observing conversations & lifting them when they fall } quartz tags


eat shit and live
Jan 5, 2023

  • quartzkit quartzpaw; quartzmask . named for his high white and split facial marking
    — warrior of shadowclan
    — male, he/him; bisexual,monogamist
    — created 01/05/23 at 15 moons / ages every month
    ↳ penned by @platonic
  • large longhaired white & grey tabby tom with icy blue eyes / reference+toyhou.se

    Large white and grey longhair tabby tom with icy blue eyes. His face is split half white and half grey tabby markings - partly giving him his warrior suffix "mask". His pelt is often not a hair out of place since he spends considerable effort keeping it clean and is quickly frustrated when his fur is wet or otherwise damaged. His default expression is a charming smile that gives nothing else away and carries himself with grace. He speaks in a smooth baritone that is playful and interested no matter the topic.

    ↳ genetics- gen 1 / phenotype: grey-blue tabby with high white, long haired, blue eyes / carrying: solid white, point tabby​
  • neutral-evil, ENTP-T, slytherin
    Intelligence ●●●●●●○○○○
    Confidence ●●●●●●●●○○
    Charisma ●●●●●●●●○○
    Creativity ●●●●●●○○○○
    Empathy ●●●●○○○○○○
    Humor ●●●●●●○○○○

    (+) likable, talented, quick-learner, self-confident, helpful (/) sarcastic, ambitious, casual, secretive (-) reckless, dramatic, desperate, naughty, jealous, grey-morals

    likes | shiny things, company even if unexpected, gifts, gatherings, surprises
    dislikes | mud, thunderstorms, having nothing to do, strangers who ask too many questions, swimming

    ↳ mannerisms holds a charming smile that gives nothing else away and carries himself on graceful paws, speaks in a smooth voice that is playful and interested no matter the topic

    ↳ extended personality
    Quartzmask has a flair for drama wherever he goes. He’s outwardly confident in his knowledge, often way too overconfident, and charming too. His charisma and natural-born talent have earned him the admiration and favor of a few cats, especially those willing to overlook or take pity regarding his abandonment from his own family. He has a love for provoking others which has also gained him the exasperation of quite many cats as well.

    He can be perceived as lazy and dangerously laidback since his natural talent has granted him some bad habits when effort is a necessity for success in a task. He is unabashed and even amused by telling bold-faced lies and will even try to convince any weak-willed, timid, or gullible peers of his to do his work for him. He likes to put himself and others, friends and foes alike, in high stress situations and enjoys testing their values to see their reactions.

    He is aware that some pin him as a wildcard, but this is something he takes unexpected pleasure in. Despite his grey and murky morality (which most cats are happily unaware of), even he has certain limitations to who he will support and what he will allow himself to get mixed up in. Some of his wild nature comes from his early abandonment from those he loves and guilt for what he caused his brother and part of it appears to be his attempts to piece together his own identity.

    He struggles with loneliness even though he acts overly extroverted. He will deny anyone who picks up on his feelings of being left out and will grow harsh with anyone who detects his jealousy for happy families. To cope with his aversion of being left alone, he often invites others to spend time with him, reminding anyone who is dealing with hardship that they are free to talk to him, insistently offering others his assistance and always wanting to hear the latest clan news from anyone who will talk to him, and will voice his disappointment whenever anyone leaves him on his own.
  • willoweye (npc - estranged mother) x paleroot (npc - estranged father)
    sibling to @goshawkheart (estranged brother)
    mentoring no one (open!) | mentored by marigoldthroat (npc)
    mate to no one | parent to no one

    — friends with - wips
    — dislikes/enemies with - wips
  • strength ●●●●●●○○○○
    stamina ●●●●○○○○○○
    agility ●●●●●●●●●○
    hunting ●●●●●●●●○○
    swimming ●●●○○○○○○○
    climbing ●●●●●●●○○○
    grace ●●●●●●●●●○

    single; bisexual, monogamous / crushing on no one, looking/open for relationships
    easy to trust due to his charisma; but some cats can see through it
    — physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 80% ]
    — will start fights | will flee | will show mercy
    excels at hunting, fighting, training, social interactions, dexterity
    poor at speaking about deep or true feelings, apologizing, swimming
    sounds like kaeya [genshin impact] english dub 'voice claim clip'
    smells like dry crisp pine needles
    — healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.
    — speech is #86F3E0
  • ↳ backstory / simplified history
    Quartzmask and Goshawkheart grew up together with loving parents, Willoweye and Paleroot, and were both cats gifted with natural born talent. A few moons after the two were given their apprentice names, Quartz began to grow jealous of Goshawk, who seemed to be improving in training much faster then he was and decided to take matters into his own paws to keep his brother from outshining him.

