NOW YOU WANT ME BACK // intruder


✟ 18/4-24 ✟
Aug 3, 2022

Shallowpaw had been tracking down a mouse and through the bushes he was hiding in had finally find the red furred prey. He put himself into position before sprinting out from the bushes his eyes locked on the prey which he was ready to strike down. But right before he was about to leap a shadow like figure came out from some different bushes with a far swifter speed then Shallowpaw. Right underneath his nose the undentified shadow stole the mouse from them to kill it instead. Shallowpaw come to a sudden halt to cast a look at who had decided to take his prey this time convinced one of his clanmates were the culprit just like all of the other times. However much to his suprise it was not a clanmate who had taken the mouse but a rogue. Anywhere he could recognie that scent just like he knew exactly who this tom was.

" Uncle." He stated like a matter of fact, emotions dead in his voice. He stared at them as the dark black smoke slowly turned themself around with the mouse in their mouth. Eyes grew wide as the much older tom recognized them. Dropping the mouse on the ground wide grin was offered from the rogue. " Shallow!, is that really you?. " Shallowpaw didn't respond just contunie on with his stare contest while their uncle came to approach them closer so they could take a proper look at them. " Wow! it really is you!. I cannot believe that you survived through leafbare." The uncle leaned down their head to give them a sniff before quickly backing away again, looking quite shocked. " Wait a moment...why do you smell like one of this clan cats for?. Don't tell joined one of them?" Shallowpaw nodded briefly to confirm it was true and the uncle yet again grinned. " Look at that. Not only did you survive despite all odds but also you...a clanner huh." the dark smoke snickered with a wicked joy before giving a lick to thier maw looking as malicious like always.

Shallow had always felt uneasy around them. Uncle was far away from a cat who was predicable and because of that they found them quite untrustworthy. He was the sort of tom who would leave a cat behind to save their own skin which they literally had done. It had been uncles idea to leave them behind to begin with. Uncle hated weakness.
" Yuck, you're even more quiet than i remember you to be!. Come on don't ya have anything to say to ya dear uncle?." they said and took a step closer and titled their head, still giving that wicked grin at them. Shallowpaw blinked, now awake from his own thoughts. " You're trepassing. Leave. " He stated the facts not having forgotten about his responsibilities. Shallowpaw took a step forward now and not in a friendly manner. Uncle was a threat to the cats who lived here and Shallowpaw had no interest to contunie this reunion with their uncle who they never had been much fond of to begin with. It was because of cats like uncle that rogues had a such bad reputation. He had seen what they where capable of doing.

" Is that all you have to say to me after all this time?." Uncle looked disappointed but Shallow did not really care. With a sigh the rogue turned their back like he was about to leave after accepting defeat but then stopt, and with a new grin placed on their maw cast a glance over their shoulder. " So you don't even care how your mother is doing?."

That was enough to spark something from them. His mom?. Shallowpaw's eyes grow a bit wider clearly having his attention now. The uncle saw this and behind their mask a evil lil smirk formed on their maw before they swung themselves back around. " My poor sister is sick, i dont think she has many days left to live..." he let this shock sink in as he came to pass their relative but stopped right by their side. The uncle felt satisfied when seeing how their nephew took this news. Pale as a ghost. " She has constantly been talking about you...she really misses you. " he whisperd into the young tom's ear knowing how badly his foolish nephew had longed to hear this words. Scheming like he was only used words to manipulate. His words were just as untrustworthy as a snake.

" Don't you want to see her one more time before its too late?."

