OFFICIAL RIVERCLAN GUIDE — [Updated - 08/01/24]


Jul 14, 2022


  • WELCOME TO RIVERCLAN [ Currently lead by @lichenstar played by @tieirlys ]
    A group of cats that lives in the part of the forest that is primarily wetland, making their home among the streams and reeds. This is a clan unlike any other - a clan with all the strength, brilliance, and beauty of water. They are a tight-knit group founded on love for each other and for water. They take great joy in the beauty of the river and are a clan of strong swimmers, highly skilled at fishing. They also love beautiful things and are known to collect rocks, shells, and feathers to decorate their dens and nests. their paws are proficient in weaving, and so they have strong, sturdy dens woven out of reeds to block the elements. riverclan gets by in leaf-bare because, according to other clans, they fatten themselves on fish during greenleaf in preparation for the cold season. RiverClan cats also have a stereotype of being picky, as they dislike adding birds to their fresh-kill pile. Their sleek and handsome pelts are often something two-legs are attracted to and will even take these cats to live in their homes, although riverclan keeps quiet about it because many of those cats do not come back. When trouble finds them, riverclan knows how to weave through the dangers, adapting to the world just as the river flows around rocks and over waterfalls. They are most renowned for being skilled strategists; if their unique battle skills won’t defeat the other clans, their intelligence will.

    To read RiverClan's History from the beginning to our current plot CLICK HERE!

    Nothing can stand against the force of water, just as nothing can defeat riverclan warriors when we rise up together. But when trouble comes, RiverClan knows how to weave through the dangers, adapting to the changed world, just as the river flows around rocks and over waterfalls. We are grace. we are power — WE ARE RIVERCLAN. ❞
    Leopardstar, secrets of the clans .​

    The typical RiverClanner ; RiverClan cats tend to have long, glossy fur that is an asset while swimming. They are contented, sleek, well-fed cats with well-groomed fur. their pelts tend to favor shades of blue and silver, although other colors exist here too. They are known to be clever and graceful, but are perceived outside their clan as being stubborn and lazy. RiverClan cats care greatly for their clanmates and are very protective of their clan. They are quite strong swimmers and move through the water as if they are part of it. their lightning-fast reflexes help them scoop fish from the bank. They are known as the most physically attractive cats of all the clans. They tend to be quite kind to other clans, but still dislike kittypets, loners, and rogues.

    A RiverClanner’s main trait is always loyalty to the river. No matter what happens, they stand for one another and are fiercely protective of their clanmates.

    Guide original written by Blitz Krieg & Reformatted by Rai.

    Riverclan claims the southwestern part of the region, on the opposite side of the river as the other clans. Their territory consists of open, pebbly plains covered in reeds and willow trees. several creeks and streams break off from the river and course through the territory. to the south is the twolegplace, and the rushing river marks their border with windclan to the north, and thunderclan and skyclan to the east. The willow trees thin out in the north, leaving a large meadow between the beech copse and the gorge.
    Official RiverClan.jpg

    Camp : Their camp is on a large, well-drained island surrounded by reeds and sedge. It can only be reached by swimming to it or by the stepping stones, meaning their camp is nearly impossible to attack due to the other clans' fear of water. In the central area, the cats lie and share tongues in the sun. Most of the dens are made up of tightly woven reeds with hard, tangled roofs. Cats weave feathers into the reeds and decorate the edges with sparkling rocks and shells from the river, which light dances off of to make beautiful reflections. Their nests are made of moss, reeds, and feathers, and decorated with rocks and shells.
    𓆝.° The warrior's den is woven from reeds against a thick fallen tree.
    𓆝.° It is next to the nursery, which is tucked into a sedge wall and is made from willow branches and reeds. The river comes up very close to the nursery; the kits practice getting wet and sometimes even swimming, helping them for when they become apprentices. Because of the close proximity of the river, the walls of the nursery are built very thickly to prevent the den from floating away in a flood.
    𓆝.° Across the central clearing from the warrior's den and nursery is the Elder's den, which is at the top of a slope in camp and made of woven willow branches.
    𓆝. The Apprentice's den is further down the slope, woven from reeds and covered in a warm coating of moss.
    𓆝.° The Leader's den is built from willow branches and woven into the roots of the ancient willow, a towering willow tree at the edge of camp.
    𓆝.° The Medicine den is surrounded by deep olive sedge. it opens to a small clearing with a nest on one side. The herb storage is in a small hollow in the sedge wall where little caves are dug into the ground to store herbs. moss drapes over the den's opening. flooding presents a danger and can potentially sweep entire dens away in strong rains.
    The clan leader addresses the clan from a large boulder near the edge of camp called the river rock; it is surrounded by a stream. There is a well-trodden grass track leading away from the sedges and between thick bushes of the camp, providing areas of solitude away from the main clearing.

