camp OCEAN DEPTH [ intro ]

Aug 10, 2023
Oh, camp was so stinkin' boring.

Carpkit sighed, open mouth and all fire and vigor, as she flopped over very dramatically into the shadows of camp. The smell of water in the air, fish, the rushing wind. Her eyes were upcast at the sky as she thought about it. There HAD to be something to do, right? Forget the heat beating down, forget the fly that kept trying to land on her nose- which she wrinkled every time it landed- yeah, forget it. A groan left the kit as she rolled onto her side, dramatic and theatrical. In reality, she was fine, but she wanted to play it up! She wanted attention! She wanted to not be bored. Her father was out doing something, her mom taking a nap. Forget wherever her siblings were.

Her eyes, now cast back towards the camp, landed on a tail. A grin split across her mouth, rolling to her paws. Crouching down in her BEST crouch (she knew it was VERY good), she started to stalk across the ground. To any onlooker, she was wobbly and her rear hips were up too far, but in HER mind? Totally the best. The most awesome, just like her mom said so. She leapt at the tail, trying to pin it down! Begone, boredness.

// feel free to have your tail attacked! lol


——————————————————————————————— sinkin' in your ocean

Eyes focused on camp, almost as if she was guarding her clanmates from any danger. The woman was sat up straight, face ever serious with the known slight squint to her siren like eyes. Fluffy tail slowly patted the earth in rhythm as she watched clanmates come and go. There wasn't any scent to note of danger or threat. Only the comfort of home, so her breathing fell in slow and silent laps of air.

There was a ever soft shuffle behind her, causing her ears to swivel and her head begin to turn. Although, before her eyes could fix upon source, the disturbance was already made. She jolted and swung her paw in direction of carpkit in result of the surprise, although it paused right before her as she realized that this was nowhere close to a threat.

Her lungs caved into a sharp hiss of warning as she pulled her paw back, aiming to rip away her tail from the kit's grasp in her regular offended fashion. Once again, her tail was bothered of the youthful spirits. She was starting to lose track of how many times her tail was disturbed of its peace.

Petalnose furrowed her brows, her charcoal black lips pulling back in a snarl. "I can't count how many times I have almost swatted one of you to the ground! I'm not going to be sorry if it actually happens." She growled, mix matched eyes burning with irritation as they stared upon Carpkit. "Go play with the bugs or lizards, kit. Maybe they won't snap at you." A huff of frustration left her chest as she stood up, looking to guard her tail from the offender. Boredom was surely a thing to battle as being a vulnerable kit, Petalnose knew the feeling. However, a hobby such as tail hunting was looked in a way as an offense to her. Surely, bug hunting would be more thrilling?

//I'm so sorry, she's quite mean :")


⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ StarClan, he hopes that's not the treatment Petalnose'll give any of Smokethroat and Cicadastar's kits. Not because Carpkit is any more or less deserving of being snapped at for playing, but because he's not sure he wants to find out what compunctions they do —or don't— reserve for clanmates. Poor kid, though; some cats aren't any good with kits, which is a complete mystery to Fallinglight considering just how many they tend to have.

"Ah, don't take it personally, Carpkit," he calls to her as he stretches out on his stomach. "Think of it like...picking your prey. That tail was a rat, so you'll have to find something better, like a mouse or a mole." He grins, his own tail twitching at the tip slightly. "That wasn't a bad pounce, though. Petalnose didn't hear you fast enough."

  • ooc:
  • FALLINGLIGHT / / 11 moons old / / amab and uses masculine pronouns; will be startled by the use of any others.
    — warrior of riverclan / / earned warrior name early at 10 moons / / skilled but not experienced / / mentoring [n / a].
    — npc parents / / father died in the great battle and mother left when he was apprenticed / / no contact w / siblings.
    — flirtatious & disastrous bisexual / / fairly indiscriminate (even when he should be) / / closed to long-term romance.

    a fairly trim, athletic cream tabby and black chimera with high white. fur is thick and a bit sharp, though tends to soften and curl primarily around his face and tail when wet. eyes are a bright, gleaming blue at home with the river on clear, sunny days. he is rarely without a devil-may-care grin, though despite his daring personality, has yet to accumulate noticeable scarring.
  • dear shell, i really gotta wonder why it's so hard to let kits have their fun. i think a lotta people could learn how to lighten up a little. like saltsting. maybe cicadastar, too, but he's got a lot to deal with and i think it'd be scary more than anything else to hear him belly-laugh.


