private nursery - silverbreath

Silverbreath is not a cat he's particularly close with, but they do share a bit in common. For example, they are both silver toms. They both have black markings (never mind that they are different patterns) and black tipped tails. And the most important fact is that they are both fathers. To Riverclan, they would know he is an adoptive father to Otterpaw as troublesome as that boy can be. However, he knows in Shadowclan his kits have been born. They have to be. Unless they didn't make it, but he had no way of knowing. Ferndance has not come to see him nor has he run into her during the rare moments he's tried to when going to fourtrees. It really is a pain that Shadowclan is so far from Riverclan. What he wouldn't give to see if she was well or the kits. Do they take after their mother? What names do they have? Despite the fact that he has never seen them or even know what names they have been given, his heart longs to see them. Even if he is nothing but a stranger to him.

Maybe it's silly that he decided bringing an offering in order to speak to Silverbreath before he talks about fatherhood. How their kits started their days in the nursery and how they would visit them (at least he hopes he remembers Silverbreath going if not it'll be undoubtably awkward). Anyway, how they started in the nursery, babbling words, biting everything in sight, and by that token putting whatever they could in their mouths. Good times... But not that good I want to repeat it. He cringes at the memory of Otterkit biting his tail and refusing to let go.

Ah, he's getting distract. A silver dollar in tow he proceeds to make his way to Silverbreath he thankfully was free and resting in the little sun they had during Leaf-bare. Pikesplash would come to a halt in front of the other warrior and flick their tail in greeting, smiling before dropping the offering, a nice silver dollar in between Silverbreath's paws. "S-s-sorry if I'm bothering you Silverbreath. I was uhh hoped? H-hoping if we c-could chat about the nursery? Uhhmmm about our kits and... Dad things? I-if that's okay? If n-not! Then... Here's this pretty thing I found, I t-think you might like it."
  • @Silverbreath not me forgetting to tag the account! but here is the thread! I thought if would be interesting if they talked about their kids and fatherhood as well as it's challenges. don't think either of them get to talk much about it
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 47 moons
    — bisexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou