camp occam's razor ࿐࿔ announcement


✦˚.✦˚✦˚✦˚ ✧ ˚✦˚✦˚✦.˚✦
  • //this takes place prior to saturday, july 27th!

    The walk back feels a little lighter in the sense that they've found success... but the cost of what has been promised makes her teeth grit against each other in frustration. Peace over a slab of territory that never should've belonged to ThunderClan in the first place- Howlingstar finds herself lucky that Lichenstar is willing to prioritize the health of her clan over grudges. There'd come a time Sunningrocks would be theirs again.... It would just have to wait until after they had a medicine cat that could whether the storm. Glancing towards Moonbeam, she briefly wonders her thoughts, if she feels guilt in knowing her lack of training has made her a hostage of the circumstances... Or if she resents Ravensong for abandoning her to suffer this alone.

    It hardly matters now....

    Leaping up the coarse stones that stand as perch amongst her peers, the blue lynx point wastes no time in making good on her end of this promise. "RiverClan," she calls, "I have... news to share." The best they could do now is tell the warriors (and unruly apprentices) not to go breaking their legs while Moonbeam was away. "As you know... Ravensong's disappearance... has left Moonbeam's training.... unfinished. You may... remember Gentlestorm... coming to our camp... to assist in healing Robinheart." The bitter murmurs of the tortoiseshell molly still feel like raindrops pinging painfully on flimsy metal. "We've met with ThunderClan," already she is positive Iciclefang may start bristling at the suggestion; she'd not been too keen on his guest appearance the first time either.

    "Gentlestorm will be.... visiting.... every other sunrise.... to take up the rest.... of Moonbeam's training. And.... on days he is not here... Moonbeam will not be either." The waits to the flush of angered hissing of the crowd, of the worried cries. There is so little she can do to soothe them... but they must understand this is necessary. If she could've had it any other way, she wouldn't have cast a second thought to inconveniencing their neighbors. But that would've meant RiverClan gained nothing.... the deal would've been dead on arrival.

    "We need her training finished," she implores them, ".... She cannot very well.... train an apprentice... of her own... in this state." Her whiskers twitch, uncomfortable and frustrated by the promise she has yet to share, knowing it to be the most grating offense of the situation yet. "I've promised peace........ at Sunningrocks..."

    "In exchange for this teaching.... That means all of you.... must put your grievances aside... at our border.... I assure you... our time will come. It just won't... be now." Hopefully that would sate their fury in part.. to know it was not far from Lichenstar's mind either. That this was not permanent, just a bargaining chip. "I expect Gentlestorm... to be treated fairly.... For the time he... is here.... he's serving RiverClan... and that should be respected." Her chin tilts down, letting a small silence sit there (or be ruined by outcries).

    "Your frustrations... are understood. Any questions.... I can answer.... I will."
  • about

    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5

    ooc notes ✦
    tagging ✶
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .

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Iciclefang's expression is as dour as Lichenstar had predicted it would be. The tortoiseshell's dappled pelt ripples with unease as the RiverClan leader relays the negotiation she's made with Howlingstar. Gentlestorm will come to their camp, they tell their Clan, and will be left in peace. Her blue eyes snap incredulously toward Lichenstar on the River Rock, but she does not verbalize her disagreement — yet. Moonbeam will not be here either on the days he's not here. There will be days, many of them, where their camp is left entirely without a medicine cat.

"Is this wise, Lichenstar?" Her tone is neutral, but her expression is earnest and quite obviously displeased. "I understand Moonbeam needs the training, but this seems —" She tilts her head, fishing for the word.

"... Dangerous." To say nothing of the agreement she'd made regarding Sunningrocks — that particular promise has her fur prickling as though she has pawfuls of fleas crawling through it.

  • ooc:
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  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 26 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Pinepaw ; previously mentored Cicadaflight
    — riverclan lead warrior. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.


It is not her guilt to bear, but bear it she does. Robinheart’s leg throbs just enough to be noticeable - a constant reminder of Moonbeam’s need to finish her training and to reach beyond their territory to do so. The queen is only familiar with ThunderClan’s medicine cat (she owes her life to him) so she cannot even consider Moonbeam seeking training from another clan’s medicine cat. It is not knowledge she has despite her curious mind wanting for it.

Regardless, her need for treatment landed Gentlestorm in their camp and paved the way for this newly announced agreement. Training in exchange for peace at sunningrocks. Perhaps she is soft; motherhood weakening her resolve for vengeance and a claim over a patch of territory she has never known. Would that make her less of a RiverClanner?

Is her guilt and understanding of the situation lesser than Iciclefang’s displeasure?

Citrine eyes look to Lichenstar with a flood of regret. She was the first domino to fall - a catalyst for what was now wrought upon her home. I am sorry, her gaze relays as her lips stay sealed. The lead warrior asks of impending dangers given the number of days they would be without a medicine cat. Yes, Robinheart must agree, it would be dangerous. But no less dangerous than a medicine cat untrained… at least in the long run. Moonbeam’s lack of training played a role in Brookstorm’s demise. It could have taken Robinheart as well if not for Gentlestorm’s generosity. RiverClan would be fine until Moonbeam was trained.

RiverClan had to be. What other option could there be?
[ penned by kerms ]

panic. it’s the first thing she feels upon approach — a cold dousing of frost that creeps up the veins in her limbs, makes her feel too light as she waddles her way closer. forever trembling, forever heaving, sniffing at the worry - drop that begins to deep at the corner of baby pink nose. the days that he is not here, moonbeam will not be either. ” we’ll have — we’ll have no medicine cat? every other day. but still she wheezes reflexively, gutpunched, ruddy eyes blown wider with each rapidfire beat of her heart. her claws unsheathe, gripping and pulling up damp earth into small, gritty piles, fighting to focus on grain against the pale of her paws. she thinks of cicadaflight’s voice, soothing her down as moonbeam unpacks a bundle of wide leaves, deposits a slab of honey for her to lap.

she thinks of her lungs, how they beat and flutter and fight for breath — and she thinks of the run to thunderclan’s border. then, to thunderclan’s camp. a quiet whine befalls her, dovey tail wrapping tight around her forepaws and ears flattening down, nodding along to iciclefang’s steely voice with a desperation that dampens her muzzle further. sure she’d be able to get it herself if the pain is mild, but shed never make that walk otherwise. she’d never make the wait, the time it took for moonbeam to return from thunderclan camp. what if she had an attack out in the territory? what if she was already half - conscious by the time she’s found? what if? what if? she has never known sunningrocks as riverclan, and so it makes no sense, the bargaining. couldn’t gentlestorm just come over himself if they got to keep an extra stretch of land?

  • i.

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    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of dovey lilac curls, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore and plush enough to conceal the juts of malnutrition beneath. tufted elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined rheumy, rosen amber. the anemic cold pink - purple at tender paws and nose tell a lifetime of sickness, further made obvious by the feathering weakness in half - whispered tones.
    CHRONICALLY ILL ; prone to wheezing, nose at a constant drip from longterm illness - induced nasal polyps. not contagious.


There is trouble to be found amongst the features in Lichenstar's face, ever-present and expected. Eveningpaw wonders if it's just RiverClan that's this unlucky, or if all Clan leaders eventually succumb to this dreary, pessimistic expression... if she could have a say in it, Lichenstar's maw would always struggle against a series of laughs during the most inappropriate of times. It happens when they let it — but that's just the thing. A leader does not always have time for that.

Eveningpaw watches her mother rise to the occasion, presence alone beckoning the Clan before she even has to speak. Perhaps their vocal cords would mend if they could talk to them all through telepathy.

Ravensong's name brings forth images of jet black fur — images that have been lost to time. It is odd to remember Moonbeam as a mere apprentice, young and inexperienced and severely missing the teachings of her mentor. She's always been around in the backdrop of Eveningpaw's life... it had been almost easy to forget Ravensong, thanks to how young Eveningpaw had been during his last few moons in RiverClan.

The news are not anything Eveningpaw had been prepared for; but then, there is no way to prepare for this kind of surprise. She does not know enough of Gentlestorm to form an opinion... aside from the natural distaste she harbors towards other Clans. Her gut reaction is disagreement — Sunningrocks will apparently have to await another conquest —, but when Iciclefang speaks up against Lichenstar, Eveningpaw throws that aside.

"I'm sure it will be fine..." she says to everyone and simultaneously no one in particular, not quite daring to look Iciclefang in the eyes. "Moonbeam knows so much already. Gentlestorm won't have to train her for long, right?" And despite the initial confidence... her voice rises at the end to indicate a question.

Eveningpaw looks for Moonbeam in the crowd; tries to imagine herself in her stead. Medicine cats have always been different from regular warriors, their paths interwoven less with the intricacies of battle, and yet Eveningpaw wonders... does Moonbeam accept Gentlestorm as a temporary, unofficial mentor? Or is it all just too necessary for survival to frown upon?

It is Shellpaw's whine that catches her attention, and she finds herself beside her sister within seconds. There is no need to voice those concerns of hers... Eveningpaw knows what she is thinking, can almost feel the panic radiating off that alabaster frame, and she does not waste another moment to comfort Shellpaw. "Don't worry. If you need me to, I'll be in and out of ThunderClan's camp before you know it!"
Hazecloud lingered in approach upon her mates return beside the alabaster molly, quiet as her gaze raked over the expression that spoke nothing of wondrous news. An unsteady exhale followed after the molly took to favor gathering alongside her fellow warriors instead of below in the shadow of the blue point. This is not any information she is privy to, to feel wholly comfortable on the opposing side of these faces with Lichenstar. She would learn alongside them, today.

Her ears twitched at the mention of Ravensong, another name lost in the brume of starlit skies. Her sights sought for pale white fur as she began to connect between pauses what was about to be commence. They would be without a healer for half a moon, but ThunderClan also without theirs. It was... an unorthodox method of teaching, and it was clear the Clan held no love for their forest neighbors.

Sunningrocks would be off limits to tempt for, not like they would have a healer equipped to help with the aftermath.

Hazecloud's expression matched that of many, displeased to hear the conclusion but... what other methods could they turn to for Moonbeam? WindClan would sooner use the chance to steal their herbs than provide her the wisdom needed, she would have preferred SkyClan as they had been their closest ally currently- but she doubted that wasn't Lichenstar's first choice either. Gentlestorm had shown maturity in pushing aside their Clans squabbles to ensure Robinheart's health and safety, he had done the same for the sake of the journey's success.

"ThunderClan is willing to take on the same risk." She still hasn't forced her fur to flatten, but her words ring true. "They would have no use of a later bargain, a request for peace when they have our land is favor enough. In time, with the completion of Moonbeam's training, she will be equipped to handle when we take it back." A smile, intention unreadable, split through her maw. "It would be far more beneficial we take on Sunningrocks and survive then succumb to an overwhelmed, undertrained healer later."


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    —⊰⋅ Deputy of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.

જ➶ Carefully she rises from where she lays within the middle of the camp. Having been taking a break and licking her paws to brush against her muzzle. Grooming is becoming a casual thing for her now and her pelt is sleek, fire racing through the darkness. But as she focuses on the leader and hears what Lichenstar has to say her maw drops from calm and sure to one of disdain and disgust. Her eyes glance to the others that talk on the situation and she has to agree with Iciclefang. This does sound dangerous and she hardly cares if it is also dangerous for Thunderclan. Riverclan matters most and her pelt bristles with discontent especially at the fact that they have to play nice when it comes to Sunningrocks. Why? Shaking her head a little the apprentice finds herself angry about it all. "Honestly why didn't we go to Skyclan for that? Thunderclan stole from us and we are just supposed to lay low for medicine cat training and to not have Moonbeam here? Fake smile in their faces like all is forgiven." Her muzzle curls, showing sharp teeth that flash.

Ugh, rather she likes it or not it has been decreed. It'll happen and it looks like Haze backs it as well. Shaking her head she then turns away from the announcement, pulling her ears back against her skull. Kittypets let in and now playing nice with thieves. What else will happen?
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" yeah… and they have two…. " he agrees with Midnightash but doesn’t raise his voice, it’s not his place nor interest to object to authority especially when the decision is final. He merely blends with the mutterings of the clan. Respectfully nodding with the leader and deputy's words.

" seems fair…. I guess " he adds considering the shared risk, brows pinching but he sighs to himself. Wondering how long the peace would last.

  • — Dogteeth PINTEREST
    — twenty-eight moons
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with blue eyes.
    — very gentle voice and laugh
    — deals a nasty bite | large teeth
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
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