Dipperpaw does not remember much tail hunting in her kithood. Perhaps Jaypaw had indulged in such activities but she would not take such risks. She was content to hide behind their mothers legs, peering out at the world at a safe distance. Now she could do no such thing. Her tall limbs were slowly extending her above the height of her dam and one day soon it would be more practical for Swantuft to hide behind her rather than the other way around.

She regards the kit with curious blue and yellow eyes, her face pulled into a neutral expression that was customary for her. She makes note of the warrior with the barbed tongue, then the other cat who offers a tip, tells Carpkit that it is okay. She is absorbing all of it quietly, plumed tail flicking lazily behind her as she stands nearby. "Does rat not taste good?" she finally asks after some deliberation. She had never had such prey before though she had heard once that it was common in the marshes, the place where ShadowClan lived now.

Fernpaw would usually hesitate to call a kit unlucky; they had pretty good lives, all things considered. He was at the age now where he barely remembered being a kitten, bug-eyed and clumsily slaloming his Clanmates' legs. It can't have been a difficult time; though, he was quite sure no one had ever snapped at him. Fernpaw held a great deal of respect for Petalnose- she was a lead warrior, first of all, and he felt he owed her for helping drive away the fox that had damaged his sight- so, he wasn't going to berate her for being unkind. Some cats just didn't like kittens.

"Yeah, you'll make a great hunter, I bet!" Fernpaw chirped, playing off of Fallinglight's compliment. It was... some attempt to help the young warrior in bringing the kittens attention away from bothering someone who didn't want to be bothered. Dipperpaw soon asked a question, a slight distraction. He opened his mouth to answer, but didn't realise he had no answer until he'd already started talking. "Um- huh... I've never had one." Another shortcoming- he imagined Fallinglight probably had tasted rat, and deemed it not-worth-hunting.
penned by pin
Rat is… fine. Depends.” Salmon chimes in from where shes getting her fur groomed down, particularly irritated with a certain sprig that just wouldn’t stay down. She doesn’t like kits much, but thats because she has no idea how to talk to them- and it seems Petalnose has her beat on who dislikes them more. The thought causes her whiskers to twitch in amusement, the beginnings of a stupid smile curling on her lips. Though… like Dipperpaw, Salmon does not remember much of her kithood at all. Had she been a menace, or a polite little thing? She wants to bank on the latter, but with how much her parents thought she wasn’t, she begins to think the former is more likely.

It was all we really had to eat, back in my day.” she does not mean to sound old, reminiscent but she does not miss the days of the Marsh Group, starving, thin and tired. Dirty, they tasted disgusting to her but she would not ruin the apprentices fun; try it, her tone almost seems to urge. After all, its better to form your own opinion on certain things. Her attention returns back to Carpkit, closely watching the kid and drawing her own tail in further. No offense, she slightly grimaces, but my tail is off limits. Fernpaw and Fallinglight are quick to compliment the tiny thing and her head bows in a stiff nod. “Keep practicing.” its awkwardly said, but her own version of a compliment.

  • -> salmon ,, salmonshade
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 30 months
    -> warrior of riverclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with low white and blue eyes
    -> “speech, ff91a4” ,, thoughts
    -> lesbian ,, single
    -> smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
Carpkit didn't realize the apparent danger of hunting tails- not until now. Her target ended up being Petalnose, who was about to make Carpkit very aware of those dangers. A sharp hiss, and the descending of a paw. Carpkit began to flinch away, ears lowering and a gasp inhaled, but Petal stopped before her head was touched. Not even a whisker brushed. Ears flattened, Carpkit withdrew, wrinkling her nose and squinting her eyes. She wasn't aware of how many cats were watching until after she spoke- and speak, she did. "Maybe you wouldn't have to snap at KITS if you could watch out for them. You're just mad you got bested by ME."

Tongue stuck out, Carpkit went to whirl back towards her mother, wherever the silver tabby was- but other cats were speaking. Blue eyes blinked as she fell short in step, glancing around to those who spoke. Fallinglight was quick to give her something else to focus on- different prey. Her ears wiggled a tiny bit. "Thank you!" She called, grin wide on her mischievous features. With a puffed chest and a proud look, she pad towards those with friendlier reactions then the SORE warrior who couldn't even keep a kit from pouncing on her tail. (Oh, yeah, Carpkit was NOT letting go of that.)

