camp NOTHING LASTS FOREVER // futile attempts to climb


Figpaw needed her wings back, so on an afternoon where the winds had grown faint she takes to a tree. Well— maybe “takes to” is putting it kindly, because if anything she was getting repeatedly rejected by the tree. Silver claws would dig into the bark, a single hind leg would do its best to propel herself upward but without the assistance of the other leg her efforts were futile. Each and every time she just ended back up on the ground with a frustrated umph.

Countless cats have broken the reality that she’d never climb again to her, Figpaw understood that- or at least tried. But what type of SkyClan cat would she be if she didn’t at least try? Part of her wonders if she could accomplish the feat if she just practiced enough… built up enough strength. It had to be possible, right? Yet now when she looks up into the branches the sky seems so far away, the girl feels like a bird whose fallen from its nest.

Bits of bark she’s ripped from the tree due to her efforts lay scattered at her feet. So far she has managed to ignore the babying words of cautious and warning, the advisory to halt her efforts our she’ll injure herself once more. Figpaw typically isn’t one to be negative, bit their words were like vile to her ears. She was tired of being ordered, instructed, coddled, she spent near two moons away in the medicine cats den… if she wanted to try and climb, she was going to!


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 8 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Mangled right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

It wasn't the spotted tabby's first priority to watch an apprentice struggle with a skill. He'd been meaning to wander the territory in search of prey, or find another patrol to join, anything to escape the drudgery of being stuck in camp with little to do. But, Figpaw was loud. Every few minutes he heard the thump of a body against the soft flaw, and the scraping of dry bark from claws that were trying too hard to climb it, eventually, it had been enough for Silversmoke to investigate. He adjusted his eyes when he discovered the apprentice, certain it had been a squirrel making all that racket at first, but silently wandered closer anyways, searching for contextual clues as to what was going on. Snapped wood was scattered on the ground, Figpaw looked utterly disheveled, through narrowed eyes he eventually spotted grooves in the bark where claws has once been. Ah. He reclined carefully on his haunches, his tail curling over his dappled forepaws. It must be frustrating to be unable to do something that came as naturally as breathing to other SkyClanners. Not everyone's skill sets were the same, yet, did that mean they should just give up on self-improvement?

"Keep trying." He announced his presence with a stern mew, lacking the authority of a mentor but instead a cat who'd had to learn to overcome a disadvantage. His blue eye was not completely blind, but his vision in it was poor, as if the world was constantly covered in a thick fog. Precautions needed to be taken sometimes, yet he was still a proud SkyClan warrior, able to tussle with the best that the Clans had to offer. He had seen three-legged kittypets clamber over fences like anyone else which, to Silversmoke, wasn't much different from climbing a tree. "Your body will learn to adapt and figure out what to do even if your mind can't." It was irritating how separate the two things could be at times. He'd yearn for conflict while his body would yearn for rest, he'd yearn for entertainment while his body would.... still yearn for rest. For now, his mind only desired to see Figpaw succeed in the task she was struggling with. As frustrating as failure was to see, there was still something oddly inspiring about others trying in spite of it.


Skyclan and trees were like the sun and the sky - never one without the other, for those crafted of pine-needle and turpentine trails would always find themselves among the canopies and cradles. Shadows of serpentine warrior flitted through the branches, and he remembered watching them even as a kit bound to the earthen dens. Chrysalispaw had grown up with the forest that scraped the sky, as though the branches would grasp at the clouds and the blue, and the empyrean never seemed so far away when the rungs were rooted upon the ground. If Starclan were studded upon the stars, and the stars were set in the sky, then surely Skyclan must be the closest clan to Starclan. When he grew older, Chrysalis climbed upon the trades of bark hewed by generations past, for his father and his father before him had climbed the trees, as though claws would leave a message to those of the future. I was here, I am here, and I will be here.

Today, Chrys spotted an unfamiliar apprentice hunched besides an oaken tree, with a hind leg looking as though it had been twisted and mangled as a well-worn branch. He wondered, briefly, what could have happened that could make bone and brawn angle itself like that. Dribbles of whittled rinds lie at her feet, as if the molly were trying to shave the pine instead of actually traverse it - though, he couldn't say he could blame her. He doubted that he'd be able to climb anything with such a useless limb hanging off of his body. Still, fruitless efforts fueled Figpaw's fire, and the indomitable spirit of the feline never proved too demoralized to burn, as stupid as it looked to Chrys. Unlike Figpaw, he knew when to quit at something.

He trotted and stood next to Silversmoke, with an arrogant gait comparable to a bird's own bounce, with graceful paws never overstaying their welcome on the cold-bitten ground. The tom tended to carry that avian haughtiness to him, evident upon a preened plume and wispy margins Heterochromatic gaze glazed over with a signature disdain, like a leering mask that had fitted to his face, enough so that the masquerade would become his own countenance. He did not play the part of the pretender - this was simply his own jaded input. "You'd make a good Windclan cat. They can't climb trees either." His cadence drawled with an acerbic derision, adder's venom laden upon each word. He had grown used to snake-ish vitriol, coating his every move.

