Of What Is & What Will Be | Asphodelpaw

Rest. That is what Smokethroat ordered of her. Mosspaw had never disobeyed a direct order in her life, and she was not about to start now, but not for lack of wanting to. Riverclan was in poor shape after the tragedies it has suffered, many of its best and brightest injured or dead to either rogues or sickness. Her paws were tired from days of travel, certainly, but not so terribly that she was unable to help her clan in its time of need. If it was her choice alone, she would be out doing whatever she could to help, but Smokethroat knew best.

When she had stepped into the apprentice den, she had been surprised to find her nest gone. She shouldn't have been, but she was. It had been a month since she had been here, and in that time rogues had been through the whole camp, it made sense that somewhere in the shuffle her nest had been lost.

So, before she could rest, she spent a few minutes carefully assembling a neat little nest for herself.

Then, she laid down in it and did not sleep. She simply laid still with her eyes wide open, her thoughts too busy with all that had happened and all that still needed to be done to let her drift off. Idly, she wondered how long she would have to do this until it counted as rest. She was almost tempted to ask Smokethroat as much, but decided against it. The thought of hearing his strained tone again put her off the idea.

Mosspaw squirmed, attempting to get comfortable in her new nest. This was perhaps the most restless rest she had ever gotten.​