- Jun 7, 2022
- 62
- 15
- 8
The purpose of a census is to keep track of active characters within the Clan! You may sign your character up on the census after three roleplay posts have been made with them. They will remain on the census unless they pass away or if you have not posted with them in over one month. If your character is removed from the census, they can be added back when three more roleplay posts have been made with them after returning to activity! New additions to the census will be checked whenever there is time, and removals will happen on the first of each month.
Note: characters marked with a ✷ are community npcs, and may be powerplayed for flavor text but may not be killed off
male [21] — female [13] — non-binary [06]
If you would like your character to be added to the census please fill out this form!
Code:NAME [♀/♂/⚥] — rank — short description @Subaccount
TERNSTAR — A massive, fluffy blue-grey tabby she-cat with a white face and striking blue eyes. @Ternstar.
apprentice(s): rainbowpaw
SNOWLARK — Long-haired blue sepia lynx with high white and pale yellow eyes. @Snowlark.
apprentice(s): frozenpawAMBERHAZE — Black oriental shorthair with ocher eyes. @Amberhaze
apprentice(s): lostpaw -
WORMWATCHER — Lanky and wiry black-blue chimera with piercing blue eyes. @Wormwatcher
apprentice(s): puddlepawHALFSUN — A blue tabby and cream she-cat with mismatched blue eyes and long fur. @Halfsun
apprentice(s): lavenderpawLIVIDSMOKE — Black mackerel ghost tabby with low white and stormy blue eyes. @LIVIDSMOKE
SHALESTORM — Blue point/blue chimera w/ low white; blue eyes. @shalestorm
SNEEZEDUCK — A lanky chocolate tabby with unusually long head-fur and golden eyes. @sneezeduck
SWANSONG — A pale, cream-and white tabby with silky fur and periwinkle blue eyes. @Swansong
apprentice(s): promisepawRIBBITLEAP — A scrawny, dark brown tabby tom with marsh-green eyes. @RIBBITLEAP
SCREECHSTORM — A scarred, black / red tabby chimera tom with mismatched green eyes. @SCREECHSTORM
VULTURESONG — A white long haired molly with storm blue eyes. @VULTURESONG
SHRIKETALON — a scarred and spikey furred black and white warrior with hazel eyes @shriketalon
apprentice(s): buzzardpawMILKBRIAR — A lanky, long-haired chocolate tabby with low white and blue eyes. @MILKBRIAR
AGATERAIN — Short-haired fawn/black chimera with low white and heterochroamitc yellow and green eyes. @AGATEPAW.
GIGGLEFLOWER — Long/short-haired chimera lilac tabby. @Gigglepaw
STONESTRIKE — Pretty lilac tom with low white and icy blue eyes. @STONEPAW
MORELBEAM — A blue tabby and white tom with pale, blue-gray eyes. @MORELPAW
SINGEGLARE — Spiky furred flame point with low white and blue eyes. @SINGEGLARE
VELVETDUSK — A slender black, cinnamon, and white cat with dark brown eyes. @VELVETDUSK
LAVENDERPAW — A spiky-furred black smoke with white paws and odd eyes. @LAVENDERPAW
PUDDLEPAW — A SH fawn rosette tabby/ SH black rosette tabby chimera with copper eyes. @Puddlepaw
BUZZARDPAW — LH cinnamon tabby with low white and yellow eyes @BUZZARDPAW.
FROZENPAW — a seal sepia tom with gold eyes and white markings @FROZENPAW
BOUNCEPAW — A warm, black tabby she-kit with green eyes. @BOUNCEPAW
LOSTPAW — shorthair cream tabby she-cat with blue-green eyes @lostpaw
CORNFLOWERPAW — longhaired scrawny silver tabby with low white and orange eyes @CORNFLOWERPAW
RAINBOWPAW — a large, longhaired black tomcat with brown eyes and low white @RAINBOWPAW
BONEPAW — Short-haired silver and cinnamon tabby with dull green eyes. @Bonechill.
PROMISEPAW — A lanky, grey furred tom with starshower markings. @promisekit
DUCKSHIMMER — petite chocolate torbie point molly with cyan blue eyes. @DuckshimmerKITS:
MOLTFACE — Lean, patchwork albino and black smoke feline with sickly pink eyes @MOLTFACE
SWALLOWFLUTTER — A small, chubby red and brown tabby point with two-toned blue eyes. @Swallowflutter.
SILENTKIT — Black Smoke with Yellow Eyes @Silentkit
MINTKIT — A chocolate tabby with a white heart on their chest @Mintkit
✷ HEMLOCKNOSE — stocky brown ticked tabby with a mangled leg
— " He is very warm and paternal to all around, loves to tell kits stories and will gladly watch over them when the queens need a break."
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