sensitive topics NPC x NPC [ shadowclan loyalist litter ]


    violet and stag's romance is a story of eternal, intense devotion. both born members of the marsh group under briar's rule, they were raised with the fiercely loyal ideals of the group they belonged to. violet was fiercely competitive and ambitious, eager to rise to the top of the group and become one of briar's strongest supporters. stag, her best friend since kithood, was eager to support her, padding after her with nothing but love. as young cats, they were told by their parents that their duty was to protect and help grow their group, and as they grew into adolescence, romantic prospects began to appear. neither made a move for many moons, and their dynamic grew only stronger, until most in the clan were waiting for the two to become mates. both in their early adulthood when the great battle occurred, they fought for their group, and when the clans were formed, both remained with the marsh group, turning into shadowclanners. taking on the names violetfrost and staghawk, they both gave in to their wants and officially became mates.

    as time passed and shadowclan grew around them, staghawk and violetfrost attempted several times to conceive. most attempts were met with failure, only one succeeding, which resulted in a still-birth for violetfrost. devastated and convinced they wouldn't be able to ever have kits, the two stopped trying for a time, content with helping their clans in other ways. a miracle occurred this new-leaf. violetfrost discovered she was pregnant early in the season and both her and staghawk were overjoyed at the news. now, their kits are three moons old and the new parents are impressing into them the importance of loyalty, and the history of their clan. needless to say, these kittens will be quite the shadowclan warriors.

    — open

    — open


  • — important rule(s)
    — there are two slots available
    — choosing date for these kits is likely to be quite soon, but hasn't been decided on yet. we will bump with an update when it's been decided.
    — kits will start at 3 moons
    — violet and stag will love their kits fiercely, so there is no option for an abuse or neglect plot. they do however expect a lot from their kids and want them to succeed, so the kits' relationship with them is open to interpretation.
    — please keep your kit in shadowclan at least until warriorhood. if you have a good plot reason for moving clans discuss it with @SATURNID or @lavs first.
    — we are interested in keeping this family fairly active, so please do your best to keep your kit on the census. two to three posts every two weeks is ideal, more is welcome!
    — if you are interested in adopting out one of the parents, feel free to contact us!
    — form is ffa but this is not fcfs. please include basic necessary information.
    — we reserve the right to rehome your slot should you be inactive for more than two months without contacting us. if you wish to rehome your slot, please reach out.
    — characters with physical or mental disabilities are allowed, and the genetics make blindness common. please do your research and make sure you are portraying these disabilities with care.
    — try to stick to the naming theme and genetics and have fun!
  • sire: sh white (masking black w/ low white; carrying longhair, chocolate, dilute)
    dam: lh lilac tabby w/ low white (carrying solid)
    kits can be black, black tabby, chocolate, chocolate tabby, blue, blue tabby, lilac, lilac tabby, or white masking any of those
    - kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
    - non-white kits can have low white or high white; white kits can mask no white or low white
    - kits can have any realistic eye color; white kits with one or two blue eyes have a higher risk of deafness on side(s) with blue eye
    - shorthaired kits will carry longhair; tabbies will carry solid; black-based kits will carry chocolate; non-dilute kits will carry dilute

    — violetfrost - lh lilac tabby she-cat with low white and blue eyes - 56 moons - ambitious, moral, strict, loyal, caring, affectionate, spiritual
    — staghawk - sh white tom with yellow eyes - 57 moons - doting, loyal, prideful, kind, generous, judgemental, protective
  • THE COUPLE'S NAMING IDEAS: psa they're not very creative
    — dark names for shadowclan (shade, black, dark, murk, gloom, etc)
    — names after formerly important cats (hare, briar, bone, chilled, starling, flicker, gecko, etc)
    — names based on looks (pale, spotted, dappled, etc)
    — marshy things (snake, turtle, frog, etc)
horrible little brother info for anyone who wants character dynamics !!


Pitchkit lives up to his name, a dark tom with a pelt alike both the night and the leader whose legacy he bears. Near-pitch stripes swirl amid fields of brown and beige, a marbled creature of shifting shades. His fur is unruly, a spiky mess that he never cares to groom down. Perhaps this is purposeful; his body stands firmly on the smaller side, but his mass of spiky fur fluffs up to make him seem far larger. White stands out like splashes snow claiming one side of his fade and scattering itself across his dim sort. Most distinctively, he possesses vibrant green eyes, so bright as to seem almost blinding. They are unsettling, especially in the dark of night - they seem to almost glow.


