ODE TO SLEEP ✧ meeting 10.02.23

He has never felt so drained of energy in his life. Every step feels somnambulant, though it is not his mind he is stuck in this time—his body is worn thin. The yellowcough had ravaged him, leaving nothing but dull cream-colored fur tangled about an elderly-looking skeleton. New shreds of gray are shot through his fur, only perceptible in direct sunlight and silvery-looking. It is not age alone that has brought this change, but the life he has lived and the stress of six deaths on a single body. When SkyClan approaches the Highbranch for this meeting, they will see a shadow of the leader they’ve followed so dutifully for seasons, but he will command their attention just the same.

He is not fit to cling to the Highbranch today, so his call is slightly different. “All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather for a Clan meeting!” He sits before his Clan on the ground, his chin lifted and his eyes searching for cats to anoint.

We have a cat who has completed his training and wishes to take on a warrior name. We have another cat who wishes to leave the daylight warrior life, and has requested to be given a name by her Clan leader.” He coughs, but it is not thick with sickness—only redundant, a gesture leftover from the life he’d lost. “Apple Stem, Dog, please step forward.

It’s Apple Stem he turns to first, a she-cat who has been a warrior for seasons now. “Spirits of StarClan, you know every cat by name. I ask you now to take away the name of the cat before you, for it no longer stands for what she is.” He meets the flame point’s gaze and says, “By my authority as Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give this cat a new name. From this moment on, Apple Stem will be known as Applefrost, for her dedication to her Clan and her fortitude.” He takes a few paces forward to rest his muzzle on her head before he continues his ceremonies.

Dog, you have trained hard to understand our ways. You have earned your place as a SkyClan warrior.” His ears flick, and he intones, “I, leader of SkyClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look upon this cat. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn.” He meets Dog’s single fervent eye. “Dog, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clanmates, even at the cost of your life?

  • ceremonies: @Dog @APPLE STEM

    activity shoutouts go out to the following!! @orangeblossom @DAWNGLARE @Fireflypaw @SLATE @Johnnyflame @TWITCHBOLT
    @DUSKPOOL @FIGFEATHER @GREENEYES @bobbie @sparrowsong! @Dog @Drizzlepelt @CHALK
    @Hazelbeam @falconpaw! @Cherrypaw @Howlfire

    thank you all for your amazing activity this month! whether you were on the journey or in the clan board, you are so appreciated for helping make this clan a fun and active place to rp!
  • djGoyK1.png
  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
Silently, he trudged toward the massive tree, pausing as he noticed the leader's position on the ground.

Frazzled but unwilling to question it, the scarred tabby settled a fox's length away, patiently waiting before the flame-point as other cats gathered around. He listened attentively as the tired tom began, a slight jolt of nerves rushing through him when their name was mentioned. This was something they'd hoped for but hadn't imagined it happening under these dire circumstances.

Most cats nowadays were drained of energy, sickly, and dying. Skyclan's own leader looked like a husk of his former self. The ex-loner couldn't say much, considering their own condition—paws riddled with dirt, once-white coat a mere shadow of its former shimmer.

Neither Dog nor Blazestar looked their best. Compared to their last two meetings, it was as if they had wilted away. Bones stark, eyes sunken, and paws struggling to move. However, he had not lost a life nor experienced the ravages of yellowcough. In his opinion, the leader appeared worse off than most, even after coming back to the world of the living. They immediately pushed away thoughts of that moment.

Not wanting to dwell on it during a time of celebration, he looked back at the newly named Applefrost, offering a supportive nod.

Once his portion of the ceremony proceeded, he acknowledged the leader's look. Despite the loss and pain, he knew it was selfish not to take pride in this moment. Truthfully, it would be a disservice to all the good clan cats, kittypets, loners, and rogues who had fought hard to make a place here. Dog had to be strong for every clanmate, just as Blazestar was. If that's what it meant to be a Skyclan Warrior, then he was ready.

He was not the same cat who had wandered onto the human fence line in the past, daydreaming as they stared through the pine trees, searching for an easy place to squat.

If some cat had asked him during their first meeting if he would be willing to undergo this ceremony, he would have flatly said 'no.' Now, they believed they had earned it. This new name would be a badge of honor for him, worn proudly until the end.

Strangely enough, his insincere pledge had come true, and a part of him hoped Orangeblossom would be proud. Meeting the she-cat had meant more to them than she would ever know. Their decision back then might have been in poor taste, but now they had never wanted anything more. The cinnamon splotched feline bowed their head for a moment of serenity and thought. Stay safe out there. He sent a small prayer in her direction before meeting the leader's expectant gaze once more.