She...missed him?. Shallowpaw looked like a ghost, confused. It was not that long ago the thought of losing someone had crossed his mind and now his mom might be gone soon forever. The fact she might have missed him was a hope worth clinging too. He would slowly nod his head. Despite how she never seemed to want him she was still his mom. Maybe the two could turn over the leaf and start again. Shallowpaw had some unexplained ties to her he couldn't just let go of. She was the only family he knew of no matter how unloving she had been. The uncle was still grinning as he took a circle around their nephew before eventually stopping in front of them. " The fact that you survived through leafbare are enough to prove your worth!. You did what none of us thought were possible. Hah!, i didn't even think you would survive a day out here!. Because of that my dear nephew you have earned your place back with us." Shallowpaw refocused his attention back on his uncle and with blinking eyes Shallow would stare down at the paw that was outreached to them. " Rejoin us Shallow!. Come with me and i will let you see your mom again!." The black smoke grinned through their teeth convinced that Shallow would jump right into their claws without any doubt!. After all uncle solely wished to use Shallow for his knowledge he had learned here in this clan to use it for his own benefits sake. No good intentions were behind that grin and smooth words.

Shallowpaw on the otherhand had a difficult choice to make. , if he should accept the offer or not. Wasn't this what he had always wanted in a way?. To prove to the group he came from that he had survived that they had wrong and that he had a right to live too. For his mother to finally accept him. To look at him. At the same time he didn't support their lifestyle...But he wasn't sure if his place were with thunderclan either. Few even wanted him here. His dream might have been to unrealistic. He might have dreamed too big. No one would welcome the warrior he wished to be. Maybe it was time to give up on his dream and return back to the molly who never had embraced him with love yet contunie to wait for the day she would.

The day she would share a warm nest with him like Sunfreckle had or pat his head like Sunnyday had.

//100 post celebration yay!! i didnt know if i should tag Sunfreckle or not after the sunningrocks attack! (': but shallow is not out alone so anyone can be a part of the patrol he left with and they can have heard the whole conversation or none of it, entierly up to you! i dont mind for an attempt to chase the uncle away either just dont powerplay him thank ya!

( ) She hadn't forgotten how upset Shallowpaw had been when Sunfreckle had found out that he was expecting kits, nor how he had reacted when Sunnyday had harmed Sandpaw. Since Sunfreckle was recovering in the medicine den, she had volunteered to take him hunting on a patrol. With Cloudypaw on the verge of becoming a warrior, she didn't mind keeping an eye on him too.

When the hunting patrol had went their separate ways, she watched as Shallowpaw took off after a mouse trail. She nodded to herself approvingly at how quickly he had found the trail. A squirrel trail caught her attention, and she wandered off after it. She followed it for quite a ways before the scent went stale, but she was able to find a plump mouse instead. By the time she headed back, she found it strange that Shallowpaw hadn't reunited with the patrol, so she decided to check it out. She was sure that he was alright, but she refused to let anything happen to Sunfreckle's apprentice. Even if nothing was wrong, she wanted to double check, even if that meant potentially scaring off his prey.

She quietly followed his scent trail, until it was strong. But her worst fears came true as she realized he wasn't alone. Rouge! Her fur bristled as she prepared to launch out of the undergrowth. The muscles in her shoulders bunched, but she forced herself to stop as she caught his last sentence.

Rejoin us Shallow!. Come with me and i will let you see your mom again!

Her eyes widened in shock, who did this cat think he was? The fiery Molly pushed her way through the undergrowth, coming to stand shoulder to shoulder with Shallowpaw. She hadn't heard the rest of their conversation, only that he wanted Shallowpaw to 'rejoin him'. The fur along her spine ruffled, and her lips curled up slightly in a defensive snarl. "And just who do you think you are?" the she-cat would challenge. "Are you okay Shallowpaw?" she would ask, flashing her attention towards the younger tom, checking to make sure the crazy looking cat hadn't attacked him. Once she was satisfied that he was unharmed, she returned her intense gaze to the stranger. The black smoke was grinning like a mad man, and she didn't trust him right off the bat. "You have three seconds to turn around and leave before I shred you."
When Flamewhisker decided she would go find Shallowpaw, the leader swiftly decided to follow. Ever since Patchpaw had shown her the spot where the rogue had buried a body on their land, she disliked the idea of anyone going off alone. So on swift paws, she trots after the lead warrior until they both arrive in the undergrowth just behind Shallowpaw and a stranger. Immediately, her pelt is bristling, green eyes flashing with anger as the tom tries to coax Shallowpaw to go with him. Shallowpaw knows this tom.

As soon as Flamewhisker moves, Howlingstar is at her heels. She takes position on Shallowpaw's other side, ears pressing forward with dominance as she stares down the rogue. "I'd listen to her if I were you. She's quite protective of her clanmates," She growls lowly, placing a paw defensively in front of Shallowpaw.

The tom hadn't been part of the patrol but he had, unfortunately, found himself hunting in the same vicinity as them. To the most part he tried to give the patrol some much needed space in order to avoid a clash, and another unwanted bout of insults and jabs. After what had recently happened his emotional strength was thoroughly depleted and he wasn't sure he could take another hit. Staying away entirely just seemed like the better option in his opinion.

However, the issue with patrols was that they moved about and their individuals were destined to fan out in order to broaden the hunt. It did however line things up in such a manner that it gave Sunnyday the perfect opportunity to hear voices nearby. One he instantly recognised to be Shallowpaw's, but the other was not familiar to him. The sandy gold tom decided to linger a little closer whilst still maintaining some coverage in the bracken as to avoid drawing attention to himself. What he saw and heard only made his blood run cold and his expression turned into one of fear.

It wasn't long before the flame of rage ignited within his heart and a guttural growl rumbled forth from his chest as he prowled into view soon after Flamewhisker and Howlingstar's own appearances. In any other situation he probably would have just walked away, more so to avoid being anywhere near the likes of the she-cats, but because it involved Shallowpaw and his safety it just seemed to spark a level of protectiveness that couldn't be subdued. His fur bristled and his claws were out as he made his way towards the stranger, all the while keeping a somewhat murderous glare locked upon him. "Three seconds is being too generous. It's not like this fox-heart showed Shallowpaw any form of mercy when he abandoned him during leafbare! You try to lure him away now, but I bet you hold no love for him. I won't let you take him away just so you can hurt him all over again!"

The notion of holding back and giving the stranger a chance to run was that of an impossibility, not when his fury had been stoked to the point that it had. Deeming Shallowpaw to be safe with both the lead warrior and leader he decided that he was free to deal with the lying rogue, perhaps in his own way. With an almighty caterwaul, the leggy tom surged forth and attempted to rain a barrage of strikes down upon the rogue. One way or another he was going to make sure the other tom never darkened their lands with his presence ever again.​

Before he could make a decision Flamewhisker made their presence known as they took a side beside them, their shoulders touching. Shallowpaw would blink himself awake from his inner thoughts, a side glance now cast at his clanmate to watch them silently. Observantly, he would give a short nod of his head to confirm that he was fine. Not long after Shallowpaw noticed another colored paw got stept in front of his path. Now looking to his otherside saw Howlingstar there who faced his uncle with a fiercy glare.

" Tch, for foxes sake, can't you two see me and Shallow were in the middle of a conversation!. " The rogue would snarl back with teeth bared his true temper showing its face." If there is a fight you want bring it on!. Come on Shallow! we can take them down together!." the black smoke would growl out convinced that his nephew would fall into line and obey him that together they stood a chance against them. Shallowpaw was in shock and just stared in disbelief over what his uncle was demanding of him. The thought of him attacking Flamewhisker and Howlingstar. It was at that moment he remembered how violent his uncle actually was. How he would hurt just about anyone just to save their own skin or to satisfy their thirst for power. Shallowpaw had many times before watched as his uncle or any other in that rogue group had hurt others unnecesserily. If he returned back with them that was the sort of cat he would end up to become as well. He did not want that life. He did not want to end up becoming someone who would hurt others just because he could. It was wrong, and that was exactly why he had aimed so high to become a warrior because he wanted to protect them from cats like his uncle. He wanted to be better.

" I..." Shallowpaw took a breath before he bared his teeth the fur on his back startled to bristle slightly. His violet-blue eyes suddenly burning with a furious passion. " I wont let you hurt them!." he snarled at his uncle as he took a stand against them refusing to lift a paw to hurt one of his own clanmates.

Shallowpaw stared at his uncle who looked in disbelief but the look between them did not last for long because it was in that moment that Sunnyday showed up, and as the senior warrior said his piece not even one second got spared before the golden tom lunged at the rogue right in front of Shallowpaw's eyes. He hadn't even got a chance to process what the warrior who he admired so had said before showing the same violent side his uncle had been born with. It was the first time Shallowpaw had seen this side of Sunnyday right in front of his own eyes. It left him horrified.

He watched as his uncle got mercilessly attacked blood spilled by the scars and bruises that got left behind on the rogue before he finally was able to get away. " Mark my words i will be back and rip that throat of yours!." the rogue snarled before turning tail to flee the scene but not without revenge now livid on their mind.

All Shallowpaw could do was stare at the golden warrior who was a complete stranger to him. That was not the Sunnyday he knew. He understood completely that his uncle was a threat and should get chased away. But he was horrified to see how the warrior who he had admired for a such long time had jumped into violence so easily without even giving his uncle a chance to reconsider. He was horrified because it had been Sunnyday who had drawn blood first.

Filthy rogues. Raccoonstripe curls his lip warningly as the stray tom cajoles Shallowpaw with promises of—what? Respect? Affection? Part of him wonders if these good-for-nothing outsiders are even capable of feeling such things. A cat who cares only for themselves and does not work to build their kin and community is a detestable creature to him. He can see Shallowpaw’s struggle, the dark-pelted apprentice’s blue eyes flashing with turmoil.

He stands in solidarity with him, and also with Howlingstar and Flamewhisker. At a moment’s notice, he will surge forward, claws meeting the rogue’s pelt. But it’s not him who attacks without orders—Sunnyday, of all cats, stalks close. His anger is for Shallowpaw, of course. Raccoonstripe watches the golden warrior lash out with a forepaw. The rogue leaves, shooting a warning Sunnyday’s way.

If only you could have fought for your Clan like that.” He snorts. He can see the way Shallowpaw looks at Sunnyday, but he says nothing else. It’s not his place. The young apprentice must figure out what to think of his former idol on his own.


"Just come and try it!" Sunnyday snapped as he snarled off in the direction of the rogue's retreating form. He decided not to give chase as he suspected that the message had been driven home by his claws. Slowly he began to simmer down, but then Raccoonstripe's words began to rub him the wrong way. "I'll always fight to defend my family and my clan." It was true, he would always defend them. But assaulting another clan and nearly getting clanmates killed? That was very much a WindClan thing in his mind. Though he kept such remarks to himself, he knew that he was just angry at the rogue at that moment.

The tom took the opportunity to draw in a deep breath in order to steady himself, gradually climbing back down from the heightened emotions. His body sagged in a more relaxed stance and his fur began to lie flat. Only then did he chance looking back over his shoulder at Shallowpaw, but the way that the youth looked at him only filled him with guilt and regret. In an instant he snapped his gaze away again and he found himself lowering his head in a submissive manner. "Not again..." He decided at that moment that it was time to go so he aimed to slink away in the direction of the border so he could ensure that the stranger had definitely left. ​
Howlingstar wishes she could be just as surprised as Shallowpaw to see Sunnyday appear and suddenly attack the cat without giving him a chance to heed their words, but she just isn't. The tom has gone and cemented himself in her mind as just as impulsive and violent as the ex-medicine cat he once loved. As the rogue departs, she can only stare at Sunnyday with a half-lidded gaze. She doesn't appear angry, only tired, as if she has accepted that this is just the way he is now. He spits a remark back towards her son and her eyes flash a warning towards him. His words toe the line of disloyalty and she must turn sharply away from him in disapproval before she says anything too hastily.

Instead, she focuses her attention on the apprentice and searches him over with curiosity and confusion. "Shallowpaw, who was that tom? And why did he want you to go with him?" She trills worriedly, ears flicking forward. She's proud of him for standing up to him, whoever he was, and she shows it with a delicate touch of her tail-tip to his shoulder in support.