private of somewhat fallen fortune

The scent of blood has poisoned their nest.

A simmering stare rest on the fallen form of cobweb-coiled fur. Poultices smeared across exposed flesh and overwhelm the scent of old berries and gifted iris. Something has twisted within her chest and she can feel the familiarity of venom on her tongue. Moonbeam may have saved her from greeting their ancestors more times over, but she will have her mate wishing to see them again after this.

"Is this how it's going to be, then?" Lashes lower as she narrowed her eyes. Had things been different, had their life not turned over at the fall of Smokestar, she would be gazing upon her mate like this before finding a final rest below the ground. Lichentail was foolish in such ways, throwing herself forth to spare blood for her own. Where she could not for Smokestar's own sake, she had bared her flesh under the demand of another name, for a descending dictator that was only satisfied with the sight of crimson, even his own.

Hazecloud refused to entertain the possibility of Lichenstar following into the same path. The stars would not have their mind as it did for their Clans creator, they already claimed her bound to this world nine times over. Each for the sake of more lives than they could count, for cats that had not yet entered this world, even.

"I'm not going to stand here and let you do this to yourself. Not in front of your- our children. This is supposed to be different, we're supposed to be better." Better than the rampage that toiled through this very den, their own camp, that soiled those too young to understand. Pebblepaw and Shellpaw had hardly lost their kitten fat before being thrown into a vision of red and gore. It couldn't happen again.

While it felt like too many breaths between her words the queen hardly allowed her mate to fit a word herself. Hot air puffed from her maw, rapidly blinking away the sting in her eyes. "I don't care if you have nine lives- nine hundred lives- that was so mousebrained! Why must you do everything yourself? Do you not have the council for it?" A stuttered inhale sent her into pause.

Snakeblink may only be as useful as the words from his mouth, but he did as was asked. Mosspool made herself a dependable warrior, even if her will strived on the whims of the authority around her. Iciclefang was nurserybound just as herself, but she would join her fellow council in the warriors den not long after Hazecloud herself would leave. Her littermate, capable and matured as shown on the journey, had once again proven what he would do for his Clan when pushed. Foxtail was as green as a springtime meadow, but he had grand potential, anyone could see.

"Fuck- Lichen you need a Deputy. Did you forget you need one of those? You can't keep playing both, not with the amount of cats out there that would happily take up the challenge for you." Hazecloud's voice softened as she now sat, grooming the unruly fur behind Lichenstar's neck. "Promise me, you'll stop trying to do this by yourself. Not for me, not just our kits, but for you, please." Stars be damned, Hazecloud might just hold her within the willow den until she did.


  • 73582445_EEfwz37mLUqnNP7.png
    —⊰⋅ Queen of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.



✦˚.✦˚✦˚✦˚ ✧ ˚✦˚✦˚✦.˚✦
  • Rest is hard to come by... and stagnancy summons frustration in every heaved sigh. Guests flitter around the entrance of the willow den, probably relieved to see it occupied finally even if the circumstances are less than promising- patrol reports need to be shared, new ones assigned... These were the few things that could occupy her mind while the body struggled to mend what wounds could not be stitched by constellations.

    Dying was not peaceful.

    Still her underbelly felt tender... the pale fur there never to recover where skin had torn... Finding a position to comfortably lie in proved taxing... She could thank her ancestors for the lack of its finality but there were still consequences to endure. It was no cure-all. The space between her brows pinches at the terse question that is muttered behind her ears.... Hazecloud was nothing if not attentive when she could afford to be... The kittens no longer needed her constant catering as they approached their sixth moon.

    Lifting her head from the carefully woven reeds and moss of her nest, the lynx point glanced towards her mate with a frown, "Hmm?" Was there some sort of pattern she'd missed..? A moment she'd neglected to care for her? Nervousness shakes her tail tip, wondering if maybe in some ways they've pulled away from Hazecloud this time... when last it had been her.