    Quartzpaw challenged Goshawkpaw to a friendly race up the Burnt Sycamore in ShadowCLan while they were both away from others on a hunting patrol one evening and ultimately ended up shoving Goshawkpaw from the tree. Goshawkpaw survived, but with injuries, including two badly broken forelegs. To this day, Quartzmask claims that Goshawkheart’s fall was an unfortunate accident but some rumors among clanmates suggest Quartz had a paw in the accident, which was enough to make their parents shun him from their family unit while they mourned the accident. Quartz spent much time in the medic den alongside Goshawkpaw as he attempted to help with his sibling’s healing process, all the while begging and threatening his brother keep quiet about the truth of his accidental fall.

    Quartzpaw was given his warrior name before his brother due to Goshawkpaw's recovery process. After Goshawkpaw’s miraculous recovery and slow transition to warrior training, Quartz kept his distance from his parents and his brother. However, Goshawkheart hasn't told anyone the truth and he remains as the only cat who knows for certain that Quartzmask had tried to kill him that day.

    ↳ backstory / narrative history
    I didn’t mean it.

    The bitter thoughts about my brother that no one else but Starclan heard—I didn’t mean them. The shove and subsequent fall that broke both his forelegs. It was an accident. A rage and jealousy-fueled accident. And I’d do anything to take it back.

    For nine months, I had had everything. I had love and a family who cared. My parents, Paleroot and Willoweye, were over the moon about me and my brother. We were cherished as kits and said to have been going to make fine apprentices and then finer warriors one day. Intelligent, strong, fast—it was as if my brother and I had luck from Starclan themselves on our side. That is…until my brother Goshawkpaw began to shine brighter. Much brighter than me.

    And all the talk was on him as our apprentice ceremonies hovered so near, we could taste it.

    That’s why I did what I did and said what I said. Perhaps there was no room in my heart for the success of both of us. I couldn’t stand being the loser (but my lips were always sealed, and I was only my brother’s greatest friend when we were together).

    Anyway, I ruined Goshawkpaw before he could ruin me.
    It was a few moons after we were made apprentices and we were finally alone. Playfully and leisurely we pranced along, knowing that we’d need to return to our mentors very soon. That’s when I stopped and looked to him. A smooth grin touched my maw as I flicked my tail in the direction of where I intended to go, ”Goshawkpaw, fancy a race to the top of the tree? Last one there’s a fuzz-brain!” I took off without giving him a chance to reply as I already knew he’d take me up on my offer.
    ”Ha! You’re on!” I could hear Goshawkpaw excitedly spit back to me as I heard his fast-approaching pawsteps gaining already.

    And gaining. And gaining.

    By the time I was climbing up, he was practically beside me. And, great Starclan, when did he get so fast? Was only a few months of training under his new mentor really doing him such a service? Or was he just destined to be greater than me?

    I tried my best to climb faster but he was already ahead of me by the time we both reached one of the highest limbs. Goshawkpaw slid to a halt at the top as I arrived, seconds too slow. ”You’re awfully slow to be challenging me, Quartzpaw. Or should I say fuzz-brain? Don’t you think—gah!”

    Without much thought and only feeling anger, I sent him tumbling over the edge with a shove to his back while he was turned away from me. The limb was high, and the fall was far…but not far enough. I had misjudged in my desperate scheme to finally beat him.

    Goshawkpaw survived the fall. Guilt had immediately stricken my heart and Goshawkpaw was retrieved and sent to the medic den after I’d ran for help as fast as my legs could carry me.
    Apparently, he’d badly broken his front legs. It was unclear if he’d ever be able to continue his training. Part of me was upset, and part of me was happy that I’d gotten just what I wanted. I have always claimed Goshawkpaw’s fall was an accident, even if other cats silently blame me. Goshawkheart knows the truth, but he has never said it was my fault. He’s too perfect and he won’t side against me. Somehow, he doesn’t condemn me for what happened. But, we don’t talk anymore.

    Important Threads - ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
    ☆ sea and punishment - Quartz & Goshawk's intro to ShadowClan

  • 59381169_sv0YZlRbcInChdw.png

    by @yamiboba
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Haven't properly met yet
Fearful of
Suspicious of
Jealous of
Distrustful of
Annoyed by
Weirded out by
Confused / Unsure of
Complicated Feelings
Wishes to know better
Shy towards
Comfortable with
Finds Entertaining
Friends with
Close friends with
Safe around
Like family
Protective of
Platonic Love
Crushing on
Head-over-heels for
Romantic Love

Dm with your character(s) to see how Quartzmask feels about them!

write your character's opinion on them <3
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