camp of the new art generation ⍋ first catch

Nov 6, 2023
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Valepaw still refused to swim.

He had spent more moons of his life as an apprentice than not and can still recall the seething jealousy he felt to know that he was one of the last apprentices to be named before the introduction of a code that would've stalled it. The majority of his den-mates now did not understand that fear, of being three months old and wandering a world you hadn't even fully grown into. He tried his best to live his life with some amount of honor... some sort of decency and bravery befitting the heroes from stories. Idealizing the strength and determination of his brother did little to stem the delusions of grandeur, of a Valepaw grown up to be so sturdy and reliable that even the most powerful tide could not stir him.

It's harder than it looks... The tender spots where teeth had dug into his flesh serve as a reminder that bravery can be synonymous with stupidity... Otterbite had been impressed with his ability to stubbornly persist but... He'd said her name. Had been so weak-willed as to summon her without thinking and that struck an anxious chord through him. He'd broken one of his own cardinal rules... Betrayed Moonbeam in that small but important way.

Valepaw worried that being a warrior wasn't something he was cut out to be. He wasn't a terribly good fighter, actively avoided it if he could and hunting had been a constant struggle. Redpath insisted he learn to fish, that was the point of being a RiverClanner, in no small way but he couldn't even set foot in the shallows without tensing up. That left what few creatures still skittered across their lands and not many of his clan-mates shared much interest in prioritizing that kind of hunting.

But he did. Elbows scuffed and pads rubbed raw from failure after failure, the chimera insisted that he would learn to contribute. That he wouldn't continue to pluck food off the fresh-kill pile and offer nothing in return. He'd lazed around enough in the time spent nursing his leg and even though he was scared of it giving out on him, the insistence to be the brave knight he wanted to be lulled that fear to barely a simmer.

This time, as he leapt forward with claws outstretched towards a small rodent, he wouldn't find the dirt between his nails and scraping at his clumsily placed limbs. Instead, there is a scent of freedom.... of accomplishment and he picks up a fat water vole in his fanged mouth with a delight unparalleled to anything else he'd felt in life. The walk back to camp is far quicker than the trek out had been, with a bounce to his step that foretells his good humors before he even can deposit his catch on the pile. "For someone who wants a break from fish," he announces decidedly, puffing out his chest with pride.​

Water vole, a delicious treat. Twinklekit scrambles away from the kitten she had been sparring with, a trail of dust following her. At the paws of Valepaw she skids to a halt and looks down into the fresh-kill pile. Two minnows, a trout… half a bluegill…? Weird. She plucks the water vole up by its stringy tail and looks up to the apprentice with a grin stretched across her face. ”Danks.” She mumbles through gritted teeth that keep hold of her food.

A wave of excitement ripples through her pelt as she moves a few paw-steps away to sit and eat. Soon she would be an apprentice; soon she’d be bringing fresh-kill to the pile for her clan-mates to eat. Twinklekit can’t wait. Her tail thumps against the ground as she takes her first bite of vole.
  • » Twinklekit
    » RiverClan Kit
    » She/her . AFAB
    » A pretty blue lynx sepia with blue eyes
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A meager kitten, defeating her is no boastful feat.
    » Excels in hiding, running from danger.
    » Fights defensively to survive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Fish was the primary diet of a RiverClanner. It was just a fact of life, plain and simple. He had been eating it ever since his teeth came in and his aunt and his mother had placed that first piece of prey before him. From that first bite he had fallen in love. That isn't to say that he did not enjoy other prey as well, when they had it, but it just so happened that fish was the main staple of his diet seeing as how it was what the warriors usually brought home with them.

When Twinklekit disengages from their spar to run and greet Valepaw he lets out a growl of protest. "Hey! Get back here!" he calls after her, shaking the dust off his pelt as he pushes himself to his paws and follows. He watches with dull green eyes as she runs up to Valepaw and takes the prey he had caught and was now generously offering to whoever wanted it. And Twinklekit, it seemed, did. "Can I have some?" He asks, plopping himself down next to his denmate, gaze focused only on the prey as his belly rumbles angrily. He had worked up an appetite with all the playing he had been doing!

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    A plush coated kitten with a pelt marbled in varying shades of gray and white. He has dull green eyes and a tall stature. Most of his personality can be described as carefree though some also say that unmotivated is a more than apt term. His trust and love is easily won through praise but he will do little work to receive it.
    easy in battle + no formal training
જ➶ Pale pink tongue drags and smoothes against pitch black fur as she idles in camp attempting to dry off. Dried leaves and grass tangle in her pelt as she struggled to reach a particular spot on her back. After a sharp grunt and flexing claws she finally gives up on the endeavor moving herself to get to her paws. Her maw parts in a soft yawn as she flicks a blackened ear only to notice as Valepaw comes in with a fat water vole between his jaws. "That's a good catch.." She mutters to herself but not better than that fish she caught the other day. Still impressive though. Her gaze levels on the rodent as she makes her way over. The kits clamoring around as she looks at the vole just like they are doing. Lifting a paw she outstretches her claws to poke at the vermin before nodding lightly.

"I think it's okay to try. Afterall, trying different prey helps you figure out what you like. That's what my father used to say anyway." Her tone drops casually then before she looks to Valepaw then. "It's a good catch. Where did you get it? We could try to find more." Plus it'll help her hone her land hunting skills as well.
Horizonkit rarely eats anything other than fish these days. Much like Graykit, one of his mothers had just plopped a shimmering, scaled thing before him one day and informed him he was to sink his teeth into it, not Hazecloud's belly. He faintly recalls how upset he'd been then, but now the idea of suckling milk at the ripe age of six moons old makes him wither on the inside and want to kick his younger self for ever being disgusted with real food.

Besides, he finds it difficult to evaluate the quality of a catch if it wasn't fish, his discerning eye nurtured by Lichenstar since the fateful day of weaning. As his sister, and soon after her Graykit, bound off towards the call, Horizonkit stays back with a dubious look on his face. He's not incredibly keen on biting into fur—ugh, it'd be like eating a clanmate! Still, he can't help the jealousy crawling up his throat and pressing down his ears at the sight of Graykit at Twinklekit's side, one of his only trusted playmates among the abounding number of nursery inhabitants. He didn't want to spar with her... but that didn't mean he couldn't eat with her!

The silver-threaded boy strides up to the fallen vole after them, swallowing the apprehension of coming this close to the red-faced stranger also approaching. Horizonkit presses into a paler, familiar side as he examines the thing, grassy eyes slightly wide with apprehension. "Are you sure you want that?" he whispers to her, gaze flicking to the side. "Look, there's a trout right there. You could just let Graykit have it..."

riverclan kit | "speech." | tags
Since she had discovered the taste of fish, Hazecloud had never thought to go back to anything else. It gifted her with a glossy coat and healthy sheen, gathering the attention of those too limp-pawed to catch one and try for themselves. The mark of a RiverClanner was to be struck with the sight of beauty and defined musculature from their diet.

For that reason she hoped with some efforts in his training, that Horizonkit would begin to fill out that expectation. Already his chin had reached her eyes, taking on his other mothers appearance as he outgrew the nursery. While he wore the colors of her misty fur and eyes of spring blooms, Lichenstar still clung to him in short wiry methods.

"It's not bad to try new things." Hazecloud tried to reassure the tom, watching her daughter and denmate pad away with Valepaw's catch. Her head leaned toward him, whispering, "You should probably take that trout for yourself." Twinklekit could explore her tastes of prey, the queen doubted she would be picky.

"How is it, dear? Did he do well?" The molly shot a sideways glance towards Valepaw, but otherwise did no more to acknowledge him.


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    —⊰⋅ Queen of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.