    Whatever thoughts run rampant through her head are not shared in complete transparency, the creases along her lips betraying a want to say something that hangs at the end of her tongue. The leader grows wary already, familiar enough with the sharpness of her mate in times of conflict and stress... And it proves itself to worth worrying over, as the gray she-cat presses onward.

    "Do... what?" The metaphorical claws of her half-explained fury dig into her backside, encourage the biting of the inside of her cheeks. Exasperation fuels her ragged huff, ears pinned back in growing agitation- she wasn't being fair. If it had been well within her control, Lichenstar wouldn't have chosen that moment to visit StarClan again so soon. "Right... you know me.... keen to... traumatize... and torment... our children." Even as she spits back she regrets her words, identifies them as a deflection of insecurity and uncertainty... why did the queen's accusation grind into the sore spots...? How did she always manage to know exactly where to press?

    "I wasn't... exactly looking... to die, Hazecloud."

    Mouse-brained? What was mouse-brained was going for a walk in the middle of a Twoleg invasion and not being able to protect yourself. What was mouse-brained was willfully ignoring the existence of your son on the principal that it just 'hurt too much' to remember him. Mouse-brained... Her tongue tastes like iron where teeth had sunken in to withhold the steam growing hot in her mouth.

    The mention of her council is enough to make the fur along her spine stand on end, lips drawn back in a furious grimace. They were not hers.... All except Foxtail were just remnants of leaders since past. Iciclefang, who would gladly and gleefully disobey her direct orders to stay quiet about Splashpaw. Ferngill, who was so afraid of his own claws he couldn't believe he'd had to use them to defend the warrior code. Mosspool, whose morality was so rigid that it left no room for understanding the gray areas of life. Snakeblink, who'd shared in jest that it would be inconvenient to lose Lichenstar, that it would result in more work for everyone else and then Petalnose-

    Petalnose... was dead.

    Who of that small group could she trust with the future of the clan? Half of them were not even old enough to remember a time without borders... pitifully obvious in their inexperience. And to growl about needing a deputy.... What good did a deputy do but stand there and watch their leader die? It was all she'd ever been good for...

    For all its lashing, Hazecloud retreats to use her tongue to settle the bristling she has caused, oblivious to the turmoil that sits behind narrowed icy eyes. So many willing to take the mantle... but were any of them worthy of her trust when friends as close as Pikesplash could become traitors in a single night? "I didn't forget."

    Silence buys her the time to settle the boiling of her insides, to bite back the embers that ask to be expelled. "I'm... figuring it out..." It wasn't a burden she was incredibly eager to pass off onto someone else... and her list of candidates narrowed with each moon.
  • about

    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5

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    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .

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       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ✦  
It would be foolish to expect a cat like Lichenstar to take her growling and bitterness lying down (even if she was, physically). Precisely, the molly had kept a distance from her mate until she had felt satisfied with the storm clouds that had left her chest with each word spoken.

Provocation piques through her words, a sickly feel of smugness made room where her anger had sat just moments before. She knows the voice of defeat well, from Lichenstar in particular. It looked like a cornered mouse, ready to wear the face of a predator in fleeting attempts to escape bared teeth.

"Don't think I'll play this role of some... twit." She did not easily forget sitting in the twilight, listening to fur-muffled cries- "- Wishing it was you instead." She finished her thought out loud before she could reel it in, sharply turning her head away as if had materialized the second it left her lips.

"How am I supposed to believe that? You would have done anything to bring him back, you were ready to trade places with him!" Her nerves settled again, and she quickly reworks the fur she's made rise down Lichenstar's spine to lay flat once more. "I hate worrying for you." Her voice is quiet again.

"I know you will make the right choice, but I'm impatient. I don't want our talks diluted with patrol reports when I'm no longer a queen, that's supposed to be someone else's duty." Selfish, too, she would have added but Lichenstar knew this all too well already. "... I'll fetch you some more water, go back to sleep."

Dainty paws pushed against the earth, and gently did her muzzle brush against the other's to lure her into rest before padding away.


  • 73582445_EEfwz37mLUqnNP7.png
    —⊰⋅ Queen of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.

Last edited:
  • Angry
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