camp OF OTHER LANDS [◆] first encounter


Oct 12, 2023

Foxkit plays, as all kits do throughout the day. With mossballs and feathers, the tail’s of cats and upon queen’s backs. Batting at other kitten’s ears and kicking pebbles across the camp. Currently she paws at a tiny stone, it’s surface ridged and sharp, it’s color a mixture of shades of browns. Raising a brown kitten paw she builts up all the strength she can muster before whacking the pebble across camp, only it’s path was interrupted.

A large warrior of yellow fur towers above her, a plump robin in the jaws of his flame colored face. He was well built with the low-hanging jowls of a tom-cat and well-padded at the belly. Fearing she was about to get yelled at she rears back, ”Sorry- sorry!”

For an anxious moment, silence. Then the small thump of a robin being dropped at her paws.

The tom-cat merely grunts, his voice deep and growly, apathetic. Foxkit turns her gaze to look into his golden eyes, a deep connection is made that the red she-kit could not possibly understand. Despite never meeting him before this tom is familiar, and despite the coolness in his voice his presence was welcoming. ”Give this to Leopardtongue.” Straight and to the point he was before he walked away on heavy paws, leaving a jaw dropped Foxkit in the dust.
  • >> The tom cat is an NPC named Seedspring! Foxkit’s biological father
    Please don’t tell foxkit this unless your oc is an authority in her life that would make sense to do so
    Seedspring is much like canon fathers in series 1, he doesn’t visit the nursery often and since Foxkit has been given to a new family he makes himself even scarcer. He drops prey off occassionally intended fo Leopard as a silent and subtle thanks for taking Fox in, but aside from that he’s seemed to not want much to do with her
  • » Foxkit
    » ThunderClan kit
    » She/they . AFAB
    » A red tabby & chocolate sepia she-cat with orange eyes.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » An incredibly easy foe with no combat training.
    » Likely to swat or flee depending on the size of foe.
    » Fights defensively and to save herself.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Softkit had been eyeing the new kits with her ever-curious gaze, and she wasn't one to miss when events came to pass– which explains why she was paying attention to Foxkit when the she-kit had her interaction with the mysterious older tom. Never before had Softkit seen others so quick to leave prey for the queens; usually they stayed for at least a greeting or small chat.
"Who was that?" She asked as she slowly approached Foxkit's side, the both of them still looking after where the tom had meandered off to. "He seemed pretty tough."
.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
Batwing had returned moments before the incident, a mouse clutched in his jaws. It took all the strength in his body to avoid salivating, then eating, the thing, and he looked morose as he dropped it on the pile. Stars, it would be good, but he had other cats to thing about- his own kits, even. Vision shifted and turned swiftly as Foxkit's voice rose, staring directly at her and her sire. His fur bristled, staring at the situation, slowly prowling over-

Then stopping short as the robin was dropped. A breath of hot exhaustion left him, and he padded closer to Foxkit, green eyes warily watching the tom stalk away. Batwing's expression was far from warm- there was wariness, and anger in his vision, but he smoothed his face over as he looked towards Foxkit with a warmer one. He responded to Softkit softly. "His name is Seedspring. He's making sure Leopardtongue get's fed, that's all." If any other warrior- or even Hailstorm- was to approach, he'd give them a look that communicated that Batwing was near to snapping at Seedspring.

"You want to try to carry it, Foxkit? See if we can bring it to Leopard?" He asked, trying to switch the subject before he did lose it.

. ° ✦ "I bet I can launch this pebble farther than you!" A challenge that would quickly go nowhere as Foxkit geared up a toss, striking a warrior that looked like he had been shaped by battle. Bravekit swallowed as he fell quiet but tense, ready to jump at Foxkit's defense if the tom said anything he didn't like. The glance he gave the red molly said that enough in the brief moment they made eye contact, but his defense would go unneeded, thankfully.

The robin dropped and his father quickly taking place where Seedspring had been, Bravekit rushed to his fathers paws and reached up to playfully swipe a paw at his muzzle.

"Ha ha, he's not any tougher than Batwing!" He crowed to Softkit, bristly tail lashing in a mix of nerves and excitement. He planted himself back down on all four paws and looked at his older sister with a wide grin. "We should carry it together!! Maybe she'll let us try some."
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that tangles easily. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Wide fuzzy satellite ears.
I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE — The exchange had been seen by the mountain of fur as he stepped out from the elders den unable to feel like his own skin was crawling at the thought of getting rid of ticks from the older cats and he hoped none of the small bugs had gotten into his plush coat, he shudders in brief disgust before hearing the high pitched voice of Foxkit. His gaze locking onto the sight of the bright molly and Seedspring, tufted ears would flick back briefly as he tries to figure out what to do of the situation but the tom does not linger, Hailstorm catches sight of Batwing's bristled hackles and can't help feel a frown tugging the sides of his mouth downwards. With a few strides of his legs, Hailstorm closes the distance between himself and the new father only to glance to the kittens with a snort of amusement leaving him then turns to the lead warrior with a playful twinkle in his warm brown eyes "Nobody's tougher than Batwing, hm? You're very observant, Bravekit." His grin a little mischievousas he adds more quietly to his friend "You should help me get rid of those pesky ticks on the elders if that's the case. The ticks wouldn't stand a chance," It's all jesting, of course, he wouldn't pass his duties onto someone else and didn't mind it much aside from the feeling of ticks crawling under his skin whenever he was done.