    Beech copse : a thicket of beech trees with a spacious clearing in the middle that is used as a training area for apprentices and their mentors. Here, they practice battle moves and learn how to hunt prey that isn't fish. Some of the beech trees and nearby willow trees can be used for climbing, although RiverClanners aren't nearly as talented at this as SkyClanners are. In leaf-bare, the clearing becomes icy underfoot from the frost, and the area is open to the sky due to the leafless trees.

    Twoleg camp : A campsite that is used by two legs in greenleaf. While it is harmless during the other seasons, the cats know to stay away from this area during the warmer moons to avoid two legs snatching them up. It often reeks of smoke and ash and is lined with horizontal tree trunks.

    Sunningrocks : Across the river are sunningrocks, a large, smooth granite rock formation with huge gray boulders by the river where cats love to sun themselves and hunt. RiverClan and thunderclan often fight over the lovely strip of territory due to its variety of uses. along the shoreline, the area is sandy. On one side, the smooth, flat rocks face the sun and provide a basking spot, while the other side is sheer, overshadowing the river. Within sunningrocks there is a cleft where cats are able to shelter in. mice are also able to hide in small cavities between the boulders, and prey is abundant between the rocks and the nearby forest.
    𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊ [Sunningrocks is currently owned by ThunderClan.]

    Gorge : a deep gorge cut by the river in the terrain that makes up the riverclan's northern border. apprentices are forbidden to go near it, as falling into it the raging currents means certain death - if not from drowning, then certainly from the impact of going over the waterfall. This as well as the river that continues to flow past this makes up RiverClan's border with windclan.

    Twoleg bridge : A bridge built by twolegs that allows the cats to go to fourtrees when the river is high. This marks the end of their border with the windclan.

    The River : A source of food and protection to the clan. Sometimes it is peaceful, while other times it floods. At certain points in the river, there are stepping stones to easily get across. These stepping stones provide a way for other clans to get to riverclan territory, but the twoleg bridge is safer.

    Twoleg Place : A strange-smelling place where two legs and kittypets live. no cat is allowed to hunt here. However, medicine cats are known to cross into twoleg gardens for herbs that don't grow in the forest. A wooden fence marks the boundary between the forest and the twolegplace, acting as the riverclan's southern border. Riverclan does not take kindly to kittypets, so this border is checked and marked often.

  • Riverclan is home to an abundance of wildlife, both predators and prey. Freshwater rivers and lakes support a huge variety of wildlife from birds and insects that can spend their entire lives in the same place, to larger birds and mammals that appear there momentarily to have a drink or find something to eat. these are just a couple of the animals you could see in a riverclan environment!

    Common Threats
    • Dog
    • Twoleg
    • Otter
    • Fox
    • Adder
    • Owl
    • Harrier
    • Kestrel
    • Badger

    Common Prey
    • Fish (minnow, chub, trout, dace, loach, grayling, lamprey, salmon, barbel, bream, carp, perch, smelt, eel, roach, catfish, pike)
    • Water Vole
    • Water Shrew
    • Mouse
    • Rabbit
    • Mole

  • Unique battle skills :
    Riverclan excels in water-combat. These moves are unique to them.

    Double-front-paw slap-down
    · Splash water into the enemy's face with your front paws, temporarily blinding them.

    Underwater leg sweep ( front or hind )
    · Crouch under water, holding your breath. sweep the legs from under your enemy as their head is raised above water-level; they struggle for breath, as other clan cats naturally panic underwater.

    Push-down and release
    · Wrestle your enemy under water.
    Keep their head below water-level until they surrender, as other clan cats don't know how to hold their breath underwater.

    Underwater clinch
    · Use your enemy's weight to hold them underwater. with a firm grip, raise them to the air so they can breathe, then send them under again. do this repeatedly until the enemy gives up.

    Tail splash
    · Similar to the double front-paw slap-down, splash the water into your opponent's eyes with your tail, temporarily blinding them.

    Underwater push-off
    · Holding your breath, crouch below the water's surface. aim an accurate pounce to the warrior on the water's edge, knocking them off-balance; the element of surprise should win you this battle.

