Jun 7, 2022


  • ShadowClan is a group of proud and fierce cats that live in the marshland, mostly keeping to themselves. They have the smallest territory and the least amount of prey, which has made it harder for them to fill their bellies compared to the other Clans. This causes them to be willing to add anything to the fresh-kill pile, much to the other Clans' disgust. Other Clans may be faster or stronger, but ShadowClan's warriors are dangerous in their own way; they are independent and ruthlessly willing to do what it takes to protect their great Clan. While others are only suited to fight in the daylight, ShadowClan does equally well day and night. They hunt best at night and are more skilled than others at sneaking through the undergrowth, a skill rivaled only by ThunderClan. Their unique skill of strength in the dark and their cold-hearted reputation has earned them their name.

    Few are welcome here, in our world of secrets and darkness. We are a Clan of cunning and cleverness, a Clan well suited to the shadows of the cold north wind. No other Clan can walk the paths of night like we do. Other Clans may be faster or stronger, but we are the most dangerous warriors: fierce, proud, and independent. We are ruthlessly willing to do what it takes to protect our great Clan. There won't be any softhearted alliances here! ShadowClan will always be the dark heart of the forest.
    — Traditional ShadowClan description.​

    The typical ShadowClanners have pelts that favor darker colors and shades to help them blend in with the shadows. They vary in size from medium to large — it is rare to see a small ShadowClanner. They are often lean or scrawny due to having less prey than the other Clans. Webbed feet help the cats traverse the muddy ground faster, and they are known to have water-repellent fur. Aggressive and ambitious, ShadowClan warriors will do whatever it takes to protect their Clan. Proud, loyal, defensive, and slightly arrogant. They often seem to be misunderstood and are thought of by the other clans as battle-hungry and greedy for more territory. No other Clan can navigate the darkness of night like they do.
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    ShadowClan claims the northeastern part of the region. Their territory is largely made of marshland and bits of pine forests. Though the ground is muddy and wet, pine needles cover the ground and provide a soft cushion for tired paws. Stagnant pools of algae-covered water litter the land, which home the dragonflies and frogs. Tussocks of grass and clumps of reeds dot the marshy slopes. A wide stream cuts through their land, providing the cleanest water source. Just across this stream is the Carrionplace.

    Their camp is in a dark hollow with muddy ground, hidden deep in the shadows and well-concealed by pine trees. It is surrounded by prickly and fierce brambles; a tiny path through the thorny barrier marks the entrance. There is hardly any grass and the ground is nice and cool.

    The leader's den is beneath the roots of a big oak tree. The warriors' den is under a prickly bramble bush, and a nearby bramble bush houses the apprentices. The nursery is within another hollow shielded by a thorn bush, which provides protection against predators in emergencies. The elders' den is dug out from underneath a tree stump with dead branches protecting the entrance. There is a smooth boulder covered in lichen at the edge of the clearing known as Clanrock, which serves as a perch for the leader to address the camp and call Clan meetings. Propped up next to this large rock is another rock, and it creates a sheltered cave underneath that makes up the medicine cat's den. Once through the cave, there is a tiny clearing edged with thick ferns where sick cats can rest within. On the far side is a pool of water with pine trees overhead. Herbs are stored along one side of the clearing in tiny holes covered with ferns. All of the dens are lined with pine needles and moss.

    Located west of camp is the Twolegs' landfill, where Twolegs dump their crow-food and garbage. It is an evil place where numerous rats and diseases lurk amongst the heaps of junk. Though the rats pose a risk for even experienced warriors due to injury and infection, this place is a secret source of prey for the clan during rough leaf-bares. The place itself is described as downright disgusting. Many strange items can be found in the heaps, such as strange black pelts and sharp-edged objects. The putrid stench of the Carrionplace is also quite notable and is able to be smelled from fox-lengths away. The edge of Carrionplace is fenced off with a silver mesh, and there are also large yellow monsters that occupy the area inside.

    South of camp, this is an ancient tree struck by lightning many moons ago. Apprentices are trained here to hunt at night and stalk through undergrowth. It is famous for its history: back when the Clans had been new, the lightning strike set this tree ablaze, and stripped Briarstar of all her lives in an attempt to save her offspring.

    ShadowClan cats move freely under the most feared part of the Thunderpath. This has enhanced their reputation for mysterious strength and invincibility. There are two tunnels - one goes into ThunderClan territory, and on into WindClan territory. This is how the Clan travels to Gatherings. This Thunderpath makes up their border with ThunderClan and WindClan. The pine trees are thick here, which help to conceal ShadowClanners from enemy patrols across the border.

    A group of four large oak trees in a hollow within the center part of the forest territories. In the middle, there is a steep-sided clearing and in the center is a large rock with jagged edges called the Great Rock. The clan leaders use it to look down on the clans and share their news during Gatherings. They are also referred to as the Great Oaks. This is a sacred location under constant truce, where no blood can be shed.
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    • Fox
    • Otter
    • Mink
    • Adder
    • Rat

    • Frog
    • Toad
    • Lizard
    • Rat
    • Snipe
    • Pigeon
    • Marsh rabbit
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    In battle, ShadowClan cats use shadows to their advantage.

    Night Ambush:
    1. Hide in the shadows of the night with your patrol and your enemy spotted.
    2. Make sure your scent isn't drifting toward the attackers.
    3. Wait for the leader of the patrol to give the Attack Tail Signal.
    4. Strike your enemy fast and hard; the enemy will be caught off-guard with a battle at night.
    5. Cut off all your enemy's escape routes, encircling them with your patrol.
    6. If they try to attack, battle again. If they do not, let them through with a warning.

    ShadowClan cats use the dark shadows of the territory and their excellent stealth skills to their advantage when hunting prey. Apprentices are trained from an early age to stalk through the marshy undergrowth, a skill used just as much in combat as it is in hunting.
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    This list will be updated as the Warrior Code rules are added through roleplay.

    1. Defend your clan, even with your life. You may have friendships with cats from other clans, but your loyalty must remain to your clan, as one day you may meet them in battle.
    2. Do not hunt or trespass on another clan's territory.
    3. Elders and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they have hunted to feed the elders.
    4. Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to StarClan for its life.
    5. A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice.
    6. Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their warrior name.
    7. A cat cannot be made deputy without having mentored at least one apprentice.
    8. The deputy will become Clan leader when the leader dies or retires.

    This is a list of rules laid out by Mirestar, separated from the Warrior Code. These are to be followed, and breaking said rules leaves cats at risk of IC consequences.

    ・All members must carry Clan names, and kittypet or Twoleg-made accessories can not be worn.

    ・Mirestar, as of currently, does not allow outsiders to join ShadowClan, having been burned too many times in the past by greedy rogues and loners. The only exception is vulnerable kits under the age of 6 moons.

    ・On occasion, Mirestar might be compelled to turn a blind eye to Cross-Clan romances... they will not allow their kindness to be taken advantage of however. Polite friendships and the like are allowed, as long as you remain completely loyal to ShadowClan only.

    ・In cases of exile after traitorous behavior, Mirestar only gives a grace period of until sundown before allowing ShadowClanners to hunt the disgraced. Being found on the marshes after the fact may result in maiming or death.

    ・Mirestar is keeping a very close eye on mentor and apprentice pairings. They deem the youth to be one of the most important aspects of Clan life, and in an effort to nurture that youth, will be extremely strict when it comes to mentors not being on their best behavior with 'paws. They like to tag along with training sessions in order to keep an eye on the apprentices' progression and comfort levels and will always be present at assessments before warriorhood.

    ・Kittens are not allowed to leave camp, while apprentices, heavily pregnant queens and elders may only to do so with at least one warrior accompanying them.
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