obey, obey, obey | omen (private for now)




These days have been troubling for her. She's never thought that things would play out the way that they did and she feels dreadful. The wounds she received will always be a reminder of that night. Of what she had unknowingly put into action by simply not wanting to be a medicine cat anymore. Everyone throwing their pains at her as if it was all her fault. No one looking at Starclan who drove their lives and took it away from them. Just her. And now more burdens have been pushed upon her shoulders. She's gotten Honeytwist banished from her clan. Exiled from Windclan. It burns like acid in her mouth that this has happened and even after she kept her maw shut about what transpired that night. And she can only assume the same has happened or will happen with Cinderfrost. Personally she did not want this. This is not the course she thought would happen. Perhaps this is why she kept this to herself and said no names. All of these thoughts are making her feel so tired and she breathes in as she heads to her nest after being out all night. Her hunting has been less than adequate anyway.

Dropping to her nest the molly curls up and almost instantly sleep claims her. Her dream starts off as normal as possible except it's in the middle of greenleaf. The sky is bright and heat wavers in the air. Cats are shifting and moving about till there is a horrific cry. Bone gets up from the warrior's den and she hurries out, the brightness of the sun blinds her and she has to squint against the light. "What happened?!" The woman calls and as things become clearer she sees her clanmates. Nameless, faceless, all staring at her. Skin falling from them, reeking of death and decay. Some begin to fall over, some grappling at her paws and she stumbles back. They cry for help and her eyes widen, ears pulling back. "I-I can't, I don't know how!" Yet they still come to her, falling and clamoring over one another. Dropping dead in front of her. Familiar pelts, clanmates she has talked to and shared meals with. "Please! Stop! I can't! Stop!" Death surrounds her. Covers her vision. Rot the only thing she can smell and she gasps, squeezing her eyes shut.

The smells still linger, clogging and making bile rise in her throat. But as she opens her eyes up to the darkness the smell dissipates and she stumbles back, white limbs shaking as she sits down, trying to push down her emotions. This..is a dream. Just a dream. But then why isn't she waking up?

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"You're failing them."

The words come from behind her, where the tall tom stands with narrowed eyes. His striped tail curls and his head lifts, ears sitting high atop his head as he stares in disappointment at the cat he considered a daughter in life. Next to him stands Briarstar, Bonejaw's own sister, her life cut too short, far shorter than any spirit would have wanted for her. They are here with a purpose and with anger in their gazes, for one of their five treasured clans is suffering at the paws of one who simply doesn't wish to heal them.

"Tell me Bonejaw, did we make a mistake when we chose you? When we told you to put away your claws, and to help your clan in a way we believed only you could? You are meant to be their healer, and yet you don't wish to learn. Your clanmates have joined our ranks in the stars because of your denial."

He strides forward until he stands a mouse-length away from her, leaving starry prints in his wake. In burning eyes, there is sadness, grief for the lives lost too early. He mourns for each cat who joins StarClan sooner than they must, and so one more time, he asks slowly, the clearing seeming to reverberate with his voice, "So did we make a mistake in choosing you?" He won't allow ShadowClan to suffer further. If she rejects her star-given destiny, the stars will seek another option to prevent even more deaths.

Whipping around she stares at Hare Whiskers and even more so her sister. The cat she could not save on the Thunderpath that day. Her sister whom meant everything to her and she let her down. Her maw parts to speak but she cuts herself off as she stares at Hare Whiskers. Judging his words as he speaks them. She has tried her hardest, she's learned what others can bot and she has changed the way her paws maneuver but even so, time and time again she has to experience loss. Experience the dread of losing another cat and being the one everyone condemns because she could not save them.

Jaws parting she almost hisses and her eyes narrow but she pulls in her emotions. Trying hard to let them go. Let it go. She knows she is not being selfish, she knows this. She has worked her paws shifting through those plants and trying to memorize just what they do. "I am not a mistake. I've tried like hell to be the medicine cat you all want me to be. But I keep losing cats, ai keep trying to heal them and they all die. I couldn't help any of them. Why did you choose me when my paws keep being stained?" She asks with a broken voice, eyes locked on Hare before turning towards her sister then. Begging to understand their reasoning.