( VERY MUCH ic opinions i am so sorry for him )
  • Haha
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At this stage Orangeblossom doesn't doubt that she'll be able to climb again someday - it's only been a quarter moon since WindClan's attack and the deputy is recovering in slow kitten-steps, but underneath her determination sits a little bit of fear that she might suffer the same fate as Figpaw. Orangeblossom has been climbing these trees since she was a kitten, since before the Clans were a thought in StarClan's eye, and even in the swaying branches of Tallpine those untouched by her paws are only its highest boughs. She's a proud SkyClanner, and the morbid promise that she'll never reach those heights again because of a WindClanner's claws makes her feel ill. So, she can relate somewhat to Figpaw's plight.

"Go up that tree with only three legs, Chrysalispaw, see how far it gets you." Orangeblossom cuffs at the apprentice's ear as she limps past, shooting him a stern look. She glances at Silversmoke, a silent message to control your apprentice in her gaze. To Figpaw, less annoyed but just as firm, she meows: "Try a tree with a thicker trunk and make sure you can get onto the sunning-stump first before you do. You're scraping half the bark off that and it makes things harder."


  • orangeblossom, deputy of skyclan
    — mentoring vulturepaw and eveningpaw.
    ✦ 25 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with brown eyes. torn left ear, scar on right foreleg. injured!
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.

Being stuck in the medicine den is torture, but it has become home these past few days- Fireflypaw finds sanctuary in the smell of herbs and dried blood, despite the way it made him gag at times from the vicious scents. Figpaw leaving to go and try to climb again makes Firefly worry. He knows that Dawnglare is the type who'd get very upset if Figgy got hurt again, wants to prevent that avalanche from happening- but as his blurry vision fades, he sees the shadows of multiple cats.

You'd make a good Windclan cat. They can't climb trees either. "I've got some mouse bile with your name on it, y'know~" Fireflypaw sings out, tail swishing over the snowy ground behind him. Close-eyed smile, wicked and blossoming with venom despite the sour-sweetness. A veiled threat, though it falls off as unserious as he moves on just as quick from the topic to watch Figpaw. Orangeblossom comments on getting a bigger trunk, and Fireflypaw huffs his agreement. "I'll climb up and help you if you need, Figgy. Even plants need help sometimes, y'know?" He hums, though he settles into silence. Should he join her? He wasn't the best at climbing himself, but he enjoyed it- even with his decaying sight.


Figpaw's head spins around with a flinch to see Silversmoke, the sudden stern words of support had startled her. Her pelt ruffles with embarrassment, oh of course cats had been watching her. She felt ashamed, and she knew what everyone was thinking, they all pitied her and knew she was fighting against a fate already sealed. Figpaw was still convinced she'd prove them wrong, she'd show everyone she could climb again!

Silversmoke insists her body will gain strength and will figure out what to do, she prays to StarClan the warrior is right. Figpaw nods, a rush of newfound motivation washing over her. The red tabby takes to the tree again for another failed attempt, thats when Chrysalispaw's words cut through the small bit of confidence she has left like a pair of claws.

You'd make a good WindClan cat. They can't climb trees either.
Her eyes widen in disbelief at the cruelty her fellow apprentice spoke to her. Figpaw can't help it, tears instantly burn in her eyes. She was already frustrated, grief-stricken that she's lost her flight. Figpaw wasn't even upset that Chrysalispaw's words were mean, she was mad that he was right and he had spoken hear fears out loud.

Deputy and medicine cat apprentice rush to correct Chyrsalispaw's behavior with warning words to him and endorsing words to Figpaw. It was too late, the damage had been done the moment the words spilled from Chrys' maw and there was no turning back. "Y-You... You FOXHEART!" Figpaw screams at him, hot tears pooling down her cheeks. Her vulgar swear likely disrupts the whole entire camp, Figpaw was known for being a good natured apprentice, sweet and kind-hearted. Some might've even thought she didn't have a swear in her vocabulary up until this instant. "I did not ask for this, JERK! Leave me alone!" She screams so loud she feels the back of her throat quiver.

With feelings of shame, fury, and embarrassment Figpaw limps away as fast as she can. The last place she wanted to be was by Dawnglare, she wants to be alone. She exits camp but only leaves it's borders by a couple of foxlengths to sit in the roots of a pine tree, and she cries.

//just to be clear; oocly eating this up yummy yummy
and with that out! dont suggest following her she'd icly scream to go away, she's having something akin to a panic attack and needs to be left alone for the remainder of the thread </3 D:


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 9 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Mangled right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

He feels for his sister. If he had been unable to climb he might have gone mad with restlessness. He considers joining her in her activity, but chooses to perch nearby and observe instead and its then he hears Chrysalispaw's comment.