One would be hard-pressed to find a cat less suited to his parents high expectations than Pitchkit. The tom seems to hold no ambitions nor particular loyalty, a troublemaker and a coward at heart. Despite his parents' concerns, he is content to waste every day with a carefree grin. Pitchkit's focus lies in the simple things in life: worldly things and good times. He is no survivalist, nor any sort of dutiful warrior. He would rather sneak out and have fun than attend to any sort of responsibility.

Pitchkit has a tendency to hoard - and the best things to hoard are those which are stolen. Anything a clanmate covets is worth something to kit the kit simply because of their attachment to it. If they love it, then he wants it. His favorite thing to steal, though, is food. The most precious resource of all, the most treasured rarity among the marshlands. Pitchkit is selfish; he wants it all. Wants to never go hungry in the way that all his elders talk about. He is born into plenty, a newleaf child, and he will take that plenty as his birthright. Anyone who tries to take the stolen things he claims as his will be met with snapping teeth and a venomous glare.

More than simply being lazy, he is also drawn consistently to trouble. His tongue bears a barb, an innocent sort of cruelty. He enjoys riling others up, arguing for the sake of argument, and altogether causing all sorts of mischief. Though his sense of humor leans on the sadistic side, he is disinclined to go farther than harsh teasing and harmful pranks. And of course, coward that he is, any attempts at retribution will be met with whining and fawning. I didn't mean it, seems the favored phrase of the kit, ever-helpful as he gets himself into more and more trouble.

Deep down, there is a restlessness in Pitchkit. Maybe that is why he is so inclined to troublemaking, to thieving and arguing. He feels trapped, often, within the marshes. The grass is always greener everywhere that isn't home. He loves his parents, and yet some part of him can't help but resent them for expecting so much of him and for loving a home he can't bear to. His name is a self-fulfilling prophecy, one of starvation and cynicism, and it is one he wants nothing more than to escape.

█ #4314ad █ #6c47f1 █ #9147d5 █ #c551ed █ #CF10BC █ #b80778
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SILLY OLDEST DAUGHTER INFO if anyone wants character dynamics!

  • GENERALthe past, she is haunted, the future is laced
    shadowkit + shadowpaw + shadow(tbd)
    ↪ shadow after shadowclan, kit for her rank
    ↪ (shadowbloom, shadowsong, shadowblaze, shadowdawn)
    amab she-cat, she/her
    ↪ sexuality to be determined - with no one
    3 moons, ages the 30th of each month
    shadowclan, kit

  • APPEARANCEheartbreak, you know, drives a big black car
    a shorthaired lilac tabby with low white and blue eyes.

    ↪ lanky and sleek, posture straight and poised, this girl seems to be the very definition of dignity. she holds herself with grace not seen in the way she walks, for despite outer appearances, a well groomed exterior, she remains clumsy. long legs cause her to trip often, tumbling with little grace, although she hardly minds. beautiful fur dapples in shades of lilac, shadowed stripes lining her body. her fluffy face is lightly sprinkled with white around her cheeks and nose. eyes of blue, like glistening gems, peer out from her face, glittering with mischief at most times.
    smells like leaf litter and pine, sounds like tbd
    no current injuries

    ↪ link to aesthetic!
    ↪ link to toyhouse!
  • PERSONALITYi swear i was in the backseat, just minding my own
    kind, loyal, empathetic, curious, bright, competitive, protective
    this girl is a crackling fire of witty comebacks and dumb puns. she looks perfectly innocent, pelt groomed to perfection, an angelic smile pieced together carefully from the happiness she brings to others. she is eager and easy to teach, wanting to please and get things right on the first try. while she tries to remain graceful with her walk, so excited is her everyday mood that often she finds herself tripping to catch up with her own brain. she is, to put it lightly, a complete social butterfly, flitting from one friend to the next, as if trying to collect and store as many happy moments as she can. she's a hopeless romantic, but at the same time absolutely clueless when it comes to feelings, preferring to gossip with others about their emotions than to sort out her own. this makes her bad at picking up signals, but she loves everyone anyway, so it really does no harm. as if determined to make the aura around her pure, she practically radiates sweetness.

