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In some ways, the awful patrol had been a success. The trail of blood had disappeared beyond their border, but the amount of it, the scent of death, the clumps of fur and flesh, eventually gave way to the patrol's realization that they would not bring Centipedepaw back. He was dead. They could not even bury him, honor him the way they had Haze, the way they had Rain.

The cold-hearted rogue that had killed the SkyClan apprentice had taken his body, and Blazestar cannot figure out why. Why kill a hapless apprentice in heavily-marked Clan territory? Why drag their body away like a dog sourcing carrion?

His paws are heavy by the time he returns to camp, eyes bleak. His tone us dull as he orders: "Daisyflight, leads, my den. Now." He pauses before Dawnglare's den before adding, "Dawnglare, you too. No one disturb us."

His broad head flicks back the elderberry shielding the mouth of his den. Still, he feels foreign here, like a spirit possessing another creature's body. Rain is still here, faint in scent but strong in spirit, and Blazestar is a pale imitation as he sits and stares at the cats who come to gather before him.

His only strength, he thinks hollowly, is that he has them. Cats who can help guide him during times where he truly is a useless kittypet. "The kittypet king," a taunt that rings in his ears as he gazes at each cat in turn.

"A rogue killed him." There'd been no predator scent. The stench of some rogue had disappeared with the trail of blood. "And who has dared to return to our territory, surrounded by filthy, thieving rogues, taking our prey and threatening us?" He clenches his teeth, and sudden fire blazes in his dark blue eyes. "Who keeps murderers and thieves as his company now! Who has shown them SkyClan territory?"

A slow, burning anger begins to radiate from his paws to his chest. He snaps his head to Daisyflight, ears flattening. "He would know who did this, if nothing else. He will tell us which of his disgusting friends did this to one of our own." His breath fades with the force of his anger. "I will not allow this to happen again. I can't. My Clanmates should not live in fear of those rat-eating filth."

He thinks again of Centipedepaw. Of Daisyflight's kits, Butterflypaw. Of Little Wolf and his children being attacked and dragged away like prey.

Wild fury twists his face. "Someone has to answer for this."

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𝐵𝓊𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌, 𝐼 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓇𝑒

Her paws are heavy with grief, ears flat against a slender skull as she follows her leader and deputy into the den hidden behind the elderberry. She settles beside Redstorm, the scent of blood still far too fresh in her nostrils and her normally airy and whimsical nature had been replaced with a solemn, contemplative silence.

As Blazestar begins to speak, she lifts her head to listen, but the more words tumble from his maw the wider her eyes become in horror. No. He could not possibly believe it. She holds her tongue at first, wanting to hear all her leader had to say before a meow, as gentle as the coo of a dove rose from her, "Blazestar, your grief, and your anger aren't letting you think straight..."

She looks to the others for a moment before continuing, "Vermillionsun may be a rogue now, but he was a Skyclanner once. I know him better than any cat here and he would not do this. And if one of his own did do this then we can expect that he would bring them here for punishment himself." Her voice was sure, though the look on his face was clearly emotional, full of belief that her friend could not have known about this. Her tail lashes behind her as she struggles to keep her voice low, "Let me go with you, he will not lie to me."

Her tone is pleading, eyes flickering between those gathered as she once again looks to her clanmates for support, surely they would agree with her? Ver has done nothing to garner such distrust, such a reaction from his former leader. Even their interactions a the border on his return had been tense but respectful. Why would he threaten that now? Her pleading gaze falls upon Daisyflight and Blazestar.

The Blaise that he's met with is different, all empty eyes and spit-soaked words. Heavy-set paws thud across the ground with the weight of his form. Sun-touched paws, faintly striped, seem to lack their usual sheen. Irony-tang fills the air, fresh scent carried along by the futile efforts of the many. There's a tilt of his own head at the display, warriors downtrodden as if they'd expected anything more. He couldn't imagine spending such a time on nothing but a streak of blood. Maybe it was worth it, if only to see such an ugly expression on his friend's face.

And his eyes narrow for a moment— a supple moment as that chance is nearly robbed from him, snatched from his jaws and placed in the paws of sinners. Luckily, luckily, Blaise comes to his senses. He's summoned with a sweep of his tail and set of his jaw. Curling, curling grin, Dawnglare meets the request with the crinkle of his eyes and a tap of his paw. Wise choice, one Blaise foolishly thought was his to make. Sinuously, he drags himself from his den (—nearly trips on bright-buzzing ground, cursed. A breath is sucked in between glistening teeth) Alabster paints the ground in faint wisps, and he kicks a leg out behind him. A low drawl, he repeats, "No one disturb us." the last words are purred warningly, meant for all, though maybe, more specifically the leech clinging to him as of late.

He dips into Blaise's den, and further settles from there. It doesn't take long for his fur to prickle strangely, discomforted (the word would do) in the presence of Daisy and the willowy witch. A crooked smile stays plastered on his face, though it's certainly threatened. The twitching of lips and jaw, he couldn't hope to surpress it in their presence. Listen listen, oh, he'll try.

'A rogue killed him,' the child. Sure. And suddenly Blaise is angry, blank gaze flaring to life, bright as the very sun— were it sky-stained. Accusations, it sounds like, and Dawnglare's eager to entertain them, only... "Who?" he asks, (for he does not know.) He, he keeps saying. Vague, vague, vague, like the leaf-bare sun, nothing. His tail thumps in his irritation, annoying, annoying, he nearly rakes through it with his own claws, reveal a strip of skin in his— frustration.

Vermillionsun, the witch says, and his fur lies the slightest bit flatter. Wide-eyed stare fixed on her, he bites at his lip. Viscious, blood nearly wells, that same sweet-metal tang, just like— their— their... victim.

That does not clarify a thing. He wouldn't do this? Who? "I-Insolent," the hiss comes out instinctive. Claws scratch incessantly at the ground. "He left didn't he, h-how well can you truly know him, then?" an accusation, a point, a question? Gnawing at the back of his skull. "Too soft. Make him answer," he agrees, with a look to— to his friend. His face does not match his voice, a frenzied back and forth between those present, despite the ominous ring. No, no, he couldn't much care for the death— but it's... exciting, so exciting.
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He turns his gaze onto Deersong, the softer-spoken of his lead warriors. She is visibly affected by the crazed expression in Blazestar's eyes, the fury he spits, and as he sees his fraying sanity reflected in her turquoise gaze, he forces the fur risen along his neck to lie flat. "I don't believe Vermilionsun himself is capable of this. Nor do I see a reason he would murder a SkyClan apprentice himself."

He can admit that much. Vermilionsun had once been a noble warrior, had fought fiercely for Rain's colony in the Great Battle and had served under Blazestar for a short period of time. But he remembers the hungry, desperate looks on the faces of his rogue companions.

"That said." His eyes narrow into furious dark blue slits. "I do think he had the audacity to show those heathens our territory, full of prey ripe for the taking. SkyClan is weak, you hear all the other leaders say it." His bitterness is like unripe berries on his tongue. "Vermilionsun chose this border knowing I would not retaliate if he stole prey from us. He showed his rogues I would allow them to feed from our lands and steal food from the mouths of our kits and elders."

Grimly, the realization that this is his fault -- that it always comes back on him -- sends a flood of cold despair through him.

Deersong pleads with Blazestar. Let me go with you. He does not refuse her at first, only stares at her, thinking.

It's not until Dawnglare speaks that Blazestar is jolted back into reality, out of the icy swamp of self-pity that pulls at his pale coat. "He left, how well can you truly know him, then?" The Ragdoll nods, slowly, at this point. His medicine cat's decree is, "Make him answer."

Blazestar's ears lower. "Deersong, you were too close to Vermilionsun. Your judgment is clouded." He sighs, flicks his tail tip. "Mine might be too. He was a loyal warrior once. I must bring cats who will bring him to justice."

He swings his gaze to Redstorm and Daisyflight, his paw pads prickling. "Well?" The question comes out flat.

Daisyflight had sat silent for much of the discussion, content to watch over the taut propositions laid before them. Blazestar’s fury was disconcerting, however well-placed. Someone did have to answer for this, and the itch at her claws denoted her eagerness. A firm nod signed off on her approval of his message.

Despite her distaste for the medicine cat, he had a point. "Dawnglare is right, who’s to say how he might have changed? We should not paw off the possibility of his involvement.” The slate-splashed cat gave Deersong a pointed, albeit sympathetic, look. ’Let me go with you, he will not lie to me.’ One ear flattened with discomfort, matching the sigh that whistled out unapologetically.

"I’m sorry Deersong, but I agree. We don’t want this situation to tangle further, not with you at the centre of it.” Snowy fur met the lead warrior’s flank, Daisyflight’s tail rising to brush against it briefly to draw her attention.

"If there is justice to be had, it will be ours. This can never occur again” She looked to their leader now, understanding misting her alpine gaze. They had to keep their clan and families safe.

When he hears the news, that an apprentice has been killed and his body taken, dragged away, bile rises in his throat. His first thought is to go and comfort his brother, Squall has lost too much. He shouldn’t have to deal with this, he shouldn’t have had to loose someone so young. Before he can make his way to the silver tabby toms side though, Blazestar is pulling him away and he reluctantly follows, casting a forlorn glance at his brother over his shoulder as he goes.

He listens in quiet contemplation, hair in the back of his neck raising in anger that he can barely keep contained. Vermillionsun. A traitor. He agrees with Blazestar, while he does not believe the tom directly responsible he had shown the rogues where they were, invited them to their prey. That alone should be cause for retribution. He digs his claws into the earth to keep himself calm, steady but when he raises his blue eyes to meet Blazestars they burn with his anger. "Im with you Blazestar just tell me what to do" he does not look at or address Deersong, hardening his resolve. She was defending a cat who steals and lies. He would not listen to her now. This needed to be dealt with swiftly.
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