ocean breathes salty — failed fishing attempt

Foxtail felt like he was back in his element, as his olive green eyes watch fish in the river. The young warrior might not be the biggest fan of the water, or frankly swimming, but there was one thing he didn't mind about it: the fish. Sometimes Foxtail struggles within himself about his... issue with the water. Ever since he fell into the ice cold water as an apprentice, the warrior has always struggled to connect to the river like most RiverClanners. He wasn't a dry paw in any means, but swimming has always been a struggle. But as he crouches near the river now, he doesn't feel any worries about potentially falling in. His mind focuses on the fish before him, and in a way, perhaps this is how he's connected to the river.

His green eyes land on quite the fish— a large salmon. His tail twitches behind him as he shifts his attention to it, that would be a great catch to bring back to camp! Ears pinning back to focus, Foxtail swipes his paw into the river and his claws latch onto it. In a quick motion, he swipes the salmon out of the water... but the salmon is a feisty one! It immediately starts to struggle underneath his grasp, and before Foxtail can blink it's tailfin is heading right towards his face.


The salmon slaps the warrior in the face. He loses his grip, and his freshly caught prey begins to flop it's way back to the river. "N-no you don't! Come back here!" Foxtail gasps with surprise, quickly leaping at the fish, but his claws miss! He is off by an inch, and the salmon flops back into the water. As it flops back into the water, it splashes the young warrior— and for a moment Foxtail wonders if it did that to just be rude. He lets out a defeated sigh, as the salmon quickly swims up stream, making it clear it didn't want to be caught again.

  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to rai for the mini & tropics for the icon <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    17 moons

Last edited:

Petalnose had always been an average fisher. Patience had always been subject to it, shifting and moving every once in awhile. It was hard to stay in one spot at times. Land hunting she had been better at, speed and movement were strong traits of hers but taste preference always settled within tradition and she mainly fished to adhere to her clanmate's palate as well.

Hesitance at the river's edges had always caught Petalnose's eye, concern that a clanmates wouldn't adapt well to their strong traditions of water and fish. Admittedly, it was an oddity and Petalnose didn't quite understand where the fear came from. The rivers were a strong element, yes, but once learned it was easy to understand the language of the waters. The waters were healing, they brought peace in her eyes, not terror.

The commotion caused a twist of her head, watching the salmon twist and flop. Eventually, it even slapped Foxtail in the face. Metaphorically she cringed but she raised her chin with her regular frown of neutrality. The salmon got away, it was honestly not of surprise to her, "That was... embarrassing." Petalnose voiced bluntly, squinting her eyes, "Being quick is key, dig your fangs right in the middle of bigger fish under the spine... You'll get it eventually."


tags! ₊˚✧ ゚. duckpaw is an awkward witness to the entire spectale. she had just come out of camp for a little bit of fresh air. the swollen tissue that hung from her neck like a goitre was putting a bit of pressure on her trachea now. she had been assured that it was a part of a normal healing process, especially concerning bruises in an area such as the neck, but it didn't stop her from feeling a little light-headed. she felt like she was gasping for air, but she couldn't tell if it was just the thought of being suffocated by swollen tissue that was driving her panic, as she was still walking ... not dying. she calmed down slightly after leaving the apprentices den, the cold intake of air penetrated her lungs, to her relief, it was a reminder that her airways were actually open and everything was fine.

duckpaw had sat by the rivers edge, watching foxtail as she came down from a heightened state of fear, and that was when she heard the wet slap. it had happened so fast, but she had processed enough information to realize that foxtail had been hit by the rear-end of a rather large salmon. she laughs, its strained and obstructed by a build-up of mucus, as such, it soon turns into a cough. duckpaw is thankful, thinking maybe foxtail thought she had just coughed instead of laughed. incredible timing wasn't it? she watches petalnose approach the warriors, offering a blunt observation and some fishing advice. there must be nothing more humiliating. "its okay ... i-it happens to everyone?" does it? the uncertainty of the comfort is clearly communicated as it turns into more a question than a statement. she shuffles her paws awkwardly. ​
♡​ why you so obsessed with me ♡​

bronzeshine & 25 moons & female & she/her & riverclan warrior

The sound of a disgruntled Foxtail garner her attention from her own fishing spot slightly downstream. She looked up just in time to see the warrior get slapped in the face with a salmon's tail fin. A laugh forced it's way out, and was only made worse by the splash of water received after the fact. Bronzeshine could relate, though she was definitely not going to admit that. At least hers hadn't been witnessed. "How'd that feel?" she teased, sitting up from her crouched position.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —

  • sassy | flirty | proud | vain | irascible

    physically moderate && mentally moderate
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please tag account if attacking
I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — At one point, Swiftfire had managed to make quite the spectacle of herself in front of her new clanmates, trying and failing to impress Riverclan with her fighting skills in an effort to duplicate their fighting style. It had been quite the embarrassment, but not one that she had seen much reason to carry with her constantly - she would get better with time, and dwelling would only discourage her from trying in the future. At least some now familiar faces had offered to help her then, ingraining the new movements into her mind even as her body flailed and struggled to keep up with what she wanted to do. Her parents had carefully taught her that expertise came with time, and it seemed as if Foxtail was learning that particular lesson even more brutally than she had.

One had to imagine that Foxtail had been hunting fish for quite a while now, considering she hadn't met many Riverclanners that hadn't. However, the bigger fish were often the most unruly to try and drag ashore, their powerful bodies prone to thrashing around and yanking a cat in every direction as they tried to escape. Swiftfire could still remember nearly being yanked into the river by a salmon when she had still just been a colonist, right around the same age as an early Riverclan apprentice now. She had only avoided a rapid drowning - or at least severe embarrassment - by the grace of another colonist being nearby to grab her by the scruff and drag her away from the struggling beast they called a piece of prey.

Thank Starclan she didn't struggle like that nowadays, even if she had noticed herself getting a little slower in her hunting efforts lately.

A sympathetic look gleamed in her gaze as she approached, short pelt brushing alongside Duckpaw's as she settled into her own seat. "Duckpaw is right, certain fish can be nasty when they want to be. You don't want it happening all the time, but it's really not so bad..." Though she doubted the teasing question from Bronzeshine nearby would help too much with his mood. Maybe now that Swiftfire was down here, she could help him catch another? "There's also no shame in needing a helping paw if you want to get a real good grip on the spine. It just takes some teamwork!" Fishing was easier with one cat, sure - less chance of a shadow scaring a fish away - but it was far from impossible to work together if it was needed.

  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    40 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed