Sep 12, 2023


  • Name: Tidepaw
    > Previous Names: Tidekit​
    Tide-: the alternate rising and falling of the sea, usually twice in each lunar day at a particular place, due to the attraction of the moon and sun. / given to her as a familial name. | -paw: standard suffix for an apprentice.
    Age: 6 moons
    > Aging Rate: Ages 1 moon every 1st​
    Gender & Pronouns: Cis-Female, She/Her
    Sexuality: Undecided
    Rank: Apprentice of RiverClan
  • Short Description: Long-furred blue silver tabby with amber eyes. 50% Oriental longhair. Carrying solid + non-silver.
    > Long Description:Tidepaw is an average-sized she-cat with pale, silver fur and blue tabby stripes. She's slender and light on her feet, and she shows some breed traits of the oriental longhair. Her amber eyes shine with intelligence and curiosity.​
    Scars and Injuries: None
    Accessories: None
  • Adaptable | Calm | Intelligent | Nosy | Blunt
    Personality: Tidepaw is quite calm, easily keeping her cool no matter what is thrown at her. She's adaptable and easily excels at whatever is thrown at her without blinking an eye. She's intelligent, an observer, and tends to keep to the sidelines. She isn't shy, however, and is quite comfortable talking to people, offering advice when able. However, she's quite blunt and doesn't sugarcoat her words, giving it to others how it is. While she doesn't emote much, she is a bit nosy, always listening out for rumors and gossip. Her desire for knowledge and secrets may be her biggest weakness, and that plus her bluntness may make it hard for her to form positive relationships with others.
    Mental Ailments: N/A
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Vision: Electro
    Path: The Erudition
    Pokemon Type: Water/Ghost
  • Parents: Willowroot x Poppysplash, Gen 2
    Siblings: Ashpaw (Adoptive), Hazepaw, Mosspaw, Antlerpaw, Buckpaw,
    Mate: N/A
    > Relationship Status: Single​
    Children: N/A
    Other Relatives: Buckgait (Adoptive Aunt Figure)
    Mentored By: N/A
    Likes: Her family
    Neutral: Everyone else
    Dislikes: None
  • > Theme color is Aqua Island #A1DAD7 (Gradient uses #0487F9 as well)
    > Her partner Pokemon, or her Pokemon self, would be a Frillish or Jellicent.
    > Her toyohu.se can be found here... when I make it.
    > Not the most intelligent when it comes to others' emotions - rejects someone that has a crush on her without really realizing it, doesn't understand why they're upset.
    > Potentially hurts a littermate's feelings if they're struggling with something she's excelling in and doesn't quite understand why they're upset with her.
    > Definitely a lot of accidental misunderstandings and just. Not getting why they're angry with her.
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