obligatory title here [skyclan border patrol]



When Johnny had first joined Skyclan, the sinking of the setting sun would have brought about a thickly woven sense of apprehension, a nagging feeling that he should be returning to his twolegs soon. He used to worry how they'd take to him being gone all day long only to return come nightfall, but after months and months of the same routine with no downside, he'd learned to grow confident in his new life as a daylight warrior.

"Alright Glimmerpaw, this'll be your first time marking a border, so just do what I do, aye?" the bobtail instructed with a smile as he made his way over to a tree and rubbed the underside of his chin on it to freshen the mark. "Just make sure to stay on our side- I don't want any more mishaps from our cats."

The last words were extended to the entire patrol. He didn't care if Starclan themelves came down and told his cats to go traipsing over there- he didn't want to see a single skyclanner paw on Thunderclan territory without Howlingstars express permission, something he didn't plan on gaining any time soon. Borders were there for a reason after all, and he intended to make sure they were properly minded.

@Glimmerpaw @MALLOWLARK @Sweetybee

Back to the ThunderClan boarder for one of her first patrols. Glimmerpaw’s less starry-eyed this time, though she still does take glances at the scenery to get herself more acquainted. It’s only so different on the other side, but it’s enough that she can tell where she shouldn’t cross (aside from the smell).

She gives only a nod this time when told to not step over it, as it’s meant for the entire patrol. She’s a little over how much it has to be drilled into her, but she just has to remember that there is a reason. After that, she does as instructed and marks another tree by rubbing her chin against the bark.

“Is running into the others clan’s cats common while on patrols?” Glimmerpaw asks. She hears about it frequently enough when cats come back from whichever boarder they were sent to, but not always. She can’t say she pays full attention either, unless it’s a pressing matter, so she figures it’s appropriate to ask now that she participates herself.​

Without an apprentice, Mallowlark tended to wander a little on patrols- never far from the group, but enough that he sometimes appeared to simply be a wraith stalking nearby. Now, though... he'd drifted back toward the rest of his company, face decorated as ever in a sharp-fanged, wide-eyed grin. Despite the bleakness that hung thick in the air, he would not lose his positivity- that and his love for Dawnglare had been the only thing he hadn't lost when he'd fled from WindClan. Would be pointless to abandon it now! What a sad, futile thing to do, that would be...

So toward the miserable faces, he'd only ever shine a smile- and that would go for any Thunderclanner who happened to stray near them. "Oh, alll the time..." Mallowlark chimed, a snowy ear swatting for a second at the slightly stronger scent that began to pick up. Oh, Thunderclanners were hard to hear along this border, creeping through the thicket... "I think a few are coming, now," he observed, locking moon-wide silver eyes upon the spot he could sense an approach from.

Anyone who strayed nearby would emerge from the greenery to spot a hulking figure sporting a too-wide grin with an unblinking stare, head tilted that slightest smidge into the uncanny.
The cream tabby is out on a hunting patrol, and it may be a calm patrol but that doesn’t mean it’s a good one. He hasn’t managed to catch anything, and the feeling of weighing down his clanmates only increases with each passing moment. How is he going to become a warrior in a few months if he can’t even consistently catch a mouse?

Thankfully, Falconpaw is drawn from his thoughts by voices at the border, and though he’s certain it’s just the chatter of a regular SkyClan patrol. "Oh," he says, unsettled, once the patrol comes into view. Pale paws come to an immediate stop, and he gasps as his eyes fall upon an absolutely terrifying sight. A large, stark white warrior with a too-eager smile upon his face stands across the border, looking for all the world like some demon from one of the scary kit-stories that the elders used to tell.

Though his ears remain pinned flat against his head, Falconpaw clears his throat and attempts to put on his most friendly expression. "Hi, SkyClan," the apprentice calls across the border, glad that he hasn’t embarrassed himself yet in front of the other clan’s patrol. "I hope you’ll stay on that side of the border today." His words are genuine, though they carry a hint of (mostly good-natured) teasing as well. As long as that scary guy stays far away from me, they’ll be just fine, he thinks.
[ find me way out there ]
make peace with your broken pieces .
The bulky tom emerged, standing beside Falconpaw with his apprentices in tow, tail flickering. “Now. Now. Try not to cause unnecessary strife, young one.” He rumbled, staring at the other with a crinkled golden hue. “There is no need for that.” He turned to the SkyClan patrol with a dip of his helm, staring at the odd one with a curious twitch of his whiskers. “I hope SkyClan is faring well with the conditions we’ve all begun to bear. I was not at the gathering, but my deepest condolences towards your deceased.” He held no ill intentions towards the clan, although there had been a flash of annoyance, but even a leader cannot control the actions of everyone.