    ↪ in kithood, shadowkit begins as a curious spark, flitting from news source to gossip, friend to family to stranger, all with the same sense of innate inquisitiveness. she begins life seeking a source of attention from anyone who will have her. shadowkit makes it her mission to befriend every cat in her clan, especially the older apprentices and warriors. she will be obsessed with who her mentor will be, and try to schmooze specific cats in order to be on their good side, "just in case." her clumsy curiosity means that she will be a bit of an inconsiderate mess, unaware of others' more subdued or hidden emotions. she will learn over time to recognize body language and hidden hints to this sort of thing, but in her kithood, many may find her annoying as a result of this ignorance. she will always be well meaning, however.
    ↪ growing into apprenticehood, shadowpaw takes on the title of master of information within her den. a big gossip, she finds the most joy in conversing with her clanmates, sharing interesting tidbits she's learned throughout the day. she will struggle with focusing on her training, causing her to fall behind and potentially have to be held back a few moons. she simply finds she has better things to do than learn to hunt. her brain will move at a mile a minute, and sometimes it will seem as though her mind hasn't caught up yet. she will need a mentor who is patient and willing to come up with strategies to aid in her learning difficulties. in her late apprenticeship, she will eventually learn to pick up on social cues and represent her clan in a dignified way.
    ↪ when shadowkit becomes a warrior, she will have grown from the bouncy, annoying kit to a well rounded, competent warrior. she will not be shadowclan's most skilled hunter, nor fighter, but she will develop a rhetoric with others that makes her a good negotiator and speaker. overcoming some her differences in recognizing social cues will allow her to reach her full potential as a kind and curious cat who will do anything to help her clan. all of this is subject to change based on how she develops naturally as a character.
    has adhd
  • RELATIONSHIPSand through the glass the corn crows come like rain
    violetfrost x staghawk
    ↪ sister to pitchkit, tbd, tbd
    ↪ no other known relations
    mates with none
    ↪ no offspring
    mentored by tbd
    ↪ currently mentoring none
    ↪ mentored none
    [FRIENDS: tbd
    DISLIKES: tbd
    HATES: tbd
    HISTORY: wip
  • INTERACTIONthey won't stay, they won't stay for too long now
    plot ideas tbd
    medium difficulty in battle, not inherently violent.
    will not start fights, will end fights, will not run away

    ↪ STRENGTH: ★★☆☆☆
    ↪ DEXTERITY: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ SPEED: ★★☆☆☆
    ↪ STEALTH: ★★★★☆
    ↪ SWIMMING: ☆☆☆☆☆
    ↪ HUNTING: ★★★☆☆
    talkative and open in conversation
    semi difficult to talk to

    ↪ STRATEGY: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ PERCEPTION: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ MEMORY: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ HEALING: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ WISDOM: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ MOTIVATION: ★★★☆☆
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  • GENERAL I talk in my sleep

    ↪ Wasp - for the oddly spikey end of her tail and a soft humming sound she'd make a kit instead of 'mewing'.
    ✦ female, (She/Her)
    ↪ heterosexual - too young for romance
    ✦ created TBA, at 3 months ageing rate every month on the 1st
    ✦ current age, unborn
    ✦ Shadow Clan kitten
  • APPEARANCEWhen the night is listening

    ✦ A black and white molly with a short tail that ends in a point and amber eyes
    ↪ An almost comically small kitten covered in more fluff then fur, Wasp's larger then life personality seems to be an attempt to make up for her lack in height. Her eyes are bright blue, and almost always seem to be streched as big as they can get almost like she's trying to drink in everything around her.
    ✦ smells like - moss
    ✦ sounds like - Daphne Kluger - Ocean's 8
    ✦ Inspired by - Azula - Avater
    ✦ any physical illnesses - no
    ✦ Will develop vitiligo later in life
  • PERSONALITYIn a language you don't speak

