camp Nothing's new, Nothing's new, Noth- ☄ RTA


Hot headed!!!!
Nov 2, 2023
*+:。.。 Singepaw scowls harshly at the sun as it pierces down upon him. Bright, unfaltering - save for that brief stint when it was pierced through the chest - annoying. He doesn't care for it. How quickly it went from being eaten to whole as if nothing had happened. Why does the sun get to come back unscathed while he had to wait a whole extra week in the medicine den because his stupid wounds reopened? Lifting a white-tipped paw, he touches his neck with a wince. His fur isn't long enough to disguise the shameful holes pierced into his white throat by those wretched fangs. Sharply pointed ears flat against his head, he drops his paws and takes a breathe. It's...whatever. At the end of the day, what happened happened, and right now Bloodpaw is wandering out and about just fine so...really, what's there to stress about?

"Can I go on patrol now?" he whines.

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowpaw, Sneezepaw)
    Shadowclan — Kit
    Apprenticed to Pipitclaw

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: Throat bite, flank scratches, various cutes [pained until 04/03/24]



To say that she feels bad for Singepaw right now is a lie. He had done it to his own stupid self, landed himself in the medicine cats den solely because he and Bloodpaw seemed to have tadpoles swimming around in their brains. She herself could not imagine doing such a thing, not unless she wanted to get held back that was! Oh well, if he was held back then that was better for her because then she would really cement herself as the better warrior! (if it happened, she would never let it go, she's certain) and then he had been hare-brained enough to go and reopen his wounds, landing him even more time spent healing.

"Did Starlingheart say you could?" she asks, a knowing look in her mismatched blue eyes. It was driving the pointed tom crazy being trapped in camp like a wayward kit and she was well aware of the fact. Instead of sympathizing with him though, she jumped at the opportunity to taunt him about it. "Don't worry Singepaw I'll bring you back a nice big juicy frog today and you can eat it with the elders maybe"

  • UnubgZp.jpeg

  • 74005637_Mkbfa9PMK58YlSi.png
    A fluffy she cat who's fur is half cream tabby, half blue tabby split by white. Her eyes are two mismatched shades of blue, with one being a light icy blue and the other being darker in color.
    Easy in battle + still learning how to fight

Was it rude to say he was happy it was Singepaw who got attacked and not him? Yeah, probably but hey he was glad he was busting himself licking the fur on his backside while his peers fought for their life. He was no fighter not even a little bit, he had the tongue of one but he always ran away if given the chance. Some may call him a mouseheart but he would call himself a survivor - he’d rather be alive than dead or maimed. He did miss the extra company (not like they didn’t have plenty) in the apprentices den though, he’s happy to see his hotheaded peer come peering from the medicine den like a prickly little groundhog in the spring.

He’s begging practically to return to his duties, honestly Opossumpaw feels similarly while he loved his relaxing time he had it in excess as of late. He pads the toms way, his stride more of a swagger; his tails held high and there’s a smirk on his face. Sadly for him he’d have another apprentice rubbing salt in the wound. He sits himself down besides Halfpaw. "Lookin’ good Singepaw" a paw rises to his maw for him to groom innocently. "That bite wound really suits you. Very rugged!" he purrs teasingly. He’s being lighthearted, there was no fun throwing rocks at a chained dog. Instead he throws pebbles.


Shadowclan apprentices were either cursed or every single one of them was born without a survival instinct it seemed. Laurelpaw swore he saw more young cats in the medicine den than elders and warriors, it was stupid. Could no one figure out that to make it to warriorhood they had to be at least a little patient? That bravery and stupidity were absurdly close in action.

He watched as one of the "bravest" apprentices moaned about not being able to go on patrol, Laurelpaw rolled his eyes at it as he approached. He added on to the other apprentices teasing "If you had been so worried about patrolling maybe you would have actually waited to go on one instead of sneaking out?" the comment was made in less good spirits than the other teases, but honestly the tom deserved it, the rude words that is. He hardly deserved the scars and cuts, but he was lucky he got away with just that. There was then a second where Laurelpaw began to regret the words he had spat out, "You'll be loathing morning patrol soon enough. Might as well take the break while you can." he said these words softer than the first. He hadn't often been empathetic or sympathetic or whatever he was feeling now, but it felt warranted enough. Or maybe he had eaten something bad and he was feeling off?

The other apprentices are readily harsh when it comes to Singepaw and his.. accident. Deep down, Sneezepaw doesn't really blame them - Singepaw was an idiot, running out the way he did. There was no holding that boy down, and he was certain it was draining the patience of the cats around him. Luckily for Singepaw, his littermate had seemingly infinite amounts of it.

Sneezepaw ignores the other apprentices as he approaches his brother and leans in close, sniffing at the wounds on his neck. They had re-opened, and that's why Singepaw was stuck in the medicine cat longer than he was supposed to. Why Sneezepaw was experiencing his first moon outside of camp without him. The chocolate tabby puts on a frown and looks his brother in the eyes - his own are clouded with concern, and maybe a touch of disappointment. He'd always be soft on his brother, but there was a limit when it came to, well.. this. Sneezepaw remembers seeing his brother return to camp, bloodied and beaten. That image would never leave his mind.

