pafp of my memories museum .. prank

May 16, 2023
The gentle current of shore rolled back and forth against the apprentices paws. The sun was warm against his fur, but his most recent splash into the river had deterred him from trying to cool off in it for the moment. Otterpaw was oddly calm that morning, which might cause some alarm on it's own. When he rose to stand, he did not immediately tumble into play with the other apprentices, or harass the warriors for attention. Instead, he carefully scooped a half-broken scallop shell from the shore. With his discovered prize held carefully between teeth so not to swallow too much sand, he proudly displayed it at the paws of another warrior.

Boneripple. His current distributor for the textures his jaws craved.

"Good morning Boneripple." Despite the forced politeness in his tone, there was nothing hiding his intention with his gift. Mischief was clear in his gaze. "I found this pretty shell for you! Do you like it? Is it maybe... worth anything?"

જ➶ Today is one such day where she can rest. She hasn't been called to go patrol or to hunt. It is nice to just have time for herself and to jest with those that will keep her company. Here now though she has been playing with a cattail. Her paws carefully moving it back and forth. Like a kit she had tried to bite this a few sunrises again and well the results were shocking to say the least. Her mouth filled up to almost the brim with that cattail fluff and she was spitting it out in droves. Luckily for her no one saw that horrible display and the taste, ugh. Now she just plays with them sometimes. But her attention is grabbed with the sudden appearance of a half broken shell. Blinking those volcanic hues of her's she lifts her head, eyeing Otterpaw. "Good morning to you as well." She is amused by this young apprentice. Always his need to chew on things and it seems reeds are a liking of his. She gives them when she has the chance. But mischief sparks in her eyes this day.

Slowly she looks down to the shell again. Is it worth anything? She knows what he is implying and she looks amused by it as she carefully pulls the shell to herself. "All for me. Well thanks for thinking of me, Otterpaw. I do like it and I think you've earned this." Casually without a word she pushes the cattail over.
( tags ) His son and Boneripple together is quite the combination. He pads up to the pair and beams when he sees his son give something to Boneripple. He will admit that the shell his son is offering to Boneripple is pretty. He has no idea that Otterpaw has something up his sleeve. Before he can comment on how nice the shell is, he is cut off by Boneripple and green eyes linger on the cattail she pushes towards his son. He knows that cattails can't be eaten. In his younger moons when given a dare, he had attempted to eat one and it was the most horrid experience. One bite and his mouth was filled with fluff and he wasn't sure how long he had to hack up cattail fluff from his mouth. I mean. A cattail won't kill Otterpaw. I doubt he would actually try biting it. Maybe. Actually who am I kidding? He's going to bite it. His eyes linger on the cattail. I guess it could be a lesson that's learned the hard way. "I remember how full I was after eating one of these when I was younger," he chips in before looking at Boneripple. Do you know what this does?
His wide green stare watches carefully, searching for the glimmer of approval anywhere in her features. Her eyes, how they appear softer when looking at his offering, his precious gift. Her maw as it curves in amusement, which he takes as ratification for his deed. Her voice, lacking any indignant tone and all friendly.

Hook, line, sinker!

Otterpaw's jaw opened to release a quiet gasp of surprise. Something new! He's never tried poking around with cattails before, their stalks far too tall for him to tackle down. A pad pressed gently against the bulb of the stalk, testing it. It felt like it should have a solid crunch behind it. When Pikesplash appeared, the apprentice tilted his head in confusion. "This isn't for eating papa. It's for biting!" And he began his demonstration excitedly.

Teeth clamped around what looked like a promising crunch, only to feel his mouth grow full of soft wispy tufts. Otterpaw reeled his head back and shook his violently head, spitting and twisting the bits of bulrush out of his mouth. "YUCK, YUCK!" The chimera huffed, sticking his tongue out to see the entire thing had completely fallen apart and bits scattered across the ground. "Ugh, that one's broken! I need a new one."
Salmon is laying not too far from where Boneripple rests, staring at the shadow-furred warrior playing with a cattail between her paws. She’s slightly disinterested but its a nice distraction from the warming sun, but her interest is immediately piqued again as soon as Otterpaw approaches her. He holds a shell in his mouth- a… fair trade, maybe? She knows how much pretty shells are valued in Riverclan, but to trade one for a cattail..? She assumes that, in reality, its all up to Otterpaw to determine the worth of the items.

She draws close to Pikesplash, Otter and Boneripple after she rises to her paws like a moth to a flame. Curiosity, and also confusion swim within her gaze as she watches. And then… Otterpaw unsurprisingly bites in to it and Salmon has to stifle a smile that fights to make itself known as it explodes in to fluffy bits. That ones broken, he complains. “Perhaps you’ll find a better one with the next,” her words are earnest, but she cannot help the smallest of smirks that pulls her lips. “Very pretty.” her voice is now much quieter as she addresses Boneripple, giving her a small nod.

  • -> salmon ,, salmonshade
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 30 months
    -> warrior of riverclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with low white and blue eyes
    -> “speech, ff91a4” ,, thoughts
    -> lesbian ,, single
    -> smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
( ) "oh my stars-" eyes of emerald have just opened, tufted ears flattened. willowroot lays beside boneripple, having been previously murmuring soft gossip and small talk with the other femme. she swears she's only closed her eyes for one moment, but now she awakes to fluff everywhere and laughter being barely contained. it takes a moment to register what is happening, and when it clicks, she has to look twice. there's no way bone has just done what they think she has. the black and white cat has a playful side after all! after so many moons in the nursery together, willow's sure they've learned everything about the other queen. the former shadowclanner continues to surprise them. flicking their tail against bone's, they shoot her a grin. "y'know, i once saw smokethroat, our very own dear deputy, do the exact same thing with a cattail," she comments, remembering with laughter the look on her friend's face that day.

"he's a smart tom- if he thinks they're for biting, they probably are." there's no harm in ingesting a little cattail fluff. it's good for the soul- or so her father would say. "i am glad to see that shell trading is still so popular amongst the apprentices." resting her head on her paws again, the smoke tips her head, watching otterpaw's reaction. it's nice to have a laugh, she decides. now that's something that's good for the soul.