    A playful cat overly aware of expectations placed on her
    ✩ Playfull || Brash Wasp is very naive and trusting - or at least she appears that way.
    ↪ Wasp is always in search of adventure. She is also blessed with just enough audacity and ability to be outspoken and daring. As she ages, she will push for her siblings to adventure with her outside of camp walls, confident in her abilities to protect them. Blessed with a small frame but fast paws, she does well enough on this promise to not get into to much trouble... yet.
    ↪ A consent voice in any discussion, Wasp is nosey, blunt, but well meaning. She simply wants to understand the world. Why can't she sleep in the warrior's den? Why does the leader sleep alone? Why can't she just eat the herbs? Having more impluse then much else, Wasp often finds herself in trouble, and usually blames her age or another. She's so small, they should've been watching her! How could she know?
    ✩ Protective || Manipulative
    ↪ Filled with pride for her clan and her family, Wasp is quick to jump to their defense. Even small comments can look like an attack to her if they are targeted at her siblings. She is quick to return the comment, often resulting in a fight of somekind.
    ✩ Vain || Hardworking
    ↪ As she grows, Wasp will become the victim of love, and it's sister jealousy. More insecure then she cares to admit, Wasp will become more and more vain as she grows, aware of how plain her pelt is. How she chooses to handle it will depend on her IC rp situation.
    Positive Traits:
    - generous - snarky - sarcastic - stubborn - critical thinker
    Negative Traits:
    - vengeful - tit for tat - can't say no - hopeless romantic - vain

    ↪ I'm expecting lots of IC problems lol she might be a bit of a problem child, always pushing boundaries and being just a very cute annoyance all over. Lots of her IC consequences will lead her to be a bit more sneaky n her apprenticehood
    ↪ As an apprentice, I can see her starting some fights with apprentices that 'deserve it' by being mean to her or her family, but never overtly starting fights. She'd put rocks in their nests or getting them in trouble for things they didn't do instead of hashing things out with words. During this time there'd be more and more of a disconnect between who she is and who it is apparent she needs to be in order to be 'accepted' by the clan.
    ↪ This disconnect will firmly establish itself in warriorhood.
    ↪ Wasp is vain, but also a romatic so I think sometime around her late apprenticehood/early warriorhood i'd like to have her in a few romantic plots. I see all of them ending in pain for her, because of her own doing.
    ↪ TBH i usually play very anxious and calmer characters, so Wasp would be a bit of a detour. I'm real excited to strech my writing muscles lol
    ↪ She'll be more of a gray character, driven by her wants and needs which will always include the happiness of her siblings, probably the only cats she'll listen to.
  • RELATIONSHIPSWith words we choose not to hear
    Violetfrost x Staghawk
    ✦ mates with??? (too young)
    ↪ any offspring??? (too young)
    ✦ mentored by TBA
    ↪ currently mentoring no one

    ↪ mentored no one
  • INTERACTIONI talk in my sleep

    ✦ touching? can powerplay peaceful or nonviolent actions
    ✦ fights? will start fights / will fight honorably / will show mercy
    ↪ STRENGTH: ★☆☆☆☆☆

    ↪ DEXTERITY: ★★★★☆☆

    ↪ SPEED: ★★☆☆☆☆

    ↪ STEALTH: ★★★★☆☆

    ↪ SWIMMING: ☆☆☆☆☆☆

    ↪ HUNTING: ★★★★☆☆

    ↪ STRATEGY: ★★★★★☆

    ↪ PERCEPTION: ★★★★☆☆

    ↪ MEMORY: ★★★★★☆

    ↪ HEALING: ★☆☆☆☆☆

    ↪ WISDOM: ★★★☆☆☆

    ↪ MOTIVATION: ★★★★★☆
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  • Love
Reactions: SATURNID and lavs
  • GENERALi'm close to the top now
    lynxkit + lynxpaw + lynx(tbd)
    ↪ lynx after his ear tufts, kit for his rank​
    amab tom, he/him
    ↪ tbd - with no one​
    3 moons, ages on the 30th
    shadowclan, kit
  • APPEARANCEand that's what i want, so i take it all
    long-haired black-tabby / lilac chimera with low white and copper eyes
    ↪ long, silky fur hides lynx's toned muscles underneath. every inch the protector, his fiery copper gaze is often intimidating, intentional or not. he keeps himself groomed to a respectable level, but often there are a few stray spikes of fur, almost always on his chest. refined but not quite graceful, every step is confident and self-assured. he is a surprisingly quiet walker despite his longer-than-average claws. a dark stripe runs from his nose, past his eyes, and continues between his tufted ears and beyond.​
    smells like pine sap and moss
    sounds like tbd
    no injuries or illnesses
    ↪ link to toyhouse!
  • PERSONALITYi look at the clock now
    POSITIVE TRAITS: devoted, confident, reliable
    NEUTRAL TRAITS: ambitious, stubborn, tough
    NEGATIVE TRAITS: amoral, pugnacious, vindictive
    ↪ due to his upbringing, lynx finds himself devoted to shadowclan and his loved ones. this goes paw-in-paw with his reliable nature. if he's assigned a task it's guaranteed to be completed to the best of his ability in a timely manner barring any unforeseen circumstances. he radiates confidence and isn't afraid to ask if he doesn't understand something. stubborn and ambitious, lynx has lofty goals and there is little anyone can do to sway him. he's determined to be the best warrior in shadowclan for his parents and is tough enough to give back just as good as he gets. for those that get on his bad side, lynx has quite the vindictive streak. he holds a grudge and will come for someone when they're least expecting it. when it comes to shadowclan and those he cares about, he is pugnacious. his tongue is just as sharp as his claws, and he is amoral when defending what he cares about.​
    currently no mental illnesses
    ↪ estj-a
    ↪ choleric temperament​
  • RELATIONSHIPSand this is my moment, this is my time
    violetfrost x stagheart
    ↪ brother to shadowkit, pitchkit, tbd
    mates with none
    ↪ no offpspring​
    mentored by tbd
    ↪ currently mentoring none
    ↪ mentored none​
    POSITIVE: tbd
    NEUTRAL: tbd
    NEGATIVE: tbd
  • INTERACTIONif you want to fight now
    plot ideas tbd
    difficult in battle
    will start fights, will not run away
    ↪ STRENGTH: ★★★★☆
    ↪ DEXTERITY: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ SPEED: ★★☆☆☆
    ↪ STEALTH: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ SWIMMING: ☆☆☆☆☆
    ↪ HUNTING: ★☆☆☆☆​
    slightly aloof, takes time to open up
    semi-difficult to befriend / semi-difficult to anger
    ↪ STRATEGY: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ PERCEPTION: ★★☆☆☆
    ↪ MEMORY: ★★☆☆☆
    ↪ HEALING: ☆☆☆☆☆
    ↪ WISDOM: ★★☆☆☆
    ↪ MOTIVATION: ★★★★☆​
  • Love
Reactions: SATURNID and lavs
done 4 right now unless i think of something else


SH BLUE TABBY W/ LOW WHITE ; (carries longhair, solid, chocolate, dilute) // reference (click)
Owlkit will stand in stature closest to Pitchkit- small. She will be proportional, just not grow very large compared to her peers, but to much up for this, her agility and speed is off the charges. Owlkit is melded with swirls of deeper, and hints of lighter, making for a beautiful layering of tabby stripes. Her fur is often well groomed, and she walks with an inherited grace that Shadowkit will attempt. (This is not a dig at her sibling: Owlkit is naturally graceful.)

Owlkit's eyes are split in a sectoral heterochromia, a stark blue against a warmth cream-orange color. When she looks in puddles, she thinks to herself that Starclan had brushed her with their touch, blessing her with such an interesting eye color. Her pelt is painted in blue-toned grays, swirling in the shadows which gives her a natural camouflage in Shadowclan's territory.

She was named for her smaller stature, the light dappling on her pelt, and the hopes that she would become wise and strong like that of a bird of prey.

KIT - RESPECTFUL, CAUTIOUS, NAIVE, KIND, LOVING. Early in life, Owlkit will be a sweetheart- cautious, but not nervous, about the world around her. She'll respect her elders, dip her head towards warriors and leads without discrimination to who they are or what they may have done. She is going to kind and loving to all those she knows, and it will be rare for her to turn her nose up to those she knows in distaste. With all this in mind, she's naive about the outside world. (Plots allowing, of course.) She begins to pick up agility skills here, trying to avoid being crushed during wrestling games.

APPRENTICE - RESPECTFUL, KIND, PROTECTIVE, LOVING. Becoming an apprentice will be a large step forward for all of them. She'll be overjoyed, even prideful at the action, but quickly learn it is a lot of work. She'll do her best to keep up, but given the 'HELD BACK' plot (see below), she'll eventually fall behind. Despite that, she remains respectful, kind, loving. She's an angel slowly toppling from the top. Looking forward to a plot that will kick-start her protective side- either a friend or sibling is injured, and she realizes how awful she feels not being able to defend them.

She will learn in a long process of struggle, but slowly becoming fierce and intelligent. 'OWL'S WINGS' will be her last, important formative moment before warriorship, and it is what proves her prowess as being named for a bird of prey.

WARRIOR - RESPECTFUL, KIND, PROTECTIVE, LOVING, FIERCE, INTELLIGENT. Without going into too much depth, as there is plenty of times that this could go off the rails as the plan. (see note below, too!) However, she'll still retain her core personality: respectful, kind, loving. Her protective, fierce nature will be awarded during her apprenticeship, her intelligence learned and not inherited. She may not have become a warrior on time, and feels she failed her parents in that manner, but she's doing everything she can to ensure she becomes great, raises herself above her station: wants to see legends spoken about her actions and deeds.

NOTE // I may change her personality up while I roleplay. I tend to find grooves for characters, and find it more enjoyable to roleplay them in a certain manner. This is loose, but I will be following it to a point.

  • FEAR // FALLING BEHIND - Some part of Owlkit will fear that of falling behind compared to her siblings. Their parents hope and tell them that they'll be great- but Owlkit can't be sure she'll be great. She can't be sure.
  • FEAR // LOSING FAMILY - This doesn't super need to be explained, but she doesn't want to lose the very cats she loves and is motivated by.
  • INSPRIATION // HER PARENTS - They want their kits to be the best- and that will be Owlkit's motivation. Her want and need to develop into a great warrior.
  • INSPRIATION // BIRDS OF PREY - She was named after one- shouldn't she be fierce and strong like one, too?
  • INSPRIATION // GATHERINGS - Being able to go to a gathering with her mentor, seeing all the strong cats from other clans, either covered in scars won in battle, or Sunstar's missing leg, Howlingstar's long life? She aspires to be strong.
  • KRISTA - AoT // Early episode Krista, where she's seen as an angel. This is early Owlkit vibes.
  • THE FRUITS - PARIS PALOMA // Possible arc/plot expansion. DEVIL vs ANGEL arcs, childhood vs warriorship. 'Angel, he calls me, does he know that I'm falling, From a precipice that I tripped off long ago?'
  • FORGET-ME-NOTS - FLOWER TYPE // Forget-me-nots: the flower that she searches for. Represents that of love, hardy nature, versatile, in all hearts.
  • OPEN ARMS- EPIC // 'This life is amazing when you greet it with open arms, Whatever we face, we'll be fine if we're leading from the heart.'
  • 'HELD BACK' // I'm planning ahead that she may be held back in her progression: she won't graduate on time with her siblings. She becomes a warrior later, is given an apprentice later then them.
  • 'PROTECTIVE' // I'm hoping for a plot where she learns her protective side. A close friend, sibling, family, etc- someone gets hurt, and she realizes how closely she wishes to guard them. An owl protecting her own.
  • 'OWL'S WINGS' // Where she finally grows up and becomes fierce. This is planned to happen following the meeting where she is held back. Something proving her worth as a Shadowclan warrior, defending her home, sibling, a kit, etc.
  • 'ROMANTIC LOVE? WHAT IS THAT.' // Romantic love is likely something she'll struggle with. Being an 'angel' of a cat, she'll have issues saying 'no' to suitors, and she may be stuck in flings that last just a handful of weeks. This may lend towards 'HELD BACK' as she's emotionally distracted. There MAY be a prospective looooong burn romance, but no plans as of right now.
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  • Love
Reactions: lavs and SATURNID
@keeekeeey @Ian @dallas thank you all for the lovely applications! we've decided to up the number of slots and accept all three of you <3

you're all free to intro your characters whenever you're ready, starting at 3 moons!! i'm excited to see them all around shadowclan!!

i'll also be inviting you all to a discord group in a moment, so keep an eye out for that :]
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