private NOVEMBER RAIN [šŸŒ³] twoleg encounter


Mar 18, 2024

Transversing the forest with @Sproutpaw , Green-leaf scents flood his senses. The sunā€™s soothing rays cascade through the trees to kiss his ginger fur. A silent purr quakes in his throat, it was days like these he lived for. Warm and peaceful with the sound of birdsong, plump prey at his paws ready for the taking.

ā€Go on up ahead,ā€ Bigfang waves a paw forward encouragingly, ā€I want to see how you fare hunting alone without me shadowing you.ā€ The ginger Tom-cat wouldnā€™t be far, he heard the pitter-patter of shrew feet in the foliage and had every intent to give into the chase. Large paws move swiftly, yet carefully, through the plants. He takes caution not to step on any twigs or crinkling leaves thatā€™d alert his prey.

He follows it all the way to the twoleg path. Heā€™s about to make a pounce when suddenly- a noise, ā€™Pspspā€¦ā€™

A familiar call, it sends him back to moons long ago. His head swerves to see a youthful twoleg kneeling on the path, her paw extended with toes rubbing against each other. A signal heā€™s long learned to be like the upwards flick of a tail, a beckoning.

Bigfang is not scared, but he is stunned by the instant longing to obey that digs its claws into his heart. Itā€™s been moons since heā€™s been in contact with a twoleg, heā€™s missed it somedays, sure but never enough to seek one out. Never enough to betray his clan for one. Yet now, he had a chance to relive his past for just a moment.

He looks around to make sure nobodyā€™s watching. Paws begin to move forward without thought as if enchanted by the calling of the twoleg. Wearily, he extends his pink nose to sniff their paw. The twoleg notes his acceptance and wearily lifts their paw above his ginger head and gives him a stroke on the head. Bigfang purrs and brushes his fur against the knelt leg of the twoleg.

For just a moment, heā€™s a kittypet again with no fear of starvation, warmth, or death.
  • Ā» Hank ā€¤ Bigfang
    Ā» ThunderClan Warrior
    Ā» Former Kittypet
    Ā» He/him
    Ā» A large, beaten-up ginger tabby tom with green eyes.
    Ā» "Speech" ā€¤ thoughts ā€¤ attack
  • Ā» A heavy-hitting foe who makes his hits count
    Ā» Excels in heavy, powerful moves.
    Ā» Fights to protect and make opponents flee.
    Ā» Though strong, he is a slow mover. A fleet-footed cat would both easily frustrate and land hits on him.
    Ā» May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Silently the two often walked together when training was happening, Sproutpaw known to be one of usually little words and Bigfang simply telling him what to do and asking questions when he needed to to make sure there was understanding within the young apprentice. They had been paired together for two moons now and though Sproutpaw still didn't have things down perfectly he was getting there, he was learning at a pace that was acceptable to most even if it wasn't acceptable to him. He'd been close to catching one or two pieces of prey by now, always told afterwards what he could have done better and he always vowed to remember only to forget something else the next time, and now Bigfang wanted him to go off on his own for a little bit to see how he fared without the presence of the larger ThunderClanner by his side.

Nodding he'd move away silently - a skill he was good at now thanks to the practice he'd been doing every chance he got - before ears would flick as he heard the quiet scratching noise of a squirrel nearby and he'd get into a hunter's crouch as he pinpoint the location. The whole time he moved towards the sound of the prey animal in the back of his mind he hoped that his mentor was watching him, that he was seeing how good he was doing, and when it finally came time to jump and pounce, front paws extended out as claws unsheathed he'd made it and let out a small noise of triumph as for the first time in his few moons of training Sproutpaw had successfully done what he was training to do; he'd killed something to bring home for the cats in the clan to eat.

Chest puffed out as he picked up his catch, eyes lighting up with pride as he turned around expecting to see the orange striped face of his mentor coming over to congratulate him on his catch before eyes dulled and fur lied flat when nothing came. Ears flicked back before he'd swing his head to look around and move back towards where the two had originally departed. Walking in the direction he'd come from was when he'd see it; Bigfang, big strong warrior of ThunderClan purring as he allowed a twoleg to touch him and willingly rubbed his body against the creature's leg. It came as a surprise to Sproutpaw then when he'd dropped his squirrel and a low growl of frustration and fury bubbled from his throat before he burst through the foliage, fur puffed out as claws extended and tail lashed angrily behind him.

"What in StarClan's name are you doing?" The apprentice would shriek out, eyes narrowing as he watched both mentor and twoleg respectively, ready to lash out if either were to come too close.

  • --
  • 79619874_hcUKvDlxKSRuDI7.png
  • ą¹‘ SH chocolate tabby/lilac chimera w/low white, heterochromia, folded ears
    ą¹‘ rarely talks, listens to conversations
    ą¹‘ 6 moons old; ages the 20th every month
    ą¹‘ bisexual biromantic ; interested in no one
    ą¹‘ currently being mentored by Bigfang
    ą¹‘ not easy to befriend/interact with; slow to anger, slow to calm
    ą¹‘ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ą¹‘ easy in combat due to age
    ą¹‘ peaceful powerplay allowed
  • Wow
Reactions: AVA

The reunion of former kittypet and twoleg doesnā€™t last long. A shriek sounds through the forest and his heart sinks, heā€™s been caught. He shouldā€™ve known he would have been. How mouse-brained was he?

Itā€™s enough to snap him out of the trance, he turns and hisses at the twoleg, swats an unsheathed paw at them. They yelp and reel back, lips move to scold him in a language he could not understand as eyes plead for him not to full on attack them. He doesnā€™t, he rushes away from the twoleg towards his apprentice- demanding what he had been doing. ā€Not now- get out of here!ā€ He yowls, aiming to shoulder the apprentice forward.

The ginger Tom races through the undergrowth, paws pounding against the dirt floor. The twoleg would not pursue them, but he would not risk another cat, StarClan forbid, a patrol to stumble upon him as he tried to explain to Sproutpaw.

Explainā€¦ how was he going to explain? What was there to explain? He had done what he had done. Sproutpaw saw what he saw. There was nothing to say, but his entire reputation was fragile and on the line.

Finally stopping heā€™d whirl around to face the chocolate and lilac cat. ā€Youā€¦ā€ He struggles to catch his breath, ā€You saw a mistake. A mistake you cannot tell anyone Iā€™ve made.ā€ His brows are furrowed, but there is a look of desperation in his green eyes.
  • Ā» Hank ā€¤ Bigfang
    Ā» ThunderClan Warrior
    Ā» Former Kittypet
    Ā» He/him
    Ā» A large, beaten-up ginger tabby tom with green eyes.
    Ā» "Speech" ā€¤ thoughts ā€¤ attack
  • Ā» A heavy-hitting foe who makes his hits count
    Ā» Excels in heavy, powerful moves.
    Ā» Fights to protect and make opponents flee.
    Ā» Though strong, he is a slow mover. A fleet-footed cat would both easily frustrate and land hits on him.
    Ā» May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing