now and forever - rumblerain

— prefix given to honour redrumble. suffix given by sootstar for perseverance and and loyalty. formerly rumblekit, rumblepaw.
— "my raindrop" by badgermoon. "raindrop" to edenberry.
— duskclan deputy. former windclan moor-runner
— 14 moons, ages on the 1st
— agender, they/them pronouns only

— attack in #A1CAD7
— trained, minimal experience ; unlikely to kill, will fight back. will not flee.
— non-violent and healing powerplay allowed.
— contact me on any tt discord for plots and interactions!

[ SH SEAL POINT W/ LOW WHITE (c. lh, dilute) ] — a tall young cat with long limbs and large ears. scruffy fur. rumblerain seems to take after their father much more than their mother. their point markings have darkened revealing pale markings - with front toes, tailtip, belly and face marked in white strands. their skin is a light shade of pink, and their wide eyes have stayed roughly the same since they first opened, fading from kitten-blue to sky hued.
— no injuries
— no scars
— smells like gorse and an indistinct group of cats.
— voiced by ???

[ INTP - TYPE 3 - LAWFUL NEUTRAL ] — quiet, jealous, thoughtful, cunning. priority has shifted from scorchtreak since the journey, both parents missing during crucial moons for different reasons letting them fall right into the paws of the loyalists. considers there to be a large divide between them and the rest of their family. smth about parallels between rumble and badger both being traitors for very different reasons. still an incredibly intense believer in starclan, but will not state so outright.

[ SCORCHSTREAK X BADGERMOON ] — second-born; littermate to frostwind, luckypaw, scorchstorm.
— complicated relationship with their family; believes that they were left behind emotionally and then abandoned during the rebel breakout. can't quite bring themself to disown their kin. believes badgermoon to be deceased.

— mentored by brindlecloud [npc].
— mentoring privetpaw.

TRUSTS — thriftfeather, hollowcreek (dubious), privetpaw, edenberry
DISTRUSTS — granitepelt, "new" windclan

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  • 01_10_rumblepaw.png

    rumblepaw | tags
    — they/them ; moor-runner apprentice of windclan. mentored by brindlecloud.
    — lanky black-and-white point with blue eyes. butterfly accessory.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — art by mercibun
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
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