Orangeblossom says nothing, a swat to the ear and a look; expecting Silversmoke to handle his own apprentice but the damage was already done. No words of encouragement could correct it. Once you spilled blood on the snow, it never came back up.
Snowpaw is standing then from where he had perched, steps forward on strong and steady steps until he is standing directly before Chrysalispaw, expression blank but eyes burning. There's no attempt to pursue Figpaw, he knew his sister and she was like him in that she'll manage herself in her own way and seek them out when she is ready, but even then he might not have followed. He'd have left soft words and comfort to the more responsible cats, the warriors and those with a penchant for being gentle. Something Snowpaw did not have. The dappled blue tom tilts his head slightly to the side as he sizes the other apprentice up in one sweeping glance in silence. Fireflypaw had uttered some joking threat. It wasn't enough. He thinks of slapping the other, no claws because he's afraid of his own edges sometimes still.

He remembers tumbling across the camp, locked claws and hissing with Coyotepaw. The two clashing with anger, attempting to cause the other pain whether through pummeling or words far sharper than any curved claw could be. WindClanner was a term he'd uttered once as a curse, an insult. And why wouldn't it be? The moorland cats had given them no reason to not despise them, yet from the tall grasses came cats who had not fit the mold as he'd believed. Leopardcloud had been no killer, nor her kits; yet their leader slaughtered a SkyClan warrior before he was born. The blue tom thinks about how his legacy is now burned in blood and death, that he will be forever remembered as the fool who caused a divide between the clans that may or may not have been necessary. Could he change it. Was he capable. Snowpaw didn't know, but when he ignores Orangeblossom and Silversmoke's presence to regard the other young tom he sees a flicker of something bright out of the corner of his eye; it warns him to still his anger and the knot in his chest settles. The light on snow, burning brightly and reflective. Suddenly he's calm. He thinks of how Thistleback would handle this without coming to blows.
"A good warrior cuts only his enemies. A better warrior knows when to pick his battles." No, he is far from the brash kitten wanting to pick fights with anyone who glanced his way. "You picked poorly." A remark made like that was asking for a fight, especially in front of him but Snowpaw wouldn't give into the temptation, he knew better. His tone is a hushed sound, his tail lashing once before he inclines his head to the side to walk past Chrysalispaw, "Don't do it again. Be a shame if you never got your wings."

The maine coon didn't even get a chance to breathe before the air was flooded with insults from his own apprentice. He shot Chrys a pointed glance, catching the expectant look Orangeblossom gave him as he did so. His fur bristled, first because he didn't need to be told how to take care of the unruly apprentice, and second, because of what the chimera had dared to say in the presence of someone who had their own disability. His unsheathed claws coiled into the slush below, a hair-trigger temper set to unleash on Chrysalis when the wounded party yelled at the tortie for him. Emotion was plain in Figpaw's voice, months of frustration seemingly spilling to the surface as a result of the scathing comment. Just as the tall tom turned to say something, she stormed off. Even if he wanted to follow, he couldn't. The tabby wouldn't accept accountability for what had happened, but he was responsible for what happened next. He was as responsible for Chrysalispaw as any parent was, though, it was situations like this where Silversmoke realised he was rather unqualified to be a guide. His fur bristled with righteous anger, and it took the will of StarClan itself to stop a tirade of jabs to be launched at the young cat.

Snowpaw spoke up first, and Silversmoke was almost grateful for it. He remained silent as he lectured Chrys, pupils narrowed into slits. He remembered the hardships of learning to fight with new, poor eyesight on his right side; blows he'd once dodged with ease would take him by surprise, animals had learned to target the spot and he'd had to learn how to keep them in his sights at all times. It had been a battle learning it, but it gave him empathy for Figpaw's plight - empathy that made him briefly turn on his own apprentice. It happens before Silversmoke even registers what he's doing. A bright paw is raised off of the earth and with all the force he could muster, the warrior aimed to cuff Chrysalispaw around the back of their head, sheathing his claws just before he did so. His ears flattened as he admonished them, voice lined with a serpentine hiss. "I will not tolerate you disrespecting someone's injuries like that. She didn't choose what happened, but she's trying her best to grow in spite of it."

A kittypet chose a life of ignorance. A rogue chose a life of selfishness. Seldom few chose to be injured, seldom more chose to have those wounds be life-altering. It was the latter who deserved no scorn and at eight months, Silversmoke had hoped that someone else would've taught his apprentice that already. "You're looking after the elders until you apologise. Get rid of their ticks, deliver them prey, clean their nests, I don't care, I'm not teaching you a damn thing further until you make amends. No ifs or buts." Out of the corner of his emerald eye, he caught Orangeblossom again, Silversmoke's knitted brows and firm scowl unwavering. There was, however brief, a search for approval for the measures. Chrysalispaw was a stubborn creature, and there was no saying if the chimera would ever swallow their pride. Would it be fair to make them a perma-apprentice over an offhanded comment? Silver thought so, they also thought it wasn't entirely their call.

  • Wow
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