official hiatus

Dec 21, 2022
after some deep thought for an upwards of a month.. i have decided upon taking a step away from TT's roleplay scene. due to a current physical health scare that's still unresolved, a relentless work schedule and general lack of motivation, i felt that taking an official break from the site would hopefully do me some good - and put my worries to rest about leaving my hard work and loved characters on standby

i don't know if i will be back. i don't know when, if it'll be a few weeks or a few months. if i return, it's likely that i will restart my roster so that my burnout can be avoided next time.. but who knows, maybe a few of my kitties will tug my heartstrings until i play them again :')

in the mean time, it can be assumed that most of my characters are going about their normal life. the players of slateheart and badgerstripe's kits were notified via the family servers that they will not be rehomed if they fall inactive due to my absence, and they may use the characters as npcs if they wish. i may send off some characters here and there - the only character i'll continue with for the time being is hollyhockpurr as she is plot dependent

i will lurk around the site and discord - i still love reading the roleplays, and i know i will miss you all too much to not sit and chat every once in a while, but my characters will not be played and new ones will not be made until (if) i return. my dms are always open if my characters are needed for anything. see you all next time <3
We will miss you so much ixora, but completely understand needing to prioritize yourself first! I’m glad you’re taking the steps that make you most comfortable as that’s what’s most important, and I’m so happy you’re still gonna be around the discord to hang out :)