That wide grin was directed towards the two apprentices- one who questioned what rat really even tasted like, and the other complimenting her. Carpkit didn't know everyone's names, but that's okay, she'd learn in time! Momma said it was okay. "You really think so? Momma says my pounce is getting better and better." Carpkit boasted, looking up at the apprentice that complimented her- Fernpaw. Goofy, prideful grin and all. But they weren't just talking about her anymore. That was okay! Food was cool to talk about too. Food made her stomach feel better when it was all grumbly. Blue eyes shifted towards Salmonshade, tilting her head. In some stiff manner, another compliment. "Practicing... that's right! Practice makes it better."

A defined nod, and Carpkit was swinging her vision around for a new target. Not a tail, no, because tails are rats, and she should try something else to catch. Maybe she could find a lizard like Petalnose suggested.


——————————————————————————————— sinkin' in your ocean
It seemed everyone was for Carpkit's little trick. It didn't bother her as much originally, merely groaning at her clanmates ego boost and encouragement. Although, it bothered her more so with the attitude the younster mustered. Mix matched eyes glared coldly, of warning and notice of her intolerance to disrespect. Bold of Carpkit to disrespect a higher rank. Her fur slowly prickled as anger quickly rose like the morning fog. She straightened her posture of confidence and assertiveness, looking down upon the tiny offender, "Kits barely do harm, kit scent isn't what I should be wary of. What I do look out for are the windclanners that kill and steal. Oh, and the foxes and hawks that can swoop you up in a heartbeat. So how about you show respect for your higher ups. Any more disrespect I'll have you picking ticks." she explained, thrashing her tail behind her in annoyance with furrowed brows.

No tolerance was what Petalnose believed, the kits that were bore in Riverclan seemed to need it lately. Disrespect and rule-breaking seemed to be a trend. One she was determined to bring to an end. She was sure Cicadastar wouldn't want disrespectful and unruly warriors in the making. No leader would want that. No warrior would want that. The chimera leader already had to punish Boneripple and Lichentail for that matter; for stepping ahead of him. She could almost feel his own frustration and disappointment within this little scene. Salt to the wounds some would say. "Now don't backtalk me again and go play with the others, I'm not going to tolerate any further." The she-cat growled, holding her half snarl of warning.

The lead wasn't as well fit to interact with kits as well as her clanmates, she agreed. The idea of being capable of bearing a litter with Aspenhaze had her mind twisted with mixed feelings. Sure, she tried at times to interact positively. The more respectful bundles of fur were of liking to her but the possibility of an unruly offspring made her stomach twist in frustration. Atleast, she was only snappy to the characters such as the one that was beholded in front of her. She hoped she didn't have to bring discipline to the matter.


⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ Kit's got spunk, and Fallinglight likes that. It's good to offset some of the other personalities that make it hard to keep his eyeballs from rolling out of his skull, and strangely, Saltsting is an exception to that— even though by all rights, he should be up there with the uptight Petalnose. At least most of the others who've gathered around the kit aren't too bad, and Salmonshade helpfully answers what Fallinglight wouldn't have known to say. He's never had rat, either, but they seem more trouble than they're worth with those big teeth of theirs.

Salmonshade would know best, it sounds like, but Fallinglight doesn't want to ask about the days before RiverClan. He doesn't like thinking about his dad.

"C'mon Carpkit, we'll leave Petalnose to her very important responsibilities. StarClan knows no one else here could ever spot a fox or hawk and be friendly." He winks at Carpkit as he rises to his paws, shaking out the fatigue from his muscles. "How about you guys?" His gaze shifts to Dipperpaw, Fernpaw, and Salmonshade questioningly. "Wanna go work on Carpkit's pounce? Maybe she'll put all us warriors to shame."

  • ooc:
  • FALLINGLIGHT / / 11 moons old / / amab and uses masculine pronouns; will be startled by the use of any others.
    — warrior of riverclan / / earned warrior name early at 10 moons / / skilled but not experienced / / mentoring [n / a].
    — npc parents / / father died in the great battle and mother left when he was apprenticed / / no contact w / siblings.
    — flirtatious & disastrous bisexual / / fairly indiscriminate (even when he should be) / / closed to long-term romance.

    a fairly trim, athletic cream tabby and black chimera with high white. fur is thick and a bit sharp, though tends to soften and curl primarily around his face and tail when wet. eyes are a bright, gleaming blue at home with the river on clear, sunny days. he is rarely without a devil-may-care grin, though despite his daring personality, has yet to accumulate noticeable scarring.
  • blurb goes here

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