I'm glad you're here. Dog's unspoken thought's felt raw and inappropriate to voice. Instead he allowed a small crack in the dam. An unusually gentle grin formed on the ex-loner's scruffy muzzle. Similar to the time they'd spent while hunting.

Volume at a tolerable level and held at a steady rhythm he humbly responded. "I promise and solemnly swear it." Alas, determination and sincerity bled through their every word. Swearing an oath before Starclan still felt strange, but after witnessing Blazestar's return from death, it had changed his previous tune. They weren't a spiritual presence he worshipped, but they certainly felt their influence.

Sitting up straight, they anxiously awaited the ragdoll to proceed with the ceremony.

  • ooc ;
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 28 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:

Despite all the awful going on outside of the camp, at least they still had a slew of loyal warriors journeying and staying. Though the camp had seemed a little empty without the journeying cats, and he was beginning to grow sickeningly concerned over the absolute onslaught of trespassing and prey-stealing, the re-naming of Apple Stem and the full acceptance of Dog was something temporarily distracting, something warm to cling onto.

Twitchbolt sighed, a shuddery sound, as he watched the meeting. Apple Stem became Applefrost, a name given at her own request- it was a good name, suited her, despite her... her slight strangeness. In fact, it suited her a little for that reason. He could imagine Orangeblossom would be glad to hear it if she- when, when, when she returned.

Dog, then. Twitchbolt often regarded strangers with glanced of suspicion, nothing personal but extended to each outsider. It always eventually dissipated, and as he looked to Dog stood before Blazestar now, that discomfort was wiped clean. The thread of starvation gnawed, and no-one stood up there before the Clan looked entirely healthy, but... Twitchbolt told himself he just had to ignore it. Just for the moment... he could go back to worrying in a few minutes when it was all over. Worrying being his default.

A shivering smile upon his face, he watched Dog's steadfast vow, and felt relief drape over him like mist on the horizon. They would need their claws... they would need someone that loyal. Someone who solemnly swore.
penned by pin ✧

There was an expectation after their discussion that Apple Stem would be a part of Blazestar's next call for the Clan's attention. She simply hadn't expected him to conduct a meeting so shortly after he had come down with yellowcough. So shortly after he had lost a life from it's intensity.

A sideways glance drifted over to the herb-scented den, wondering just exactly what the remaining cats inside had felt. What sort of suffering the ailment caused that had so strongly, so quickly, whisked away one of his starry gifts. How many more did that leave him with? She didn't want to think about it, in fact, just as soon as the thought arrived she had forced it away.

Blazestar had chosen to dedicate his energy to ensuring he kept his word, that she among others would receive their ceremonies when the time came. He had continued his devotion to attending his Clan with this life, just as he did with every other. Proudly she stood before him, holding her breath as he requested her first, waiting for the name she would take to the warriors den. The new name her sister would greet her with. The new name she would take to StarClan.

Applefrost. For my dedication... fortitude... Oh her heart has soared. She felt lighter than the air that exhaled from her maw. Tufted ears fold down as his muzzle rest against her head and she tipped her nose up into his fur. "I love it." She murmured quietly, soft enough for just him to hear.
She had not expected the sound of Blazestar's voice to come from the Highbranch, to call for a meeting to be held. She knew it would still happen eventually, but the fact he hadn't waited, hadn't rested so soon after dying made Brightpaw worried, that feeling growing tenfold when she saw the state the ragdoll was in. Despite not wanting to she moved forward, gathering with the others who came to sit beneath the branch to listen to what Blazestar had to say.

Soft congratulations were cast towards Applefrost - earning a name after being a kittypet wasn't easy for some - and she sat there, doing her best to avoid looking at Blazestar as she listened to the ceremony Dog was going through. He had been there when Blazestar had died and yet he was so willing to near their leader, so willing to see the other as something other than cursed by StarClan to dye over and over while watching others surrounding him die and be gone forever. She looked towards the former loner as he swore his loyalty, and she waited for more words to be said.
  • 43149711_LAdN8Y5i17B7CJB.gif
    brightkit - brightpaw - bright???
    ⋆ she/her - 12 moons
    ⋆ bisexual - open to relationship
    ⋆ apprentice of skyclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki

Coyotecrest watches as skyclan's leader calls for a meeting, looking worse for wear but still managing his responsibilities regardless. He does not ascend the high branch today and the young warrior did not blame him for it. With yellowcough claiming so many victims as of late he could only imagine what kind of brutality the sickness placed on the body. His gaze swept over those addressed by the golden tom, a small nod given to each as their names were called for ceremonial purposes. Both Applefrost and Dog had done well to prove themselves, he believed them to be great additions to the clan.
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / thirteen moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  
The newly-named Applefrost’s shining blue eyes find his, and her murmur catches his ears: “I love it.” He does not respond verbally, but gives a slight incline of his head, as if to say, I’d hoped you would. He understands her choice—kin and Clan over the Twolegs who’d cared for her and loved her—and it’s one he’d made himself, long ago. He can only hope she does not live to regret it, as he never has.

Blazestar’s attention focuses on Dog, the tightened posture, the determination shining in a single pale blue eye. He is drawn and sharp from hunger, from the strain of hunting for a Clan ravaged by illness, but he sits before his Clan leader just the same, his vows spoken with hearty conviction. He has chosen the path of a warrior, and the Ragdoll’s voice is as warm as it had been with Applefrost’s ceremony when he continues.

Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Dog, from this moment on you will be known as Dogbite. StarClan honors your commitment and your determination to succeed, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan.” Just as he’d done to Applefrost, Blazestar approaches Dogbite and lowers his chin to rest atop the new warrior’s head. “Welcome to warriorhood,” he says in a low, warm voice.

The ceremonies are not done for the day, however, and Blazestar looks for Sootspritespark’s curled pelt among the gathered cats. Two little tomkits, born in a Twoleg nest but brought to SkyClan to live the life of their forestborn counterparts, sit well-groomed in preparation for their big day. He beckons both forward with a twitch of his tail tip. “We have two kits ready to begin warrior training today. Thistlekit, Littlekit, please step forward.

His blue eyes soften—despite the hardship SkyClan faces, these kits are proof that their Clan will survive. He turns first to Thistlekit. “Thistlekit, Littlekit, you have reached the age of four moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. Thistlekit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Thistlepaw.” He searches for a tabby-and-white pelt in the crowd. “Your mentor will be Angelfeather.” The daylight warrior stalks forward with a solemn expression, green gaze meeting Blazestar’s. “Angelfeather, you are ready to take on an apprentice. I expect you to pass on all you know to Thistlepaw.

He turns to Littlekit next. “Littlekit, from this day forward, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Littlepaw. Your mentor will be Dogbite.” He shifts his blue eyes to Dogbite’s pale one, dipping his head. “Dogbite, you received excellent training at the paws of your senior Clanmates, including myself. You will make a fine mentor to Littlepaw. I expect you to pass down all you know to him.

He will wait for the two to brush noses before lifting his tail, an indication the Clan should begin to celebrate. Once the cries for the newly-named warriors and apprentices die off, Blazestar will draw their focus once more. Despite the ravaged look he has to him, his chin is lifted high. He has come out, clawing and dragging himself, on the other side—and he intends to make the most of the precious life StarClan had given him and not other cats who had died to this horrid disease.

Yellowcough is not our only enemy in these moons, SkyClan. I’ve had reports of rogues at our borders, stealing our prey and even attacking our warriors.” His eyes darken. “No warrior is to leave camp alone, and no apprentice, no matter how old or experienced, is to leave camp without at least one warrior accompanying them.” He lashes his tail. “I want all cats who trespass questioned thoroughly. They will not all be rogues, nor will all mean us harm, but we cannot be too cautious. If you find a non-SkyClanner on our territory, fetch me or one of my lead warriors at once.

His whiskers twitch. “You may have noticed the fresh-kill pile has been low. We lack the warriors to feed everyone what they’re used to. Daylight warriors will need to forgo forest prey entirely if they aren’t already. The rest of us must remember the warrior code. Those who cannot hunt for themselves must be fed to the fullest first. We will persevere.” His words do not lack conviction, no matter how bone-weary he appears.

If there’s nothing further, this meeting is dismissed!

  • Love
Reactions: DOGBITE
His first meeting. The bicolored apprentice is not sure how to act during such a revered time (or at least he can assume so given how serious everyone appeared to be) so he glances at Brightpaw and mimics her to the best of his ability. Sit beneath the high branch, check. Listen closely to what Blazestar says, check. Look to each warrior and newly appointed apprentice mentioned by the ragdoll, check. Boy this meeting stuff was easy!

As for the rogues and food shortage, Storm merely nods in understanding. Nothing new for the former rogue - he was aware of how rough some rogues could be and it did not surprise him that they would begin taking advantage of the clan cats. Had he not found Pearlpaw would he too be among them? Stealing to get by and engaging in skirmishes? He'd like to think not, but life has not always been kind to him and desperate times would have called for desperate measures. All the more reason for him to be grateful to SkyClan for taking him in when they did.
it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
The small feline blinked, peeling an uninterested gaze towards Blazestar, tail flickering at the call of his name, unable to hide the scowl. He shouldn’t need a mentor, but he knew better than to make a fuss in front of everyone, embarrassing his mother. He padded forward, dwarfed by their massive builds to touch noses with his new mentor, tail curling in sourness.

