nothing special [open / hanging out]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


East of camp one could find Quillpaws favorite spot to kill time when he was bored; the rockpile. It was fun to climb or to practice your jumping, leaping from boulder to boulder without toppling over or getting your paw stuck in the crack between rocks. From the top you could roll stones down the steeper side, racing the fastest ones against each other, and it was the perfect place to play King of the Hill or to catch an unsuspecting mouse.

Today the tall apprentice was practicing his jumping. About a week ago he would have considered himself to be a pretty damn good jumper, but this growth spurt was really kicking his ass if he was honest. His feet felt too big and clumsy, his legs too long. His mismatched eyes were sharp with focus as he lept from one stone to another, nowhere near graceful, but managing not to fall until he reached the top about. While the raidius of the rockpile was pretty sizeable, as far as height went it only stood maybe 7 feet tall at its highest point, so he wasn't worried about falling unless it triggered some freak rockslide and he got crushed by a boulder or some shit.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
( ) As of late, Deersong had made it a habit to take daily walks around the territory to clear her mind and just enjoy the pretty area that was her home. Today just happened to be the day she decided to pass the rock pile. A flash of soaring movement caught her attention and the lead warrior turned her head in time to see Quillpaw leaping until he reached the pile's peak.

A soft smile graced her maw and she made her way over until she was at the piles base and looked up at the apprentice, "Not bad, Youngblood." She would praise in her recognizable coo, "Getting some climbing practice in?" The lead warrior remembered fondly the days of her dad teaching her how to jump and climb, it seemed like fate to later join a clan whose whole area of expertise seemed to be climbing and soaring between branches.



Youngblood.There was only one cat in camp who called him that, and so he wasn't surprised when he turned to find Deersong looking at at him from the ground below. She was among the few adults that Quill hadn't immediately disliked upon meeting, and he found he didn't mind when she was the one to show up during his little solo ventures. Few cats were rewarded with anything other than indifference, and so the simple act of tolerating another said a dozen things about his feelings toward them.

"Thanks. And yeah. I keep growing and its annoying." he explained. " Out walking again?" he asked, and while his tone held its classic monotone of disinterest, mismatched eyes regarded the shecat with a glint of interest. Clan cats were so social that he seldom saw anyone actively looking to be alone. He'd thought that his penchant for wandering off was something exclusive to him and the other strays who weren't used to the constant proximity and noise, but it seemed like Deersong had adopted the habit for herself.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders