private NOW I LISTEN AND LAUGH (vulture)

// @VULTUREMASK SORRY IT'S SO SHORT I wanted to get it out before I went to bed

Giddily, large paws trot the tunnel beneath the thunderpath and carry with them a well-groomed warrior. Tonight, she meets with her secret mate once more. It's become a manageable secret; no one questions her solo hunts, and especially with night training it's even more normal that she leaves camp so late. No one has suspected a thing, and the guilt of what she's doing has faded. The lies of where she's hunted slip as easily through her teeth as water over rocks. Forestshade reaches the other side, climbing out of the tunnel with her legs dripping creek-water. A gross feeling, but she'll ignore it the best she can. Finally, she arrives in the hollow beneath the four towering oak trees and waits rather impatiently for Vulturemask, scenting the air so she can know when he arrives.
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Tonight it didnt seem like he was the first one to arrive since Forestshade already was there before he even had showed up. Good, he thought. Meant he didn't need to wait around for her so he could get this over with. He needed to fix this foolish mistake of his to make amend with the stars to clean his soul from this sin before it was too late. He needed to end this delusion which never had been real to begin with. Nothing about what they had or shared was real, just an comforting lie he had made up from his own heartbreak. He had wanted something real, to have something he never could have. Vulturemask understood that now. If he wanted paradise he needed to get ride of all distractions to devote himself fully to starclan.

" Lets end this." He didn't waste any time to get his message across, to cut off their ties so suddenly and harshly without any regard of the molly's own feelings. Forestshade had served her purpose. He no longer needed her. She had just been a shoulder to lean on in a difficult time anyway. All she had been up to this point were a substitute to take the place of the tom who he truly was in love with. Had been anyway. After today he would abandon and destroy this feelings too. Loving a traitor was going to send him down into the dark abyss to forever be banned from ever getting accepted into paradise. Breaking the warrior code was the biggest offence any warrior could do to starclan. He understood that now. For the rest of his life he would have to do everything he could to make up for this.

Cutting his ties with Forestshade was the first step of correcting his wrong doings, next would be to cut his own heart out so he never would fall for a trap like this ever again. Vulturemask could live a miserable lonely life as long he gets to have his afterlife. He was sure every sacrifice he had to make in this life would reward him in the end. Didn't matter who he had to hurt in the process.

She hears the undergrowth rustle, signaling her lover’s arrival. With a grin, she is on her paws and striding towards him with her tail held high, her ears angling towards him so she can hear his greeting well.

Let’s end this.

The words halt her in her steps, expression stunned. She doesn’t have to mull over the meaning, it’s quite obvious in his tone what his intention is. Her stomach twists as a frown pulls at her face, but nothing more. She’s disappointed, but she isn’t heartbroken. Her nightly adventures would be coming to an end. Her distraction from day-to-day life would no longer be in her life. It’s a shame and a disappointment, but one she can get over. She knew what they had wasn’t love, but a brief, fleeting infatuation. Whatever. “I understand. Clan comes first, right?” She gives a shrug, seemingly uncaring and part of her truly is. Perhaps this is for the best, and she didn’t even have the make the hard decision. She can return to ShadowClan tonight with a clear conscious that she is no longer breaking the Warrior Code. “Have a good life, WindClanner,” Forestshade would trill casually, as if a relationship spanning nearly a season hadn’t just been ended by Vulturemask. Chin lifted and shoulders straight, she waved her tail in farewell before slipping into the shadows to return home, a loyal ShadowClanner once more.

//smh literally feeling no guilt akfjsj THANKS FOR THE PLOT KAZ!! <3
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