oneshot NOTHING WILL BE THE SAME // oneshot(TW)




//TW for abuse

" I...i don't want this..."
He accidently let the words out and instantly afterwards knew his mistake. But it was already to late to take the words back. " What did you just say?." This furious orange orbs glared right down at the shivering dark pelted smoke. Patheticly Fang would back away with the tail in between his legs, eyes wide with terror. " I..I d-d-don't wanna fight..." Fang stammered the words out already knowing the outcome of this. In the next second Fang hold back a shriek of pain as he got slashed right across his cheek. Stumbling backwards in shook he would instantly crawl himself up to make himself as small as possible in front of the tom who had the title claimed as his 'father'. " I'm sick and tired of you Fang. You are a disgrace of a son i wish i never had." Cobra was just as cold as he always was, never hesitating to let his son know how much of a disgrace he was. " All you ever do is screwing up no matter how many hours i have put down training you. Even now you have the guts to disappoint me by putting your tail in between your legs telling me you don't wanna fight for the group who took us in. I didn't raise you to become a such worthless pathetic coward." Cobra snarled and approched his son just so he could slam down his paw upon thier head to force it down so he could taste the dirt underneath him. He hovered over them with bared teeths and claws that scratched at the top of his sobbing whimpering son's head. " You're nothing but a failure and i should have disowned you and let you become crowfood out there when i had a chance." Words that couldn't have been any more cruel broke the sons heart while the father showed now mercy as the last straw had been reached.

He leaned his head down right to his son's ear who tried to hold his sobs back. " Listen to me carefully, you will take part in that fight tomorrow and you better make damn sure to do your part and not embarass me out there. I don't want to see you run away you will stand there fighting to the very end showing no mercy. If you dare have the guts to chicken out from this then don't bother coming back because you wont be welcomed back. Have i made myself clear?!." His claws digged deeper into his son's forehead as he pushed Fangs head further down into the dirt. " Y-Yes father!..." Fang whined underneath the pain, and when his father finally decided to step back Fang contunie to lay there so patheticly in pain as the blood drip from his new fresh wounds. " Disgusting." Was the final words from the heartless father who then turned around to leave.

" Shark come, we have much to discuess." Cobra said as he past his second son who during this whole time had stood there witnessing the whole thing. Shark showed nothing as he stared down at his younger littermate who laid there broken and sobbing. It only took a moment before the silver pelted tabby turned his back against his own brother to follow the tom who had raised him without even looking back, leaving Fang there behind.

"Tomorrow we are going out to war."

Why had it ended up like this?. Why couldn't they have worked things out in peace?. This very words would condmen lives to be taken tomorrow. There was nothing more that terrified him then death. He wanted no part in this. He really didn't wanted to go but unless he wanted his fathers eternal wrath on him there was not much of a choice...His plead having only reached deaf ears.Fang would curle himself up into a tight ball, ignoring the stinging pain on his forehead and cheek, tears refusing to stop that day. He would let them fall freely because that was all he could do, cry over something he was in no control over. Fang was terrified of tomorrow and he wished tomorrow never would come.

Whatever Fang feared would happen he could never have been enough prepared of the nightmare that was destined to happen the day after it would haunt him forever. If only he knew back then - than for sure he would have run away from everything. That option for sure would have been far better then having to deal with the aftermath of that destructive day...

If, only.


Fang was shaking like a leaf as he stood there in front of his opponent with wide eyes. Heart was racing like crazy, anxiety on the highest level. Fang didn't want to do this. He was scared, terrified even. But the fear he felt right now was nothing to compare to the terror he felt over his own father. The fear to disappoint, to let them down again. Today, for once, he wanted to actually do something that his father could be proud over, perhaps even, make his brother care for him again. If he did this right he might accomplish all of that today. That was the hope he clinged on to so desperately right now. Fang swollowed, claws already out waiting for his opponent next attack. It was a older tom, far older than he was. With all of the battle scars covering this tom's body it was a terrifying discovery that this one most have alot of battle experience during thier lifespan. However, to comfort himself with anything to have the slightest chance to win...the tom was old. It might give him a chance.

The older tom moved again and Fang prepared himself as good he possibly could for next round to begin between the two. This far Fang had not have much of luck on his end. The older tom had landed more blows on him then he had succeeded with. Not good. But he know that already!. " Hey kid, lets stop this fight. I can clearly see you don't wanna do this and neither do i. " It was rather shooking to hear this words coming from what was suppose to be an enemy. Fang's eyes grow wide for a second before he blinked, wondering if he even had heared right. The white battled scarred tom on the otherside would relax a bit to show he was serious. What?, really?. It was really okay for them to just...stop?. Fang looked unsure but this offer was very tempting. Just when Fang had made his decision catch something silver like from the corner of his eye. When he turned his gaze over there he froze.

It was his brother who stood a bit away glaring at him with this ice cold eyes of his. It was almost like he was judging him right now. Fang's heart dropt, knowing with his brothers watching eyes hanging over him couldn't run away from this fight. If he did....who knows what his father was gonna do later. That was what made his father so terrifying because he was always unpredicable. But he knew if he run today that he would lose all of his chances to ever redeem himself in thier eyes. Forever he would be nothing but a failure, a worthless mouth to feed. He had no other choice.

Fang faced his opponent again and just shook his head. "I'm sorry i..can't." he looked apologic at the older tom. The white tom just gave them a sympathetic look in return before they sprinted of towards the black smoke. Fang flinched back, suprised by the sudden movement, and the two collided, both hissing and snarling as they claws and bite at each other. The battle contunied until Fang lost his footing and fall on his back with the older tom over him. This was not good.

In that very moment Fang paniced, fearing the worst to happen to him. Death. Not wanting to die he did the only thing he could think of. Putting all of his strenght in his back legs Fang used them to kick their opponent under thier stomach with everything they had to send them flying of them. Fang quickly scrambled himself back up on his paws, panting and shaking as he was still shaken up over how close to death he could have been there. When he looked up however to see what had happend to thier opponent thier blood froze to ice. A bit away the white furred tom lay unmoving in a puddle of thier own blood. Their head had hit a rock, cracking thier skull open and instantly killing them. It took severely moments for Fang to realise what he had done. Paralyzed at the scene as he stared on the lifeless body.

Once the reality crashed in it all come at the same time. A wave of uncontroling emotions that could have drowned him right there and then. The guilt of how he had killed another cat for the very first time. "I-I didn't sorry..." Was all the words that could slip out from his shaky pathetic mouth before he just turned around to run away from the crime he just had commited with ears streaming down his face. What he had done today would hunt him forever.