NOWHERE ELSE - ragwortpaw

It feels like just yesterday she was doing this with her daughter, showing the chocolate-colored tabby around the territory and telling her all about who lives where. Howlpaw was gone now, not dead, but not here either and while Little Wolf had not been expecting a new apprentice to be given to her so soon, one was anyways. This morning, there had been something twisting in Little Wolfs stomach, making her feel nauseous but she waves it away as anxiety. Ragwortpaw was not a cat she knew too terribly much about anyways. She pushes her twisting stomach to the bottom of her list of concerns and skips breakfast despite her stomach's loud protests. Let other cats eat before her, she figures. She fetches her new apprentice from the apprentice's den with a bright smile and a cheerful meow. "Good morning Ragwortpaw! Are you ready to see the territory?" she asks and then they are headed out of the camp and into the woods.

As they walk, Little Wolf talks, telling Ragwortpaw about the different ways to spot and creep up on squirrels, how they were going to try and use the snow to their advantage when hunting later
but then Little Wolf stops cold. The Sky Clan border. She hadn't meant to come here first but her paws seemed to guide them here of their own volition. She swallows hard, eyes flitting about the underbrush, searching. Hope flutters in her chest like a bird but alongside it is a deep pain of loss. Does she want to see them? Her mate, her kits. Or would that bring a wave of pain she does not want to fight against in front of her new apprentice? She is uncertain.

The black molly blinks away tears before they can be spotted by the young she cat beside her and she forces a smile to her lips. "Do you smell that? This is the border to Sky Clan's territory all the cats smell like that, so make sure you remember this smell! It's very important you don't cross the border. Ever." She tells her, her mind drifting to her own kits who, until recently, had lived a life with a paw on both sides. Never again, she reminds herself.


For a new apprentice Ragwortpaw was shockingly slow to rise, she was not a morning cat and she didn’t seem to be changing that for her new promotion. It likely takes some nudging and pestering from Little Wolf, but she does rise eventually with groggy eyes and an exaggerated yawn.

”…Yes, will we be seeing Snakerocks?“ Innocently she inquires again, she seems to have a reasonless curiosity about the location. Was it slithering with slimey snakes? Were the rocks as warm to the touch as many said they were? Or… was that sunning-rocks? Hm… so many rocks…

Walking beside Little Wolf she wears a silly grin, head bobbing up and down listening to her mentors talks of squirrels and how to hunt the critters. Ragwortpaw takes note of Little Wolf’s tips, though she doesn’t fully understand and likely won’t until she gets some paws on experience with hunting. They stop at the SkyClan border and though young, dumb, and lacking emotional perception it didn’t take a cat much to guess what type of thoughts swirled through Little Wolf’s head.

Brown nose twitches as she takes in the aroma of the SkyClan border, ”Okay, I’ll remember.” She’s not sure she will truthfully, but she will try. ”What happens if you cross the border? Will they attack you? It had been known even to the tiniest of ThunderClan they were friends with SkyClan. It was difficult for Ragwortpaw to wrap her head around the fact that’d all be forgotten now, even after the incident.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· RAGWORTKIT, female — she / her
╰ ‣ named for her health & strength at birth .
╰ ‣ 5 moons . ages on the ??
╰ ‣ thunderclan apprentice . loner born . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, oak and maple trees , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue furred . long-hared . a very furry head, chest, and tail

· ESTJ-A ❝​
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Hufflepuff, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Kind-hearted . Honest . Loud .Justice-seeking . People-pleaser . Gullible . Empty-headed . Humorous
╰ ‣ Though she is all brawn and no brain, Ragwort tries her best and carries a bleeding heart to all whom surround her. She takes the role of "big sister" with her siblings and friends, never failing to have their backs, take care of them, and defend them when needed (sometimes even jumping the gun). While she doesn't offer the best emotional support (not due to a lack of trying) she gives the best hugs and is great at giving cats distractions with her shenanigans.
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty relating to others . wears a bleeding heart

· GRIME x CINDERFROST, sister to toadpaw, prowlingpaw, hollypaw
╰ ‣ unknown sexuality.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Ragwortpaw swears she will remember her advice but Little Wolf is not so certain, surely other cats had to have known friends, or not Sky Clan would not take kindly to them crossing the borders to catch prey, and yet they had done it anyways. Accident or not it had cost her daughter her life. "Some cats might" She says in answer to her gray-furred apprentice's question. She was glad that the she-cat at least seemed to have an interest in learning, that she asked questions and seemed to pay attention and she was glad to get another opportunity to be a mentor. Even if it isn't to one of her own children. "Most clan's don't take too kindly to other cats crossing their boundaries and Sky Clan is no exception, it's best if we keep all four paws in our own territory" she says before turning, tearing her eyes away from the pine forest. Its a difficult feat to manage, to force herself to stop looking for a pointed face among the undergrowth, flame or seal, or a chocolate-splashed pelt in the trees but she does it.

"I can show you snake rocks but only if you promise to listen to everything I say and not go poking your head into everything. We can look at them from a distance but go any closer than I say and I'll have you back in the camp cleaning all the dens faster than you can say 'mouse'" she tries to give Ragwortpaw a stare that shows she means business but fails, her features too relaxed. The snakes would all be in hiding anyways with leaf-bare come about. They were in no real danger and she felt comfortable with granting the energetic she-cats wish to see them. "Who knows we might even catch something there" she says excitedly before turning and trotting off in that direction, beckoning with her tail for her to follow, her heart twisting with every step they take away from Sky Clan but she doesn't show it.

While Ragwortpaw consumes what her mentor says about borders she can’t say she takes it to heart. Luckily Ragwortpaw has no plans on crossing the borders, any interactions with SkyClan right now would likely be awkward and safe to say- she doesn’t want to end up like her former nursery companion!

So she nods, Little Wolf may have to nail this rule into her head more further down the line. ”Okay, what about when a cat crosses our border? Do we attack, even if they’re SkyClan?” Again the girl is so use to the fact the two clans were once friends its hard to wrap her head around the idea of them not anymore. It’s likely tough for Little Wolf too, Ragwortpaw would guess.

A dumb grin forms on her face when the black she-cat confirms they can go see snake rocks. Everything her mentor warns practically goes in one ear and out the other, “we can go to snake rocks” is all she heard, anything past the “but” she chooses to ignore out of excitement.”Yay! One time one of the apprentices said they saw a snake there as long as a tree branch from the owl tree! Do you think that’s true?!” She inquires, bounding after her mentor with a skip in her step. ”Do you think I could catch something?” She’d love to see the look on everyone’s faces, bringing a piece of prey back on her very first outing!


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· RAGWORTKIT, female — she / her
╰ ‣ named for her health & strength at birth .
╰ ‣ 5 moons . ages on the ??
╰ ‣ thunderclan apprentice . loner born . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, oak and maple trees , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue furred . long-hared . a very furry head, chest, and tail

· ESTJ-A ❝​
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Hufflepuff, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Kind-hearted . Honest . Loud .Justice-seeking . People-pleaser . Gullible . Empty-headed . Humorous
╰ ‣ Though she is all brawn and no brain, Ragwort tries her best and carries a bleeding heart to all whom surround her. She takes the role of "big sister" with her siblings and friends, never failing to have their backs, take care of them, and defend them when needed (sometimes even jumping the gun). While she doesn't offer the best emotional support (not due to a lack of trying) she gives the best hugs and is great at giving cats distractions with her shenanigans.
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty relating to others . wears a bleeding heart

· GRIME x CINDERFROST, sister to toadpaw, prowlingpaw, hollypaw
╰ ‣ unknown sexuality.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.