pafp of wind and sea -- camp tour!


protect your peace.
Dec 28, 2022
Muffin had been quiet for most of the trip back to camp, only answering questions in minimalist fashion - she'd be allowed to stay for now, to see if SkyClan life was for them, and given a 'paw name when they began training. For the most part, they were okay with this outcome - Muffin didn't really have anything going for them otherwise, and these Clan cats were certainly nicer than some of the strays that they'd met in their short life so far. The only issue was the patrol had dispersed as soon as they'd reached the 'camp', drawn by their assorted tasks, and Muffin had been left alone. The mink stands off to the side of the bustling common area, turning the words 'moss nest' and 'apprentice den' over in their mind. Thankfully, they see one of the SkyClanners who'd been present earlier, and carefully crosses the clearing towards him.

"Um ... excuse me, you're Fireflypaw, right?" They begin, hesitantly, bracing for a dismissal even though he'd been one of the friendliest at their joining. "Would you be able to ... um ... or get someone to show me around? Please?"

// @Fireflypaw
Being called upon first was absolutely amazing to feel; being chosen, being useful to someone. If he was chosen as the typical tourcat on duty, he's happy with that! Muffin makes her way over to him, and Fireflypaw chirps out his reply. "That's meee!~" He sings out, shaking snow from his fur with a smile. He tries his best to put on a good show of friendliness, and it wasn't like he was faking it- but he reaaaaally loved it when people remembered his name!

Would you be able to ... um ... or get someone to show me around? Please? She seems nervous to even ask him, as if scared he'd turn her away, and he eagerly nods his head to show his eagerness. "Totally! Can't really get settled if 'ya don't know what 'yer doin', right?" He chuckles softly, glancing around the clearing. "First, I guess it's important to show 'ya where we sleep. Over there is the apprentice's den. All of us kids old enough to have mentors sleep there. We've gotta make your nest. Custom-made! 100% all-natureeeell.. Or somethin'. Anyways! Moss!"

Almost ready to begin skipping over to the pile of moss they kept for nests, Fireflypaw halts when he feels the discomfort in his bones begin. No, he'd been doing so good. Somethin' wasn't right. He taps his paw; one, two.. No.. One, o-one.. Catcrap! "ONE. Two.. T-Three... Four! Four! Good." He praises himself, the awkward shuffle of steps an oddity to see. Almost like he hadn't just stopped and shuffled out a few steps, Firefly returns to walking as if nothing happened. "Do you like flowers? We don't have many of 'em, because the snow killed 'em. BUT! BUT! We've got some feathers plucked that we keep in a hole. We could use those to soften your nest-"

Redstorm believes it a fair thing to say that he is pleasantly surprised by half of Blaze’s half clan disasters. His heart goes out to them, he knows what it is like to loose a sibling. His own gray furred brother comes to his mind whenever he thinks of loss, followed swiftly by an image of his father. He misses them, and that hole that you find in the place that they once had been never truly goes away, not really.

His blue eyes alight on the seal pointed tom and he lets out a huff of laughter. "Whatre you rambling on about over here Fireflypaw?" he asks good naturedly, his eyes flicking up to land on the newcomer. So many cats seemed to come and go these days, it was hard to keep track of them all. "Im Redstorm, pleased to meet ya" he says with a polite dip of his head

He was glad this- this Muffin hadn't approached him for a tour. Outsiders, as generally harmless as they were, needed to be watched for a few weeks. Twitchpaw could do it, off his own back, on his own time. But- but as nice as a cat could seem on the surface, no-one knew what evil lurked beneath. Just look at his mother- all smiles, that airy voice of hers! Well- she wasn't evil, but- but she had flaws. Big ones. In interactions with him anyway, but plenty of cats also seemed to like her quite a bit...

Bad example, really. And in fact Twitchpaw could not name a single good example of his suspicion, but it was best to be wary just in case, right? If you just- befriended everyone willy-nilly then you were probably much more likely to end up making friends with someone who wanted to kill you. So- so this Muffin, sweet as she seemed with a namesake and all, he'd watch for now. Seeing her approach Fireflypaw, he watched, watched- vision only obscured by the odd spasm of an eyelid.

As Fireflypaw motioned toward the apprentice den- and then started walking over, the big fool, showing her where they all slept, showing her vulnerability- Twitchpaw scrabbled backward, giving the tour guide and his tour-ee a wide, wide berth. Dithering paws just about managed to steady his form before he went toppling backward into the undergrowth, but- at least he was out of striking distance.
penned by pin ✧
Sheeps just passing by before shes drawn over by the voice of Redstorm (unfortunately, its the one voice she can lock on to), looking over the apprentices and having to replay their conversation in her head before she smiles. "Twitch, dear, are you okay?" she gives the flighty apprentice a quizzical look, one of pure confusion before she turns back to Muffin, the newcomer, and their tour guide. "Well look at you, Firefly!" all grown up, she wants to continue. She remembers the pride and joy on Blazestars face when he had first brought his kittens for a visit and now... They're so big, but poor Morning-

She shakes her head and offers another smile to Muffin. "You've got yourself a very good tour guide, mija! I'm sure you'll love it here, don't be afraid to ask questions!" she attempts to twine her tail with Red's, a soft look placed upon her face.

The flame-furred tom sleeps in his corner of the apprentice den. With many a difficult night, as of late, Greenpaw's slumber is much needed - a brief moment of peace within the chaos.

However, his rest is soon interrupted, voices echoing in his ears. The apprentice stirs, white paws stretching as bright eyes open. And, oh, he can't help the panic that rises in his chest at the sudden volume change that awakens him, can't help the inkling of fear that something else has happened.

But he waits, and listens. Voices reveal their familiar tones to him, give way to evidence that they aren't used in negative circumstances. Safe. They were safe.

Finally, Greenpaw rises to investigate, pacing towards the entrance to gain sight of Fireflypaw and... someone new..? Had he met this one before? Greenpaw isn't sure. But Sheepcurl is nearby and so is Redstorm and Twitchpaw is... being Twitchpaw. Everything is okay.

"Um.. who are you?" he finally asks, head tilting as a crooked tail twitches behind him. A new friend, he hopes, despite echoes of his curse lingering in the back of his mind, "I'm Greenpaw! Are you... Are you staying here? Or do you go back to the twolegs at night?"