private Nothing's new nothing's new ♡ Antlerbreeze

Mar 30, 2024
*+:。.。 Wrath-howl was a name that made sense for the killer. Blasphemy upon blasphemy, why not wear a wolf's name with pride at this point? Wrath-howl smirks at the idea, no longer attempting to fight the shake in his paws as he thinks about living the rest of his life in the shadow of the woman he'd helped kill. He doubts that was Skyclaw's intention though...although it's hard to tell, seeing the tom's cruelty can't be expected to linger solely on those who openly protest against him. The man's malice knows no bounds, and passing beneath the High-Rock Wrath-howl reflects upon that fact with a cold ache in his chest. Carrionshriek, Vilefury...Doecry and...Antlerpoison. He shakes his head, not for the first time wondering how he could've allowed himself to follow such a he could've helped him rise to the top.

There's no use in wondering about that now, though, so he banishes the thought with a hollow-eyed blink.

But when he refocuses, he finds his attention has fallen upon one of Skyclaw's numerous victims - Antlerpoison herself. His steps stutter to a halt, leaving him only able to watch the woman from a distance. He recalls her bravery during the meeting, protesting against Skyclaw with all the vengeful fire of one unafraid of death. To say he's envious would be an understatement. Before the killer realizes it, he finds himself padding towards her. He hadn't spoken to her since...well, since his part in Howlingstar's death was revealed. His stomach squeezes as he prepares for the inevitable swing of a vengeful paw and, perhaps, a part of him hopes for it.

""Antler..." he begins, finding he doesn't actually know what he wants to say. But just as quick as the paws that had subconsciously brought him to her, the tabby wolf suddenly blurts out, "I won't...I won't use that name" He opens and closes his mouth for a moment, before swallowing thickly, "I...I'm sorry. I don't - I mean I can't - I just - " he clicks his teeth shut, before sighing, "I can't do a lot of good anymore, I know that I do but...I can at least..." He squeezes his eyes shut, and despite himself, he imagines it's Howlingstar in her apprentice's place. "Howlingstar gave you a beautiful name, Antlerbreeze. Nothing can take that away," he's not as brave as she is, he can't lift himself from the crowd and fight against Skyclaw's new order but...he wants to try. With the clumsy steps of the one who knows no longer which way leads to a worse fall, he at least knows this much - "I'm sorry" for everything, "for dishonoring her legacy" if I could take it all back, ""if I could give the name back..." he didn't want -howl any more than the rest of the clan.

    DMAB— He/Him
    10 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — apprentice
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally very easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently , mentally unwell