nothing's like before | escorted to camp


sometimes I lose my way
Sep 7, 2022
Angry at all the things I can't change
(Takes place after this thread)
Warriors flanked him on all sides during the long and eerily silent trek back to skyclan's camp. The boy's spearmint gaze remained firmly locked upon his paws and the ground that lay before him. Blazestar's grace was nothing short of a miracle he did not feel worthy enough to receive and even now he still questioned if he'd made the right choice. The ragdoll made his rule very clear, remain contained within camp or he would quickly find himself treated like an intruder. He had no intention of going against Blazestar's orders but he was wary of the guards placed over him. Sharpeye was a neutral tom, he did not fear for his safety there. Silversmoke was an individual he did not know yet the male made him nervous regardless. But out of all of them Redstorm was the one Coyote fully believed would try to slit his throat in his sleep. The thought alone causes the apprentice to put slightly more distance between them, coming to walk a bit closer to Sharpeye as they finally entered camp.

His eyes catch a glimpse of ivory paws in passing and Coyotepaw barely manages a low tone. "I know what Blazestar said but you can keep the fresh kill, I don't deser-want any..." The boy murmurs to the other apprentice, keeping his gaze fixated on Snowpaw's paws. "I'll make my own nest too." They shouldn't have to waste their energy on him. He shifts uncomfortably in place, shame clinging to him like a blanket of prickly burrs as his ears continue to press further against his head. He can feel the weight of their stares, can hear whispers permeate the air and he wants to hide but there is nowhere to go. (guard tag @REDSTORM ! @Sharpeye @SILVERSMOKE and tagging @Snowpaw for mention)
when you're lost in the universe don't lose faith

At first, the smell of the moors has his hackles raising again, wondering if the dogs Sootstar commanded had come to finish the job of getting rid of Skyclan. He'd make them regret it, he'd make them regret threatening his children, his family-

There's something fainter underneath it all, the sharp smell of ginger coming out on top. Familiar, heart wrenching.

Mushroomkit squeaks as she's dislodged from her grandfather's fur as he struggles to his paws, lumbering movements thundering in the elder's den and then out into the camp. He shouldn't be moving this much, not this quickly but he must know, he must be sure it is not an illusion. "Grandpa! You can't just- your wounds will open!" He doesn't care, not right now, stumbling as Mushroomkit sinks her teeth into his tail to no avail. Green eyes flicker over the returning party until he sees cream among the mass, shrunken small when it had once, in his eyes, stood proud. "Coyote," The first call of his name is a hushed relief, and the tension in his shoulders drops as Mushie trips over herself at the name, scrambling to get a better look. "Coyotepaw, my boy you're home!" Morningbird is louder than the whispers, brighter than the distrustful glares.

"Come here, let me see you, Windclan didn't hurt you did they?" The steeled entourage escapes him for a moment, and he turns towards them with a blind smile. "Well come now, let the poor boy through, its been so long since I've seen him," They had not spoken much after Leopardcloud's death, but that did not mean he did not care for the family of someone he had considered a friend as she had entered the ends of her days.

header by lleafeons on DA, fancy via chérie​

Escorting the former WindClanner back to camp had been nervewracking in its own ways, and Silversmoke half-expected their home to be in tatters again with Coyotepaw's distraction. The warrior's attention was seldom on the little cat, bicoloured eyes had wandered the treeline and dead foliage that made up SkyClan's territory. His senses felt heightened with anticipation, each detection of another cat brought with it a chance for combat and another betrayal. Neither thing came, stepping into camp brought with it a mixture of relief and disappointment as the tabby sighed. His limbs tensed like a coiled spring, and his gaze finally fluttered down to the tom, noting how close he'd gotten to Sharpeye. He didn't blame Coyotepaw for his distrust, the spotted cat's disdain bubbled just below the surface for what he'd done, given the chance, he would see the traitor ran out of SkyClan for good. For now, that wasn't what Blazestar wanted though. He would be safe from Silversmoke's claws, but not his scrutiny, which flashed in his unfriendly glare whenever the apprentice even breathed the wrong way. A voice momentarily broke his trance, the male's head swiftly turning to watch Morningbird run towards Coyotepaw with not a care in the world.

His fur bristled and the tom leaned back. Perhaps it would've been better if WindClan had hurt the boy, as unethical as it was, it would've taken some of the responsibility from SkyClan on how to deal with the messy situation and made him far more sympathetic. He eyed the elder quietly, jaws tight as he pondered how to address the situation. "He's not here on good terms, Morningbird, not yet." Blazestar had called him a guest, but what sort of guest needed to be watched from sundown to sunhigh and wasn't allowed to leave? 'Prisoner' was a far more apt term, even if Coyotepaw was being treated far better than any prisoner Silversmoke had heard of. "He's to be watched at all times by us until Blazestar decides if he's worthy of SkyClan's forgiveness, whatever reunion you want with him will have to be done with us around." He liked the elder enough to run to his side in the raid, but rules were rules. Silversmoke wouldn't be the one to break them, he doubted Redstorm would either. Sharpeye was a little more blase, but even he seemed to distrust Coyotepaw a little. Who wouldn't, after everything he'd done?

He shook out his ruffled coat, his blinks growing soft for a spell. "Sorry."


Sharpeye would go with whatever decision Blazestar made, even though he had his reservations about Coyotepaw. Ultimately he hoped that he would be proven wrong about his worries, and that in the end Coyotepaw was truly loyal to them and had been nothing more than an unfortunate soul caught up in the spiralling madness of the crazed Queen of WindClan.

Shit happened, in the end. It wasn't like he had been the ever neutral and diplomatic individual that he was now.

The tom didn't fail to notice that Coyotepaw that straying closer to him, favouring his side over that of the other guards. Not that he blamed him either. Sighing softly, he then blinked and looked at the youth. "I suggest you accept the food whilst you can. It wouldn't be wise to shun a kind gift, especially not now that you risk being the last in the clan to eat. Share it with Snowpaw if that makes it any easier." Things were likely to be tense in the weeks to come, and despite his personal feelings he wasn't about to leave another cat to suffer. That wasn't the point.

Though Sharpeye did tense up when Morningbird hurried over to greet the returning Coyotepaw, oozing merriment and glee on a somewhat uneasy situation. As much as he wishes to grant the older tom the chance to be with Coyotepaw he also knows that duties had to come first. "I'm afraid Silversmoke is right. Morningbird, might I suggest you return to resting for the time being. There will be time for warmer reunions later, but right now I'd prefer to get Coyotepaw settled in under more secure conditions."


" You, what is he doing back here for?!." Fierypaw voice could be heared with disbelief as he approached, his eyes angry glaring at Coyotepaw...He was the reason his mentor was fighting for their life right now in the medicine den!. Fierypaw might lose his mentor because of them, the traitor!. Fierypaw had been quick to open his mouth and it was only afterwards he heard the warriors comments, on how Coyotepaw had got brought back here to stay at least for the time being under Blazestar order too!. Fierypaw was not sure what to think or even feel about it. All he could think about was Cloudwing and how she was going to die, how he was going to lose her and all because Coyotepaw had brought this harebrains to their camp!.

" I can't believe Blazestar would agree to this..." he looked stunned, bedrayed almost. Maybe it was because he was still upset over what was happening to Cloudwing, and how he blamed himself for not having been here to defend her or the clan....They had needed him and he had not been here!. So of course that anger got put the blame on somebody else. Fierypaw would hiss underneath his breath, eyes burning with emotions he didn't even understand. " Cloudwing might die because of you." he spat through tearful eyes. I'll never forgive you or view you as a clanmate of mine ever again!. That was his vow, in the heated moment of his own upset emotions.

// sorry for fiery he upset (':



Figpaw does not hate. She does not scorn. She does not shun. The only cat who had ever been an exception to that in her life had been Coyotepaw, and once upon a time his mother and sibling. The later had proven their loyalty, either by staying in SkyClan when temptations of betrayal called or by dying in it. Squirrelpaw was a good and loyal SkyClanner, a cat she would fight beside happily.

But Coyotepaw? He has proven himself more WindClan than SkyClan. Chrysalispaw may have dared to suggest Figpaw would become a fish out of water in SkyClan, being better off in Wind for her loss in skill. But her heart would always be pure SkyClan, and that's what counted! Coyotepaw's heart clearly belonged in his birth home, back in WindClan. The girl finds herself outraged and confused by his presence within their walls, surely they were not just letting him back in?! Not even Blazestar’s own kin was allowed to have their paws stuck in two clans anymore!

Figpaw finds herself sharing Fierypaw’s anger, even if outwardly she only appears frustrated. The girl hobbles over to her apprentice companion and attempts to touch her tail tip to his shoulder. ”Blazestar would never.“ Its said as if she could promise on the behalf of the cream coated leader, but she has faith in him to do what she feels is right. To cast this traitor out back where he came from, back where he always should’ve been.

If Coyotepaw manages to meet her gaze, he’d find a coldness no cat has once ever been met with by Figpaw’s gaze.

//sorry for fig too! though she’s mainly just upset because she’s always held prejudice for them for being WindClan AUGHH


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 9 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Mangled right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Coyotepaw protests the food and Snowpaw finds himself staring at the other with a frown, Sharpeye speaks what he himself is not sure how to explain but he finds his own voice in the end, "Shut up." The words, though not entirely kind, are not spoken with any venom and he glances away briefly before looking back to the golden tom, "You'll take the prey Blazestar ordered me to get you and you'll eat it." He wanted this to work, he wanted to know he spoke up for the right thing to correct a mistake he'd made in the past but his voice dropped low as he dipped his head down and leaned forward, golden eyes intense and his next comment for the other apprentice alone, "...don't make any of us...regret this." Thistleback would be hurt far worse if this was some ploy, he would go for the golden tom's throat himself should it happen. Snowpaw didn't like the idea of having to chase Coyotepaw away but...SkyClan came first. It had to, because otherwise none of this will have mattered.
The blue tom turns to trot away as Morningbird approaches and he wants to glare at the old tom for his foolish behavior-he had to know this wasn't some joyous moment, it had been painful to even get to this point and if he protested too vocally the young cat might very well snap at him. They had to take this carefully...he had to take this carefully. He'd stuck his neck out when he shouldn't have, put himself back in the line of fire after having managed to keep to himself quietly for so long. Snowpaw had the strangest sensation he'd be moving back to his rabbit burrow soon.

Sporecloud had been regaining her strength. It was like... Juniperfrost knocked the depression right out of her when he threw her to the ground. She was eating more, there was more light in her eyes.

She was finally ready to pull herself together.

When Coyotepaw entered the camp, she was surprised. She expected him to come back, but at the same time she didn't. Like she was stuck in between both notions. Regardless, she was happy to see him where he belonged.

She strode over to him, no malice in her eyes.

"You've finally come home..." She said. " Despite all that has happened..... I'm happy you've returned. You belong here, and let no one tell you otherwise." She continued.

She understood her clanmates anger. She may have felt the sting of betrayal, but it had since faded, allowing her to think more clearly.

Coyotepaw was a child that Windclan took advantage of. And for that, they could not go unpunished.

"I forgive you."

Redstorm nearly snarls openly at Blazestar when he makes his decree. His mate could’ve died, his friends and apprentice were injured. Blazestar’s own daughter and yet the flame point allows him to come back into the camp he has endangered. It does soothe his anger a bit that he would be under close watch, it’s soothes him even more that he is one of the cats entrusted to guard him. He would personally be able to make sure the tom didn’t have a chance to hurt his loved ones.

Like Silversmoke the way home for Redstorm is plagued by a constant worry that he will come home to devastation, that this all was another ploy. Another distraction while Wind Clan snuck in and slit the throats of the cats he held dear to him. He has flashes of images of Haze’s dead body being dragged into the camp, Sootstar’s name on his brothers lips. If he could kill every last Wind Clanner it would not be enough to ease the anger.

He lets out a breath he had been holding when they arrive home and everything is fine, let’s his muscles relax but only for a moment before cats are rushing him wanting to see how their prisoner is doing. He is glad the other cats guarding Coyotepaw shoo them away, Redstorm would have been way less kind about the matter.

"Let him starve if that’s what he wants" the flame point grumbles. Wether Coyotepaw ate or not was none of his concern, he would follow Blazestars orders regardless. He would nod respectfully in the direction of Figpaw, perhaps she was correct and Blazestar would come to the right conclusion.

// I doubt I have to even say this but just in case his opinions are purely ic! He just loves his clan a lot and doesn’t think coyote is good for it 😭

Howlpaw treks back silently with the patrol, mind focused only on the task[ of providing prey for Coyotepaw alongside Snowpaw. Upon the return of Coyotepaw a few cats rush to greet him, acknowledging his return in a more pleasant manner than some of those who initially greeted him. Luckily a few cats who helped escort him back were quick to dissuade the friendly reunions, pointing out that he hadn't exactly returned on good terms.

Coyotepaw's refusal to take the prey she and Snowpaw had yet to retrieve made her fur bristle slightly. Not so much out of anger but more out of annoyance that he was dismissing the meal. "You would be wise to eat what you are given," Howlpaw urged, Despite the edge to her words, trying to imitate the attitude of the more senior members of the returning patrol. "I don't think you need to be told that many here would rather you starve or be left to fend for yourself."
( ) no one is a stranger to the sudden scent of moorlands that spills into the clearing, it sends a ripple of immediate unease across the growing crowd whose eyes all turn towards the entrance where curtains of fern and gorse are pushed aside to make way for the returning patrol who herded a familiar apprentice into their home.


surprise reflects off an amber gaze as huckleberry saunters over to inspect the situation a bit closer, he truly expected for the cream tabby to be welcomed back but instead his presence is met with resentment and judgemental glares that causes the smoky man to wince beneath his breath. coyotepaw is not to be treated like a friend that he once was to skyclan but an enemy who must walk on a bed of thorns all while under the scrutinzing eyes of his former home.

huckleberry doesn't understand, coyote used to have a place here so why is he being treated as if the past raid was his fault entirely? windclan may been his birthplace but his heart surely resided here in skyclan otherwise the young tabby wouldn't have shown up at all. "it ain't right to treat 'im like he's sum malicious villain. . ." a rough voice mummers in disapprovement alongside the bristling crowd, he knows he'll probably be met with scowls but to stay silent would feed into a growing guilt.

huckleberry wanted coyotepaw to know that not everyone sees him in a negative light.
( i hear the wandering streams and the song of the birds )
Angry at all the things I can't change
A warm aged voice calls out to him amidst the callous whispers. For a second his head inclines upward a fraction, nearly lifting his gaze to meet the eyes of Morningbird. Yet he stops, Hesitation fills his paws with lead, keeping him from moving although he longed to give in to the elders gentle beck and call. Just when he thought he might take a step forward one of his guards discourages the storyteller from approaching, tossing out the reminder that he was not here on good terms. His head falls back into the lower position it held as Sharpeye explains that it would be wise to eat but he couldn't bring himself to accept the offer. Howlpaw is next, insisting that he should eat because many would rather he starve and the knuckles of his paws flex as he glares at them. "I know, so why not give everyone what they want..." He thought passively. The majority of the clan's desires were not lost to him and Redstorm's quick approval of no food proved to it.

As if in a last ditch effort Snowpaw tells him to shut up, his words to eat the prey he will be given sound more like a demand than a suggestion. He was not prepared for the whisper that came after, a warning that truthfully did not need to be given. But, like before, he falters with what to say and words die on his lips. There is a voice he does not recognize, youthful but full of malice like the rest, spitting venom. He keeps his eyes down, flinching at the news that their mentor might die because of the raid Sootstar made him lead. Figpaw attempts to soothe this apprentice he did not know and he takes a step back, feeling crowded and suffocated by everyone around. Another set of paws encroaches within his downcast line of sight and he recognizes the voice as Sporecloud's. The molly explains that she is happy he's returned and that above all that has happened she forgives him.

He swallows the lump the threatens to appear in his throat, turning his head further away from the fawn pelted warrior. "No you don't..." He failed to believe it. How could he after seeing the hurt and disappointment in her eyes during the raid? After hearing that Leopardcloud would be weeping in her grave after what he'd done. Although he could not see ebony paws due to the crowd surrounding him he recognized the unique southern twang of Huckleberry's voice. The black smoke speaks up for him, uttering his disagreement over how he's being treated but Coyote found himself silently agreeing with the masses. "But are they really wrong?" They all hated windclan and in their eyes he'd always been windclan. If they needed an outlet for their anger he wouldn't resist like he would when younger. He could at least offer them that kindness. "I'm going to make my nest..." He murmurs to no guard in particular, finally finding his voice. Carefully he squeezes his way around the back of his guards, not daring to go through the crowd and walks off. (/out)
when you're lost in the universe don't lose faith

Worthy? Worthy?

The fur on his neck begins to raise as his temperature and temper climbs at the wording. How dare they, how dare they treat someone scarecly older than his granddaughter as mere canonfodder? A rat's leap away from the age of the leader's own children? His eyes dart around camp, as if only now aware of the way others whisper and glare. It makes him sick seeing grown adults judge the weight of a child's sin the same they would their own. 'I had been so blinded by need for a future for Mushroom that I forgot why we never associated ourselves with colony goers and clan cats before. Their lives are rife with war and anger. Nothing more than bloodshed to beget bloodshed, grudges to be held until someone isn't alive-'

His anger would've only climbed further had he not watched Sporecloud step forward, had he not heard her and Huckleberry speak out against his treatment, even if not against the punishment he knows would come regardless of Coyotepaw's style of 'welcome'. Yes, of course, he must trust in Blazestar. The leader had a good head on his shoulders, Morningbird could trust him to do what was right. He just had to have faith. The elder nods, fur calming. "Of course, the boy must be exhausted after coming all this way." The elder says, watching the apprentice slink by with some of his guards to get re-settled. "Regardless, will one of you come by with him soon? I've no mind for company." Only then does Mushroomkit let out a breath she hadn't known she was holding, sheepishly coming around to push at her grandfather's legs.

"Okay okay, time to go back now." She almost sounds afraid of the returning party, voice lilting with a subtle tremor. He lets out a sigh, allowing himself to be guided by his granddaughter back towards his nest. She spares the camp at large one last glance before they disappear into the shadows of the den, and should her skin have been visible through her fur, one would've seen that the young molly looked ghostly pale.


header by lleafeons on DA, fancy via chérie​