"It will heal faster if you'd sit still," Sneezepaw warned. Whether or not it was true, he wasn't sure. But knowing Singepaw, it was his own impatience that dug himself deeper. If there was any semblance of negativity in Sneezepaw's eyes, it softens now. "You aren't missing much, I promise. I'll make sure the catching up will be fun."
  • sneezekit SNEEZEPAW
    ━━ APPRENTICE of SHADOWCLAN | 6 MOONS ,, ages every 2nd
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none

  • speech is #ffcc8a


Singepaw and Bloodpaw's little adventure had landed them squarely in Starlingheart's den, and thereafter a stretch in camp even longer after they were healed up. Lilacfur had noticed, since their punishment began, they had been awfully quiet. She had hoped the disaster that followed their poor decisions had set a firm lesson that rules were followed for a reason. Though it was hard to instill that when they were still made apprentices at all at their fourth moon.

A struggling notion of inconsistency within the Clan did not usually mix anything well. At the very least, Chilledstar didn't appear keen on graduating anymore kits that still belonged with their mother.

"I didn't think you two were still recovering. You haven't returned to your denmates?" That was over a moon ago now. not even Chilledstar's wounds needed that much attention, but perhaps what she overheard and assumed was not the truth. For Pipitclaw's sake, anyhow. She couldn't imagine the rolling frustration of seeing his apprentice's recklessness like that.
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]
*+:。.。 Halfpaw was the first to approach him which, oddly enough, eased some of the glare in Singepaw's boiling blue eyes. Still, he didn't hide the roll of them as she spoke up. "You can't avoid being nest neighbors with me forever, rabbit-eater" he smirks at her next comment, lifting his chin up and snarling with a good-natured look in his eye, "I'd rather eat it on your nest, hope you like sleeping on frog juice!" He's about ready to lower himself into a crouch and pounce on her, when Opposumpaw suddenly appears.

His scowl returns up until his den-mate offers a compliment. Singepaw remains wary, never fully trusting kind words after he'd gone through such an embarrassing failure of a mission. But instead of hitting a bear with rocks, he receives a perfect pebble to a waiting can, the clink of a satisfying pitch makes Singepaw loosen up. Extending his neck to show off his impressive bite scars, Singepaw would grin, "I wish the story behind them was cooler, but the scars are pretty killer, huh? I bet no one will mess with me seein' I survived these bad boys" he purrs, before wincing as he pulls the skin a little too taut. Fighting the urge to rub at his neck, he turns his attention to Laurelpaw.

Singepaw's smile vanishes in an instant as Laurelpaw - ever the buzzkill compared to Halfpaw - comes at him already ready with a lecture. He'd been waiting for this, of course, but it pisses him off to receive it from someone like Laurelpaw who got to have his early apprenticehood not only in one clan but two! "Oh shut up Laurelpaw, you sound like your dad" he spits, before growing quiet for a moment at his next comment. "No. Ill take it." he says with a huff, glancing away. Having nowhere else to look, he trains his glower on Chilledstar's den. He...had a lot of trust to rebuild, and if that meant going on the earliest patrols and doing the worst of the apprentice's chores, then so be it. As long as he can stretch his legs and show his clan - his leader - that he means it when he says he's ready then...he'll do whatever it takes.

And all at once, the glare is gone from his eyes as Sneezepaw appears. His little brother always brings out the softer side in Singepaw, keeping him perfectly still as his striped sibling sniffs his wounds. Suddenly, Sin feels a little less proud of his scars. He hopes 'Zee isn't too stressed about it...that he still isn't angry with Sin. "I promise I'm okay," he says at last to his brother, a smile finding its way onto his maw, touched by his brother's care. Of all the cats here, Sneezepaw is more allowed than anyone to call Singepaw out on his stupidity. All he has to do is ask him why he didn't invite Sneezepaw and Singepaw's plan falls apart in an instant. Because it could be dangerous he would've said.

Instead, 'Zee shows his care, though Sin doesn't miss the edge of bitterness temporarily in his eyes. But Singepaw remains all smiles when 'Zee offers to help him catch up, leaving the hot-head only enough thought to nod vigorously, happy for the offer.

To Lilacfur, Singepaw hardens but not by a significant margin. He appreciates that the first adult didn't follow Laurelpaw's goody-two-shoes lead and lecture him on things he already knew. Glancing nervously at Sneezepaw, he replies, "Starlingheart said I needed further observation, or whatever" with a shrug. Truth was, the idiot managed to catch a fever at the last second. A raging one that had him asleep for most of his time in the den. He hated that so much time had passed - much more than he should've needed. Another reminder that this body of his wasn't as strong as he'd thought.
That he wasn't as strong as he thought.
Digging his claws into the earth, a frustration the color of red hot flames blooms in his chest. No matter what, though, he's better now. And he'll work his ass off until he's even better than better!

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowpaw, Sneezepaw)
    Shadowclan — Kit
    Apprenticed to Pipitclaw

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: Throat bite, flank scratches, various cutes [pained until 04/03/24]