now bear with me ◈ sunstride


His name is a source of pride. He wears it with confidence, unflinching and unfailing in face of the current struggles of the clan; he didn't know where his heart was supposed to go, but he knew who he was - he was Bearpaw. A name picked for him by both parents after careful scrutiny, he and his siblings had spent their earlier moon nameless and squirming but had eventually been given these identities along with some prey that was meaningful. He only remembers a little of this, too small to be very aware, too disinterested it most things during his young kit times to really have digested the information. They had been told many tales of a place far from the moors, where cats didn't have clan names and the mountains were dipped white with snow year long. The same sort of place the journey cats had gone, but maybe colder. Maybe one you didn't wish to see. Bearpaw had heard the tall tales of his namesake, some kind of beast with a big voice and bigger appettite but he never really got much more than that when it came to stories. Spotting Sunstride moving through the camp he is swift to follow for lack of anything better to do, intention to pester with questions while his mentor does not have him out.

The older rosette tom has looked so tired lately, he worries more than he feels he should for him because Sunstride was strong and could handle anything thrown his way; it just hurt his heart to know there was something more going on he wasn't entirely sure of. He had his guesses, but outside speculation he could only chalk up his father's struggles with the weight of being clan deputy. WindClan was run with careful order and care, Sootstar was meticulous in her methods; not above spilling blood for a point. It's all he's known. He hates knowing things.
Carefully padding over he takes a seat alongside the hunched figure of the other chocolate tabby. They really did look painfully alike, but his face more mirrored Wolfsong in his shape and fur even if it didn't match in color.
"Sunst..." He pauses, they were alone, "...father, what even is a bear? I don't think I ever got a good description of one from the stories..."


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    —⊰⋅ Apprentice of WindClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ SH Chocolate Rosette Tabby w/blue eyes.

It was a name that meant more to him than he could ever know. The likeness of a cat he had parted with in a storm of snarls and bitterly weighted pride. He had known even then that his son was a fool; shaped by arrogance and some small piece of desperation. Yet he had let him go with something nearing understanding. It had taken him many moons more to see it for what it was. And some after that to appreciate it. Bearpaw is named for a tom that he will never meet, not simply the stories of a lifetime that has passed them by. The memory of both is enough to settle him some, in these turbulent times. His gaze startles to alertness upon his child, and then settles back into a calm, tired warmth. He does not like to stand so far above his kittens, and with the call of father, the deputy will sink to his belly.

"Well it look like you, of course," he chuckles, sweeping up one paw to lightly pat at his cheek. "They are like the thickest-furred of cats, their pelts dark as the trees of ThunderClan and ears like RiverClan's shells. They are the size of outlook rock itself, standing upon their legs like the twolegs of horseplace, and so broad that they would tear a monster from its path." Some of it is exaggerated, he knows, yet the allure of a good story has never failed to pull him in. A grin of excitement pulls his story along and lights the warrior's face. "Their fangs are the length of your tail, and they could swallow you whole if you did not struggle against it. One paw is enough to crush a smaller cat beneath it."

Too gruesome, he decides, and wobbles back to something more somber. "They are great and powerful warriors, who know peace until they cannot. It is what you are named for."

  • OOC.
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    ——– HE – HIM – HIS ╱╱ 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.