camp Nothing left to lose ✩ Jinxed


Hot headed!!!!
Nov 2, 2023
*+:。.。 Singekit abides by very few rules. He's the first suspect should the marshland inexplicably burn to the ground and the kind of child who'd pride himself on that gruesome feat. He's a ball of too-young fury and venom, always either screaming at his fellow clanmates or crying about being screamed at in turn. Truly, by definition, a brat. There are only two cats in the whole five-clan-land that could keep Singekit in check - his brother and his mother - but everyone else? Completely on their own. It's only a matter of time before he sinks his teeth into their unsuspecting tails and ankles or blows out their eardrums with his caterwauls for attention and power. He is not a kid who values the approval of others, unfortunately, and he wields that power with utmost disregard.

But today is inexplicably bright and shining. Though by no means is it a particularly warm day, the clouds mercifully loosen their stronghold over the skies long enough to let the sun breathe. The frogs chirp away in the shadows, the marshland smells a little less boggy, and Shadowclan's camp is free of chaos. Only the former can be tied back to Singekit, but who knows- to spend a day free of the little tom's wrath must've sent some sort of shockwave full of good vibes over the land powerful enough to change the weather! After all, for the first time in a long time, Singekit has not spoken a single ill word all day.

There are few rules Singekit abides by - and the laws of being jinxed, unfortunately for him, are one of those few.

The petulant child sits moping by the nursery entrance, teeth grinding with rage but kept carefully shut nonetheless. He'd been jinxed. A tale as old as time - if a cat (usually a kitten) utters the same word at the exact same time as another cat (kitten, for no actual adult, would be caught dead playing such a childish game) and isn't the one to shout 'JINX' first, then a curse is placed upon them! A curse that afflicts Singekit now- his voice forever stolen lest his spirit be cast to the darkest plains of imagination should he break the rule. No speaking. Not until someone says your name three times, anyway.

But all morning, not a single cat has come to his aid! Sure, he's managed to tug on enough tails and furiously pointed at himself to earn a confused, 'You doing alright, Singekit?' but never has he gotten one cat to say his name three times! Not! One! A surprisingly difficult goal, though that doesn't stop him from mentally cursing his clanmates for not knowing this simple anti-curse ritual. Dummies!

So here he sits, thoroughly exhausted from his efforts and slowly resigning himself to his fate of mutism. He wonders mopily if the curse could be considered lifted once he becomes Singepaw - or, since his name is never actually spoken three times and might never again, will he be forced to swallow his speech for the rest of his life? Tears begin to prickle in his eyes at the idea before he throws back his head and opens his mouth to scream noiselessly into the peaceful, lovely, unencumbered day.

  • Based partially on the bluey episode, mostly though on my own childhood experience of the game! Feel free to be the kitten that called 'Jinx'!
    Also, you can totally be the cat that releases him from the curse, or you can leave him to his fate >:3c

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    1 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    NPCx NPC (brother to Swallowkit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold ruddy
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently

  • Haha
Reactions: DEERPAW -

You've wasted your life, but thanks for applying

It was a strangely, yet welcoming quiet day. Of course Snowkit at first found it odd, the normal bustling of Singekit's loud voice screeching through the nursery or pushing his nose into her face in attempts to get the kit to play with him were all but seized and for once, the kit finally had been able to take a nap without tinier pawsteps clambering all over her. Though soon she would realize why once she pushed through the nursery only to see little Singekit moping around with presumably in the brink of tears.

A soft laugh, a rare one indeed, sputterer from the usually quiet Snowkit. "Do I help you or let you stay quiet...because, I kind or like this" she stated bemused by Singekit's little curse that laid upon him, of course, she had not been the one to place this curse upon him but she debated if she should even help him out. "What would I get if I help you...oh couldn't tell me" her whiskers twitched in amusement, still deciding whether to help poor Singekit or not. Perhaps the next kit would...?
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If one imagines the nursery den as a concert hall, and the cries from within as its chorus, then it is Singekit who leads it in song—and what a soprano he has. Shrill and deafening, like Leaf-bare winds howling amongst the treetops. Raw emotion seeps into every note he hits to the detriment of everyone else's hearing. He'd swear that the noisy kit was a key contributor to his frequent challenges with sleep, but such an allegation would be a farce. Smogmaw has lived as an insomniac long before Singekit was even an idea floating around his parents' skulls.

Hence his surprise at the day's absence of infantile wailing. It went beyond surprise, too; genuine concern colours the deputy's reaction, and all at once do ample hypotheticals flood his brain. Might he have gotten himself kit-napped as well? If not that, then had he moseyed off into the greater marsh? The source of his sudden distress eludes him, yet its grip on him remains firm, and the deputy finds himself embarking on an impromptu investigation.

"Singekit?" The query comes as he arrives at the initial stop in his tour: the bramble-protected nursery. His scarred muzzle protrudes below the thorny threshold first, and amber eyes follow soon after. "Oh. Singekit. There you are." Tantalisingly close to shattering the curse, the kit's name rolls from his tongue for a second time with an air of neutral relief.

Exhaling sharply through his nose, Smogmaw's regard fixes itself upon Snowkit. "Why isn't he speaking? Bee sting his tongue? " The tom's tone takes on a deliberate unfeeling timbre, now. Expressing worry for kits beyond his own would reveal a great deal about his character, and he'd rather not have his clanmates jumping to such conclusions.

*+:。.。 //lets pretend this didn't take me a million years to respond to ehehe

Singekit would snap up his ears when he caught the sound of paw steps approaching. Was it Wally or Zee? Surely one of them would free him from this never-ending curse! Instead, he felt his soul wither with despair when it was the phantom cat herself, Snowkit. He flattens his ears against his head, glaring at her as she teases him. If the roles were reversed, he'd make sure no one ever spoke her awful name, ever! Frankly, he'd much rather be stuck mute than hear her banshee wail say his name! After sticking his tongue out and blowing a raspberry at her, Singekit would promptly turn his nose up and away. He may not be able to speak, but he was more than capable of communicating that he didn't ever need his rival's help for anything!

Then, like a light in the dark - Smogmaw appeared! Singekit - Singekit - S...ting, Shit! Singekit opened his mouth with a voiceless wail, throwing up his paws in a dramatic fashion. But then - determined not to give up, Singekit realizes the only way to win is charades! True warriors play charades!!
So the kit gets back up and starts frantically pulling at Smogmaw's leg. When the deputy takes heed, Singekit then starts wildly pointing at himself, patting his chest with wide, expectant eyes while moving his mouth a mile a minute without saying a word. Me! Me! Say my name! I can't speak until you say my name!!!

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    3 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x NPC (brother to Swallowkit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently


⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ The nursery was unusually quiet today, and Sneezekit knew exactly why. Well, partially. As quiet as he was, he's never been jinxed, and never jinxed another - he hadn't seen it happen very often, either. When cats were chattering, Sneezekit was always elsewhere, following his siblings around or huddling close to his mother.

Singekit was silent as a mouse today, and it was clear that some cats were relieved to give their ears a break. Sneezekit was one of the first to ask, "Why?" but as his brother responded with only an exasperated look and a point, the unnerved brown kitten moved on. Does he not want to talk to me? Did I do something wrong? were the thoughts circulating Sneezekit's nervous mind, only silenced when Snowkit joined the scene.

She seemed to know what was wrong with Singekit, but less inclined to help him speak again. We can help? he'd think, though his mouth was clamped shut as Singekit's frantic movements continued. He was worried.

Smogmaw was next to arrive, and their concern mimicked his own. "Oh no," the kitten replied in a quiet squeak. "Bee got Sinshkit's tongue.." That was it! That made sense! Except.. what was a bee? At last, in response to Smogmaw's precense, Singekit began to move. Finally, something he recognized: charades! This was a game he's seen before, and was quite the expert at himself during quiet days. "Oh! I love this game!" came the small voice. Eagerly, Sneezekit jumped to his paws and moved closer to his sibling to watch.

With squinted eyes, he watches his brother's gestures and his lips. "Tummy.. hungry? Are you hungry, Sinshkit? No, that's your chest.. um.. Chest.. fur? Do you have fur in your mouth?" he focuses more on Singekit's lips this time, his own pursed with concentration. "Me.. day.. wait, slow down! Sinshkit, I don't know what you're saying!" A small wail parted the young tom's mouth as he sat back on his haunches, feeling utterly defeated.

  • ooc - subtle un-jinx, if mis-pronounced names count and if he's paying attention :)
  • SNEEZEKIT he/him, kit of shadowclan,, 3 moons.
    a long-furred chocolate tabby with low white and yellow eyes.
    brother to SINGEKIT and SWALLOWKIT
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.