If he had a tail, he would've lightly flicked the blue smoke with it but instead uses his shoulder to bump against the others and nods in agreement to what he says about taking the robin to Leopardtongue. "One day, all of you will be wonderful apprentices. You'll be able to get out of camp, with your mentor, just like Batwing and Seedspring." He says gently watching Bravekit suggest that he and Foxkit carry it together to Leo, he can only imagine the pride that his best friend must feel. The pearly medicine cat apprentice already seeing that they had good qualities and boundless energy, it makes him ponder who would get the pleasure of mentoring his friends brood. Had he still been a warrior would he had been able to mentor one of them? A thought that he ponders for a few heartbeats before flicking his ear and dismissing it, he was an apprentice himself and had to focus on his own training before possibly musing the possibility of taking an apprentice under his own wing.

    ✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS: if it isn't a fatal injury and reached in time, your life is in good paws
    ✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS: recognizes it and its not such a pleasant sight but he'll do what he can especially with marigold in paw
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ACHES & PAINS: oftentimes slips by him but he'll provide you poppy seeds for the pain and tell you to rest. if you continue to ache, he'll see what else he can do for you
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ILLNESS: ah, he notices you sneezing and hopes that he didn't catch onto it too late, he'll make sure that you're taken care of. anything more serious will stump him
    ✦✦✦✧✧ BREATHING ISSUES: will provide you the necessary space you need, ask you odd questions, and try to regulate your breathing. if it's something more intense he will call for his mentor
    ✦✧✧✧✧ TRAVELING HERBS: he'll advise you to rest and get a good meal, he'll ask berryheart about those herbs before you leave
    ✧✧✧✧✧ BROKEN BONES: oh jeez, it shouldn't be in that angle or poking out. gross. you should lay down, he'll go get berryheart
    ✧✧✧✧✧ KITTING: absolutely clueless... you were expecting?
    ✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS: do not eat poison. (he has no clue)
  • dge7u2t-148923d9-4a3f-4c3f-b8e7-4e97c3a4cb2b.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    49 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength, his large size, and wits
    peaceful powerplay allowed
to be reborn , you have to die first .
Coming to stand beside his kit, Spiderlily observed the vanishing warrior with a wrinkled brow. Annoying. He found a lot of the warriors nearly insufferable, but Spiderlily took great joy in watching their expressions collapse, if not for himself, but for the fear of getting too close to others. Whitelion had been one of the rarer expectations, almost demanding with showing him he wouldn’t abandon him. It was almost too much for the death-fixated tom. “Only because warriors have to be.” He commented, staring at Softkit and Bravekit, expression offering nothing other than the slow rasp of his tongue against Softkit’s helm. Other than Hailstorm’s comment, Spiderlily couldn’t help but snort in amusement.

His gaze narrowed at Hailstorm, though the other hadn’t meant it, Spiderlily couldn’t help but stiffen. “Perhaps it is wise to let them be kits.” He knew it was would soon enough before his kits became apprentices, and nothing the queen could do would prevent the crippling fear of one day seeing them die. He breathed, tail flickering. “They do not need to be thinking about apprenticeship right now.” He muttered, turning away with a shake of his helm. “Would you like to try, Softkit?” He turned, staring at the other in relation to Bravekit’s comment.
thought speech

Foxkit looks to Softkit wide-eyed, she was just as lost as the other kit as to who that was. Luckily, Batwing had lingered and stands before them now. He informs the kits that the warrior had been Seedspring, her kitten whiskers quiver as Bravekit exclaims no warrior could be tougher than Batwing. Foxkit grins, ”Do you think so? I would like to try bird.” She licks her lips, if it tasted anything like squirrel she’d have no qualms with it!

Hailstorm stands nearby now and praises the kits, her eyes beam with excitement only to be cut off by Spiderlily who insists they need not to think about their apprenticeship yet. Foxkit frowns, ”But I wanna, the sooner I become an apprentice the better! I can’t wait to be a warrior!” Then she picks up the wing of the bird, awaiting Bravekit to hoister up the rest of the weight. Thoughts of the muscled ThunderClan warrior known as Seedspring already fading from her mind.
  • » Foxkit
    » ThunderClan kit
    » She/they . AFAB
    » A red tabby & chocolate sepia she-cat with orange eyes.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » An incredibly easy foe with no combat training.
    » Likely to swat or flee depending on the size of foe.
    » Fights defensively and to save herself.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing