OBLIVION | Storage


May 17, 2023

Kit of Riverclan

— She-cat | AFAB
— 2 Moons old | Ages on the 10th
— Red and white tabby she-cat with striking yellow eyes

— Dragonflykit is a plume of fire; she's painted in shades of russet she stands out compared to the many duller coats of Riverclans populace something she will take great pride in she likes grabbing attention after all wants nothing more then to stand out. Her fur itself unlike her brothers is long and often a mess; she hasn't gotten the hang of grooming herself and so often enjoys rolling in the grass and dirt to busy pretending to be the "strongest-bestest" warrior to take the time to clean herself off. So often the pure white of her underbelly, chest. paws and face are covered in a thin layer of dust and dirt. She's very much unlike her brother though they share the same flame in their coats, she'll grow to be bulky and broad shouldered toned by the river she will grow to love. (temp ref
— Almost always moving, it's hard for her to sit still particularly enjoy swishing her tail
— Puffs her fur out often to look bigger; is very impatient about having to wait to be a big strong warrior

— A loud ambitious little kitten Dragonfly has big dreams and a even louder mouth; she'll proclaim to anyone she's one day going to be Riverclan's leader! She's impatient about growing up, almost always trying to slip out of the nursery and go bug any warrior, apprentice or really just anyone who will listen to teach her cool things or tell her stories. She's as naïve as any other kit, though while her ambitions will be tested and her entire being humbled once she becomes a apprentice and beyond she will always hold onto her dreams and let them push her forward.
She's rambunctious and whenever she's not sleeping she's tackling her brother or her nursery-mates she always wants to play fight or play pretend - she has a big imagination and isn't shy about letting others hear her ideas or pushing those who don't know how to refuse into being pulled along into her games. She's particularly fond of trying to pull Pinkpaw with her wherever she goes, it's likely she'll be closest to her littermate then anybody else other then her dad. She'll always bother him and can be prone to saying mean things but absolutely won't tolerate anyone else doing the same - she's not fond at all of anyone really being a jerk and will have the tendency to square up on anyone who insults her or her loved ones! She has a bad temper and won't care if the odds are stacked against her, it won't matter to her if she gets beat up long as she sticks to her morals and proves she ain't a mouseheart it doesn't matter. She's likely to engage in fights and skirmishes as an apprentice. She will care a lot about justice and enforcing it! She's fiercely loyal to those who earn her friendship/love.
All in all she's just a scrappy kid and will have her personality shaped more so by natural dev!
— Will at first have a aversion to water; it'll take some pushing and dev for her to finally step into it funnily enough she'll take to it like a fish once she's adjusted
— Believes Sneezefur is her real father; it'll likely come as a surprise to her that she's adopted
— Often moves while she talks; gestures and movement are common she likely picks up on the way her father communicates wordlessly and copies it
—Will have a interest in the other clans - would like for her to make friends with other clans apprentices when she's just a new apprentice and play with her ideas of loyalty to friends vs her loyalty to her clan

— siblings: Pinkpaw
— Mentor: n/a