    Decoy splash
    · Flick a splash of water at a distance to create a decoy for the enemy, leaving room for a surprise attack.

    Hunting Techniques :
    RiverClan cats wait patiently by the side of a river or stream, and then flash out a paw to catch a fish, being careful not to let their shadow fall over the water. In some situations, a cat might even dive into the water to catch a fish, as RiverClan warriors are trained to hold their breath underwater.

  • Under the current leadership the following laws are strictly regulated.

    The Warrior Code (as it stands currently) is to be upheld.
    • One’s clan comes first and they may have friends in other clans but to know where their loyalties lie is to be adhered to. Cats found to be getting too familiar with non-RiverClanners may be met with suspicion. (Decreed by Emberstar of ThunderClan.)
    • Do not hunt or trespass on another clan's territory. (Decreed by Chilledstar of ShadowClan.)
    • Elders, queens, sick or injured cats and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they have hunted to feed the elders. (Decreed by Cicadastar of RiverClan)
    • Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to StarClan for its life. (Decreed by Sootstar of WindClan)
    • A kit must be at least 6 moons old to be apprenticed. (Decreed by Blazestar of SkyClan)
    • Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their warrior name. (Decreed by Howlingstar of ThunderClan.)
    𓆛˚。 The Medicine Cat Code (as it stands currently) is also to be upheld.
    • A medicine cat may not have kits. (Decreed by Starlingheart of ShadowClan)
    𓆛˚。 Crossclan romances are forbidden.
    𓆛˚。 Kittypet accessories are not to be worn.
    𓆛˚。 RiverClan cats are expected to carry clan names. Loners and kittypets will be renamed to fit.

    Joiners- RiverClan does not typically allow outsiders to join.
    𓆛˚。 Kittypets are rejected outright.
    𓆛˚。 Hostile or otherwise flippant and rude loners are to be chased out on sight.
    𓆛˚。 Loners seeking sanctuary or wishing to join will be judged on a case-by-case basis with most of them being turned away.
    𓆛˚。 Cats of other clans are not generally allowed to join to avoid political tension. WindClanners especially would never be considered.
    𓆛˚。 RiverClan will generally always take in lost kittens and cats 5 moons or younger.

    Rank Expectations- (Official Rank Guide)
    𓆛˚。 Newly made warriors (and the rare new joiner/new to the clan) are not permitted to have an apprentice until 2-3 moons have passed depending on the character themselves and their level of maturity.
    𓆛˚。 Apprentices may not leave camp unattended unless it is just outside the outer border and still within sight of the camp itself. Apprentices found leaving without a warrior whether their mentor or not will be punished with chores or their apprentice ceremony delayed.
    𓆛˚。 Queens are not permitted to leave the camp if they have kits, pregnant cats will not be allowed to work once they hit a certain point and will be sent to the nursery to remain until their kitting. Once the kits are apprenticed they may return to their normal duties.
    𓆛˚。 Kittens are not to leave camp under no circumstances. Apprentice delays will be acted as punishment should this rule be broken.

    Traditions under current leadership.
    In RiverClan aesthetic is everything, the cats there enjoy decorating both their dens and themselves in whatever they happen across and overtime eventually certain meanings have become centralized to specific objects. This is a rough idea on the various bits and pieces the clan decorates with.

    Rocks/Stones/Pebbles - The most common item collected in the clan and often used to ring nests as a decorative barrier. River rocks are smooth and glossy, worn down by the ever rushing current and make a delightful clattering sound when knocked together. Oftentimes these rocks come in various different colors and patterns and the more wildly unique ones are most valued.

    There is a small tradition in RiverClan of giving rocks with some design association to cats you are close with. A blue stone for one with blue eyes, a pale and cloud-like colored rock for someone you believe is joyful, etc….

    Another, more widely known tradition is that of a Mating Stone.
    A smooth gray river stone (very common) that can be decorated with berry juice and flower stains as desired. When kept in your nest for a moon, it is imbued with your love and positive energy. Only then is it meant to be presented to a cat for whom you love and wish to remain with eternally. It is not required, but rumor has it a mating stone ensures that your love will last forever.
    (This is the cat equivalent of a wedding ring.)

    Shells are another key-point to RiverClan decoration and while difficult to decorate oneself with unless the shape is unique-they make excellent pretty fortification for the bottom area of dens that water might seep into. Large shells often border the outside edges of the camp as well to mark the area off.
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