He couldn’t help but toss a glance in Thistlekit’s direction, offering his sister a rare smile. They’d prove themselves. His momma wouldn’t have left them in the nursery if she didn’t think they could handle themselves. He’d prove that he didn’t need anyone. Littlepaw settled away from the gathering cats, gaze lingering on those who just received their warrior names, gaze crinkling eerily.

The freckled feline shifted, turning to face Blazestar at the mention of rouges. Oh. He blinked, glancing at his clanmates with a furrowed brow, masked behind a tight-lipped frown. Littlepaw made a silent vow, helm tucked against his chest until his chin rested against the white fur, humming silently.
thought speech
  • Love
Reactions: DOGBITE
Well... that Apple girl decided to stick around. Smiling fondly after her, Edenpaw was glad someone who could keep Orangeblossom in check was staying... maybe that would spare them from further ire from the stern deputy. Making a note to thank Applefrost for her help, they are eager to join in the cacophony of calls that cheer her name. Dog soon finds bite affixed to his name... the jealousy that tingled in their paws became more agonizing with every passing week. How come they made you wait so long to be 'grown up more'? Edenpaw was totally ready!!! Who cared that they hadn't caught a single bird yet... that would obviously happen soon enough, just trust them!

Sighing wistfully as they day-dreamed about the future where Blazestar said their name instead, they only remembered to listen again as the lion-like leader declared the daylighters would need to eat at home rather than out in the wilds.... Unfortunate, really, since they'd developed a delicious hankering for mice but... anything to make things just a little easier for their clan-born friends.

The dry stuff back home wouldn't taste nearly as good but... maybe they could beg for some of that nice slop to get put on top... Mmm...​
Dogbite. Interestingly, it was fitting for them, and it even had a nice ring to it. The many bite scars that littered his pelt, and their gnarled fangs, all contributed to making it an apt name. In a way, it pleased the one-eyed feline, especially adding their original name to the mix. Dog, in context, might have seemed cruel or bizarre to most, but he knew his mother had given it to them lovingly. A name he felt proud to keep.

Welcome to warriorhood, Blazestar's words felt like the familiar glow of new-leaf's rays. Despite the chilled air, the warmth shone through and left his heart racing with elation. Nothing could have brought them more joy.

"Thank you, Blazestar." Dogbite dipped his head low, intentionally formal, nose nearly meeting his own paws. It might have felt a bit silly, but he understood the importance of this customary gesture. What mattered at that moment was expressing their deep gratitude for the many lessons the leader had passed on to him.

Rising back to all four paws, he turned and re-joined the crowd. Observing kindly as the approaching kits were called upon by their leader. He wondered briefly what it would have been like if he had been a kit upon joining. The smile he'd worn since the start remained firm as Angelfeather received her apprentice, Thistlepaw. Next, it seemed Littlekit was up fo- oh! Blazestar was rolling with it today, and Dogbite was assuredly in a whole new realm of surprises.

My own apprentice? Their partial look took in the kit once more with rattled disbelief. When he paused to muse on it, the arrangement made perfect sense. He would be this youth's guide as an outsider in the clans, their protector, and teacher in the ways of SkyClan. What better choice was there than a former outsider-turned-warrior.

Fear, pride, and rare excitement bundled up inside the confines of his gut as he cast the small kit a proud grin. He couldn't help but already treasure the little scrap. I'm your mentor, and you're my apprentice. The thought weighed kindly on their mind despite the ferocious nagging of 'what-ifs'. They refused to let it be soured by circumstance. This moment had to be just as special for Littlepaw.

Eagerly, he padded over and touched their nose to the smaller cat's. "I'm very happy to be your mentor, Littlepaw. Let's both work hard to achieve our goals." His voice rumbled softly, and their intent gave way to the bundled-up nerves inside. Their good eye gleamed with jubilation a stark contrast to the kits pout.

To him, the ceremony lasted a lifetime, but in reality, it was only but a moment. One that was over in a flash, and all ears were again turned to Blazestar. A far more morose topic laid upon them, and he couldn't help but feel a damper in the atmosphere. Reality was here to check in, and Dogbite felt more scared than ever.

How am I going to keep you fed and safe? Fresh experiences were underway, and a world of potential doom could only unfold before them. Rogues, sickness, and starvation now all played roles in their lives. He desired a fun experience for his apprentice, but with this many hardships ahead, Dogbite knew he needed to toughen up, or else they would both fall under the claws of leaf-bare.

Mentally, they took note on keeping a close watch of their new student. When dismissal arrived, the bedraggled feline filtered out alongside the crowd. Leaving with far more mixed emotions than the ones in which he came with.

  • ooc ; out!
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 28 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited: