and when she does allow herself to be seen in this way, it's a source of embarrassment for her. Iciclefang is not afraid to speak her mind; in fact, she's not afraid of very much at all. She throws herself head-first into danger for her Clan, even risking her life in impossible situations.

    Blunt to a fault; not great at picking up social cues.
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    Confident in who she places her trust in, but trust—especially from outsiders—is difficult to earn.
    SOUNDS LIKE: low, velvety voice ; voiceclaim is Yayoi Kunizuka
    SMELLS LIKE: river water, salt, ozone
    speech is #C8E9E9

    MUDPELT xx ICESPARKLE sibling to Lilybloom, Steepsnout, Darkwhisker, and Ferngill | mentoring Pinepaw , previously mentored Cicadaflight , mentored by Smokestar
    Mate to no one | Former mate to Stormywing | Parent to Cragpaw, Pinepaw, Crabpaw
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: Stormywing, Petalnose, Cindershade, Smokestar, Hazecloud
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: Dovethroat, Boneripple
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    ► MISS NOTHING - The Pretty Reckless
    AFTERLIFE - Motionless in White
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist

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    ●●●●●●●○○○ HUNTING: Proficient. Excellent fisher, proficient land hunter of RiverClan land prey. Skilled in watery terrain. Specialties are fish, eels, voles, and shrews. Not proficient in hunting birds, squirrels, frogs, lizards, or rabbits.
    ●●●●●●●●●○ CLAN SKILL: Expert. Excellent, strong swimmer, can rescue drowning cats. Good diver and fisher. Inadequate at weaving and disinterested in improving.

    ●●●●●●○○○○ TRACKING: Adequate. Can hold her own, but this is not her specialty area. Will notice scraps of fur or obvious signs like blood, but the finer details will be lost on her.
    ●●●●●●●●○○ COMBAT: Excellent. Strong-bodied and agile with quick wits; acts fast and hits hard. Not especially great at dodging blows and takes too many risks. Does not like to submit or flee, even when appropriate. Has been in multiple battles with cats of varying skill.

    • ooc:
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    • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
      — “speech”, thoughts, attack
      — 26 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
      — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
      — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
      — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
      — penned by Marquette.

      sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

    [box=56%][justify][font=Verdana][size=3][color=#c4c4c4]TEXT TEXT TEXT. "[color=#C8E9E9][b][outline=black]SPEECH.[/outline][/b][/color]”
    [slide=『 out of character. 』][b]ooc:[/b] —[/slide]
    [slide=✧・゚:*][img width=350px][/img][/slide]
    [slide=『 about. 』][s]Iciclekit[/s] . [s]Iciclepaw[/s] . [b][color=#C8E9E9]Iciclefang[/b][/color], she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “[color=#C8E9E9][b][outline=black]speech[/outline][/b][/color]”, [color=#C8E9E9][i][outline=black]thoughts[/outline][/i][/color], [u]attack[/u]
    — 28 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by [abbr=penned by Rai]Smokestar[/abbr]  ; mentoring [abbr=penned by Noor]Pinepaw[/abbr]  ; previously mentored [abbr='penned by DejaVu']Cicadaflight[/abbr]
    — riverclan lead warrior. [s]mudpelt[/s] x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to [abbr=penned by Blitz Krieg]Stormywing[/abbr] ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by [url=][b]Marquette[/b][/url].
    [subquote=#C8E9E9]sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.[/subquote]
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