“While we’re here, perhaps it won’t hurt to mark the border.” Whitelion turned his helm, gesturing his head towards the border. “Has Batwing taught you about how to mark the borders?” He inquired, directing his question to Tigerpaw. “If not, then come closer, a quick lesson won’t hurt.” He rumbled, turning to Chickadeepaw. “A review too for you, Chickadeepaw. Perhaps you can tell me what you remember?” He inquired, eyebrow crinkling.

/ apprentice tags @Chickadeepaw! @tigerpaw.
thought speech
Patrols were probably the most boring, she had decided. Following the border to make sure of no enemy clans scents, blah blah, boring.

But of course, the young girl on growing limber but stocky limbs did not have the mental focus to actually benefit a patrol. Tigerpaws attention span was short as they walked, even at one point stopping to paw at a worm slowly moving across the top of the dirt. It had curled up and tried to bury itself, and she had picked it up.

When no one was looking, she definitely did not try to lick it, and definitely did not almost gag. Silent gagging would occur behind the patrol, before continuing up front with Whitelion.

They approached the Skyclanners border, green eyes inquisitive and watchful of the strangers. What interested her the most was the red like object around a similar coloured tortie as herself. Orange and brown coloured pelts, with white. But he seemed to have injuries all over his pelt, and her stomach churned and flipped in slight fear. Did that make him a bad guy? But Batwing had injuries, and so did a lot of others, so she assumed it was a common occurrence. So the bad guy thought quickly left the young girls head.

She did not understand Falconpaws comment about crossing the border. Sure it was frowned upon, but it kind of made her sad that they would attack each other over it. She remembered Batwings words, but that didn't help the feeling that it simply was not fair.

Whitelion had begun speaking about marking the borders, and if she knew how. Her head slowly nodded towards him, but eyes still locked on to the interesting object. She would finally break the state she provided with words. "What is that?" A paw pointed to him (him being Johnny), her eyes gentle and curious. "It's super cool looking, what's it mean?" Tigerpaw asked, her eyes still tightly locked on to the object.

She knew how to mark borders now, but she was quite infatuated at the moment instead of properly responding to her mentor.

Burnstorm's least favorite border is the one that they share with SkyClan for many different reasons. Today, he is already not in the greatest of moods and being placed on a patrol with Whitelions 'always do good mightier than thou' ass was really not helping. Falconpaw is not much younger than he is, but still he is surprised by the comment that the tom makes when he sees SkyClanners. It is something along the lines he himself would have said and he actually finds his whiskers twitching in amusement, though a smile does not find itself on his face. Of course Whitelion has something to say about it. Burnstorm rolls his eyes but it would be embarrassing to argue in front of another clan so he keeps his mouth shut.

He watches as the older tom goes on to mark the borders, showing his apprentices how to do it. One of them, Tigerpaw, lifts a paw and points at one of the cats across the way, asking what it means. "That's a collar Tigerpaw" he is quick to answer, his voice full of judgement "it means he is or was a kittypet, a toy for two-legs" a huff of air escapes his maw as he scoffs. His father did love them so didn't he?

// sorry about him, all opinions are ic ofc


He chuckled a bit at Mallows response, but ultimately found himself agreeing. "Clans are extremely protective of their borders, and for agood reason, too. It means that borders are usually patrolled frequently, so it's pretty common to see others out doing their thing, too." explained the tomcat as he went about his business. Mallows hearing seemed to be as keen as ever though, because his statement was proven true when a patrol of Thunderclanners suddenly appeared.

The first to speak up was an apprentice, their tone not necessarily confrontational, but the words certainly treading thin ice when it came to the mutual respect and civility their clans were meant to treat one another with. The impulsive, impatient side of Johnny sparked in annoyance at once again having the crossed borders thrown in his clans face, but the side of him driven by logic and tactical thought knew that his clan was guilty of doing just that, and so he chose not to take it poorly. Especially since they were just a kid and didn't seem to be acting out of malice.

"Aye, nothin' to worry about here. I'd box their ears myself if so." the bobtail replied with a smirk in the apprentices direction, offering a brief nod toward Whitelion for their attempt to keep things from escalating. Johnny, too, wanted to keep this civil.

And then, in a stunning example of jackassery, another Thunderclan warrior went on to do the exact opposite by answering another apprentices question with words that would have gotten them knocked flat on their ass had clan politics not been involved.

"Any twoleg that tries to make a toy out of me will get their face clawed." The scarred tomcat huffed, annoyed by the mere thought.

In many ways his relationship with his twolegs was no different from his relationship with his clanmates, and the idea of being puppetted or mistreated by them was just as unacceptable and foreign to the tom as picturing Blazestar doing it instead. They were a family, and family took care of each other. And while it was true that not every twoleg was kind or understanding, the same could be said for cats themselves.

His attention shifted from the dark tom then, resting on the apprentice with a gentler look. "Don't be fooled by the collar. A cats integrity and worth have nothing to do with what they wear around their neck. This is just my twolegs way of letting others know I'm part of their group- sort of like how we carry the scent of our clan with us wherever we go." he explained kindly as he continued remarking his side of the border.
